Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

The ATF’s New Form 4473

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 1 month ago

Here are three good reviews of the new form, admittedly a bit wordy in places, but make sure not to miss the nuance.  They all seem to add different things to the full analysis.

I guess the moral of the story is to be very careful in the future what you say, what you sign, and how your purchase your firearms.  Not that you aren’t already so, but increased diligence is required in the future.

In particular, I don’t like the question asking where you are within the city limits where you reside.  I also see this as fomenting the upcoming war between the DOJ/ATF and local, county and state law enforcement over the 2A, with the former pressing increased infringements, and the later exercising nullification.  I’ve told you to watch out for this as the movement expands and increases over the country.  And expand it will, you can be sure.

The Winchester Model 70 Story

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 1 month ago

This comes via Ken’s site.  It should be a daily stop for you.

Remarks: Listen carefully to what the CEO said when they brought the idea for the predecessor to the Model 70 to him.  In my own experience, CEOs rarely if ever make good or right decisions for companies.  It would nearly always be better to put major company decisions up to a vote of the employees, bit a second option would be to use a random number generator to make company decisions.  It would usually be better than what corporate officers decide.

In the Days of the Voice of the Seventh Angel

2 years, 1 month ago

Behold, what glorious things God has done for us.

“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” – Genesis 3:15

Genesis 3:15 is one of the most important Bible verses. It lays out, at the beginning, thousands of years of coming history for mankind that now sits fulfilled in Christ. It also explains the thousands of years-long spiritual war that’s been raging on earth from the start. But it points to the first eschatological event that would set the pattern at the end of the age and for the ages to come.

The seed of the woman would be Christ the King, who crushed the head of the serpent. Christ spoiled principalities and powers in three realms; the prince and power of this world, the devil, and the religions of men were set down when Jesus Christ rose from the dead, and the kings of this world have been made the footstool of God’s own Son.

Many miss the implications of the resurrection. If God raised Christ from the dead, then the domain of death and hell is forever imperiled; having been conquered, the devil is a defeated foe.

And the kings and powers of this world mock God daily, seeking control and lusting to subjugate all the world, but neither is it theirs. For when the seventh trumpet sounded, “…The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” – Revelation 11:15. But we do not read Revelation 11:15 alone, chapter 10 and specifically verses 6 and 7 explain that there should be time no longer.

God permits evil in judgment, but today’s evil men take it upon their own cleverness, declaring themselves masters of the universe while most people marvel in awe at the beast’s system. But that God allows them, they would have no power over us at all. Christians need to stop wondering in their heart after the beastly system because in doing this, they lend authority to the dragon where none need be given. Stop surrendering your power, which comes from Christ, to the servants of the devil.

The glory of our present age is also the problem of these last days. In John 5:24-25 Jesus says that we believers are already residing in eternal life, having passed from death unto life, “…The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.”

Having the Spirit of Christ, we remain stuck between two ages. We’re in the last days, but in the ages to come, we will be resurrected and be like Christ in the new heaven and earth, our home. We are stuck in this vile body yet seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Jesus says in John 6:54 that we are spiritually resurrected, awaiting the last day and resurrection to be like Christ.

Christ is the firstfruits of the resurrection, but not the last, for all those in Christ shall rise on the final day; death and hell will be fully and finally defeated forever. Two verses are essential to explain this reality.

“And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus” – Ephesians 2:6

“Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.” – Philippians 3:21

While we’re here, in the Kingdom of God that now is, we serve God in anticipation of the return of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the saints, and the final judgment.

This present age is not the end, and you that have questions, you that have served the evil of our day, you that are resigned to the sin of these end days, take heart, you believe in God; believe in Jesus Christ.

“9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. 10 And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power: 11 In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: 12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead. 13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; 14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; 15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.” – Colossians 2:9-15

Verse 13 says: “And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses”

And you, adulterers and whoremongers, thieves and cheats, living in vanity, puffed up, full of self-will and pride, murderers and drunks, drug dealers, cheats, crooks, those that have prostituted themselves, and all liars, for who among us hasn’t told a lie, sinners one and all: you who are dead in your trespasses and sins; Christ died for you and rose again on the third day, forgiving your sins and all your trespasses!

“11 In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: 12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.”

The token of the flesh could never save and was only a symbol of obedience to the submission of the heart in faith to Christ, that would come unto you in the fullness of time; that time is now. Putting off the sins of transgression by the faith of Christ Jesus, having believed in the power of God to renew your dead soul to life; we’re buried with Jesus in baptism, raised again in a new Spirit by the operation of God in salvation who is the only power to create life, and life anew in the resurrection by His Spirit that now is, and the coming regeneration on the last day.

Every regulation and every commandment of God has been broken, and none have kept the whole law save Christ. But every one of those was blotted out in the blood of Christ. Jesus’ blood stained the handwriting of ordinances that was against us. Every decree of transgression was blotted out by His blood, as though the law had never existed and therefore could not have been broken; no more condemnation, no guilt, no more shame. The parchment of law is now drenched in Christ’s blood and soaked through to illegible; who can read it to make an accusation against you? Christ didn’t just pay your debt; He obliterated the law as though there had been no sin to commit and no law to break! And took your sin and nailed it to His cross!

“14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross”

Jesus stated plainly on the cross (John 19:30) that “it is finished.” the law has been fully satisfied. He took the law out of the way that was contrary to us and nailed it to His cross. What statute, where, show us the law? There is only the blotted-out ledger nailed with Christ to the cross, forgotten; God sees your sins no more but only by faith in the final sacrifice, the blood of His own Son shed for you. No more fear, no more accusation, no more dread of death and hell; the accuser’s head has been crushed; the law completed in Christ; we cry Abba Father in a brand new, wholly unique, New Covenant that stands forever and ever. Amen.

Why do you seek the law? In what profit is the pursuit of this world’s kingdoms? For what purpose is the all pomp and ceremony of the many religions? What are these weak and fruitless endeavors of men when God wants to recreate you in the image of His own Son?

And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.”

Jesus Christ has made an open show of the foolishness of this world, and not as though God did this in pride. But in love, by His abundant grace, did He offer the pure and sinless blood of His Son to crush the devil and complete the law, making an open show against the religions and kingdoms of this world: God declaring that He is life, and life eternal, Creator and proprietor of all that is. He brings glory to Himself by your acknowledgment in surrender to Him entering into the Kingdom of God. Don’t wait; accept the operation of God by faith in Jesus Christ to bring you life everlasting in the promised hope of standing with Him, an heir to the Kingdom of Heaven. “For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.” – Colossians 2:9. Jesus, in His triumph, is the head of all things, and you must be completed in Him.

“But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.” – Revelation 10:7

If Genesis 3:15 is the start, Revelation 10 and, specifically, verse 7 are equally important, signaling the finish and a noteworthy pivot in the Revelation of Jesus Christ. As all the profits had declared the coming Christ, and the law was only a shadow of the future King and a picture of true worship in heaven before the throne of God; the mystery of God that He would gather all things that are in heaven and in earth together in Christ is accomplished. Jesus Christ has risen from the grave, the mystery now fully revealed and completed; at the seventh trump, Jesus Christ, having blotted out the ordinances, triumphant over sin and death, ended the Old Covenant by its obliteration in the destruction of the temple.

By accepting Christ, you acknowledge by covenant that there is no other power over you. This is a prominent sticking point for many; they know in their heart that God is true, but we are rebellious by nature. Please don’t exchange the temporary for God’s eternity; it’s a bad trade. In Revelation 10:6, the angel states that there should be time no longer, and for you, the time of other kings and kingdoms must be no longer; there is a better law, a better empire, and a perfect King. You can live in the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Lessons to learn from Great Britain’s declining Christianity

2 years, 2 months ago

This article is good in that much of it is accurate. It’s refreshing to see that some ‘get it.’ These concerns are here in America too. One thing the article lacks, although implied in the problem, is concrete solutions, so they have been provided here at TCJ.

The problem has not been other religions converting those in the UK, but of the British leaving the Church out of a seeming lack of commitment. Most church leaders understand this dynamic, and many mainline denominational churches have attempted to liberalize and become more “relevant” to modern society. This liberalization has invariably meant moving away from previously accepted Church doctrine based on scripture. In doing so, these denominations have brought the opposite results of what they sought.

Note carefully that it’s not the congregation’s lack of commitment that is causing them to wander, but church leadership’s lack of commitment to correct doctrine in truth. Casual observers appear around the edges of a church, coming and going, but those in Christ Jesus are inherently attracted to sound teaching coupled with worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:24), for God seeks such a people.

The Church is rather easy to define. It’s strange indeed that so many struggle with it. The Book of John is written to unbelievers so that they might be saved and come to know Christ. There’s no better place to look for the fundamental and elementary foundations of the Christian faith than Christ’s own words recorded by the disciple John.

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:” – John 10:27

“If ye love me, keep my commandments.” – John 14:15

The Church are those who hear Christ and demonstrably love Him by the keeping of His word (following Him): seeking the lost and loving each other, which are the fruits of the Christian life, along with prayer drawing closer to God and faithful bible study that you might learn to teach the next generations of Him.

“Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.” – John 15:8

“By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” – John 13:35

Real Christians are doers of the word of God, not idle observers of ceremony.

For those maturing in Christ, the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 7 are very helpful on this topic:

14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. 15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” – Matthew 7:14-18

Jesus says it’s impossible for a good tree to bring forth evil fruit. Now, men make mistakes, but when confronted with the truth of fundamental Christian doctrine and faith, the evil will flee (or demand you leave), but the righteous shall stand forth in repentance restored by the truth, knowing their own faith in Jesus Christ will make them whole.

And, again, we’re warning of church incorporation, which is Cosmic Treason against God and a root of the problem, which tends toward bad leadership.

Back to the linked article:

American leaders need to pay attention, as the dynamic is playing out throughout Christianity in the West: As the percentage of Christians in the West has declined, Christian influence on society and culture has declined, and as a result, society has become more morally ambiguous. Families break apart or never form and children are left without moral guidance. The growing and scripturally faithful churches offer the anchor and moral clarity people seek at this time. Those attending scripturally faithful churches are not coddled with whimsically morphing values, as has happened in too many of the declining churches. Christians are exhorted to commit to counter-cultural “biblical” moral standards which don’t change.

In regaining biblical Christianity, the Church will grow and society will benefit from the salt and light the Church is called to provide.

The Church of Jesus Christ is for believers; it’s not a mixed multitude. Regaining biblical Christianity for a small group of believers either means tossing out unrepentant sinners, including false leaders, or standing up a new fundamental core group that can demand adherence to the teachings of Christ and the removal of sin from their midst. Keep in mind; the Church is not a building.

“…strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life…”

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, Oral Arguments in Bianchi v. Fosh

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 2 months ago

Just wow.  If this is the level of reasoning present in the courtrooms of American, it’s no wonder we are in such trouble.  The judges are just awful, especially Thacker (while Neimeyer and Richardson are only slightly better), and while Neimeyer and Richardson should probably be disallowed from doing anything more complicated than sweeping floors, I’m not certain that Thacker should even be allowed to answer phone calls.

I’m also not very impressed with the first attorney, but the second one (arguing for the state of Maryland for the AWB) was as dishonest as he was disrespectful of the judges.  He had the gall to argue that the fact that so many people own AR-15s didn’t mean that it was in common use for self defense.  He wanted the case to be remanded back to the district court to develop that argument (he doubts that it’s ever been used).

It’s astonishing that the judges didn’t hold him in contempt for making such a ridiculous argument.  Even after Bruen, the state of Maryland still cannot abide the ownership of America’s Rifle, and also cannot seem to come up with good arguments against it.  If the judges allow that bit of stupidity he expressed to hold the day, it’s a stupider court than I had even imagined.

And I’m very unimpressed with the 4th Circuit.  For what it’s worth, the entire edifice of whether a weapon was once in military use is silly and was never a good foundation.  All weapons were used in the military, pump action shotguns, semiautomatic shotguns, bolt action rifles, semiautomatic rifles, machine guns, cannon, knives, etc.

Listen to it all, or begin at 24 minutes if you want to hear someone actually argue that ownership of said weapon doesn’t count as common use if it hasn’t actually been used in a self defense scenario.  He wants you to suffer a home invasion in order to kill his argument in court.

Gun controllers are such awful people.

Black bear spotted in downtown Knoxville

2 years, 2 months ago

Video here. News story here.

Goldsby’s husband, Thomas, was out walking their elderly dog, Dandy, at about 4:45 a.m. along Main Street when he ran into a Knoxville police officer shining his spotlight along the First Baptist Church lawn.

The officer rolled down his window and asked him if he had seen a bear.


Bear sightings in Knoxville occur with some frequency. Erland [PD Spokespuppet] said he recalled one instance, about three years ago, when a bear refused to leave a tree in Morningside Gardens Apartments in the Five Points neighborhood. In that instance, TWRA wildlife officers tranquilized the bear and relocated it to a forest, he said.

Bear populations are growing in Tennessee, but it is more common to see bears in the spring and summer, according to the TWRA website.

East Tennessee’s black bears are normally elusive and shy animals, and unless they have become accustomed to human food sources, they tend to avoid people, the website says.

Any local can tell you that that is a bald-faced lie. The article had just said sightings “occur with some frequency,” which is much closer to the truth. It’s never good to see a bear in winter. Winter bears are usually hungry and may have no fixed den location. They should be avoided. Info about bear dens is here and here. I suspect they’re living within city limits and certainly in Knox County.

If you encounter a bear at close range, the TWRA advises, “Make your presence known by yelling and shouting at the bear in an attempt to scare it away. If a bear is reluctant to leave then proceed to throw rocks or other objects at the bear while continuing to yell. Portray yourself as the dominant animal and do not back down. If a bear is close enough that you feel uncomfortable, slowly back away, continuing to yell while watching the bear at all times. Never run from a black bear as this may trigger a natural response to chase.”

Discharging a firearm inside city limits is illegal, but self-defense, which the State has preeminence over, is not. I generally carry hollow points unless purposefully going to a less populated region; that may have to change. Run by communists and being overwhelmed with carpetbagging leftists who destroyed Maryland, California, Illinois, and Massachusetts, Knoxville is turning into an unpleasant place to live; bears are the least of its problems.

Animals Tags:

Bolt Action Rifles in 6mm ARC

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 2 months ago

Slav Guns has this fun video of unboxing of his new Savage 110 Switchback, which apparently was only built in a limited run and only available through Sportsman’s Warehouse.  He obviously intends to remove the action and put it inside a chassis.

One commenter remarks, “I’m waiting for the Ruger Predator.”  I didn’t know they were intending to build a 6mm ARC bolt action gun, but he might have meant the Savage 110 Carbon Predator, which is available in 6mm ARC.  He said that the Savage 110 Tactical was being built in a 16″ or 18″ barrel, defeating the point of the 6mm ARC.  The Savage 100 Carbon Predator is also being built with a 18″ barrel.

Right now not even the Savage web site shows this in 6mm ARC, while Shooting Illustrated says it is.

Field & Stream has an article up on low recoil deer cartridges.  Their list is as follows.

  • .223 Remington
  • .224 Valkyrie
  • .243 Winchester
  • .257 Roberts
  • .25-06 Remington
  • .260 Remington
  • 6.5×55 Swedish
  • 6.5 Creedmoor
  • 6.8 Remington SPC
  • 7mm-08 Remington
  • .30-30 Winchester
  • 350 Legend

It’s beyond me how you could write an article on the best low recoil deer cartridges and not mention 6mm ARC, using a bullet twice the weight of the 5.56/.223, essentially the same velocity, with only slightly more recoil.

Perhaps it’s the lack of viable bolt action rifles in this round, but you can still use an AR for the hunt.  Grendel Hunter has as many or more 6mm ARC uppers as they do 6.5 Grendel.

I remain disappointed at the slow adoption of this cartridge.


New Jersey Judge Halts Black Bear Hunt Just Days Before the Opener

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 2 months ago

Outdoor Life.

New Jersey appellate court judge issued an order on Wednesday, Nov. 30 to temporarily pause the state’s first black bear hunt since 2020, which was set to start on Monday, Dec. 5. The halt is in response to a lawsuit filed by the Animal Protection League of New Jersey, the Humane Society of the United States, and Friends of the Animals. These three organizations decry active black bear management and denounce population count methods used by the state. (If this all sounds familiar, it’s because a similar lawsuit was filed in Montana over wolf hunting.)

Many New Jerseyans were shocked on Nov. 15 when governor Phil Murphy and the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife reinstated a limited black bear hunt. Governor Murphy had sworn to end the hunt once and for all during his campaign but changed his tune after bear encounters spiked across the state. New Jersey has one of the highest concentrations of black bears in the country, with an estimated population of around 3,000 to 4,000 bears. New Jersey is 8,723 square miles, putting the population density at around one bear every 2.2 square miles. However, since much of the state is made up of metropolitan areas, densities in some places are likely much higher than that.

No one deserves this more than a state who would elect the likes of Bob Menendez and Cory Booker to the U.S. Senate, and Phil Murphy to the governor’s mansion.

Actions have consequences.  Suck it up, New Jerseyans.  Call the cops while that black bear is charging you or tearing your pet dogs to pieces.  Their response time should be less than half an hour.

Modern game management techniques and herd size control are only for smart people.  The rest can go pound sand.

Dispute Between Ammoland and TCJ

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 2 months ago

I removed a post made by fellow writer PGF.  I did so after receiving this note from Ammoland editor Fredy Riehl, as follows.

Hello  captainsjournal100″ (sic)

You have content from our website that is in violation of our copyrights. (here is one example, you have multiple.)

The Captain’s Journal » Self-Defense Skills and Drills, The Casino Drill (

 Please remove all content and images you may have scraped from our domain at once and email us notice it has all been deleted and scrubbed from your domain

This is a poorly written letter with awful editing (e.g., you don’t end the sentence with a period if there is a qualifier in parentheses, nor put a period inside the parentheses, I don’t know what the ” is about at the beginning of the letter, etc.).  But I got the gist of his offense.

I responded to Fredy as follows.

Mr. Riehl,

To avoid problems with you, the offending post has been removed.  The post was made by one of my somewhat less experienced co-writers, not me, but that’s irrelevant to the main point.
But let me make this clear to you.  I don’t consider any other post (of which I’m aware) to have violated ANY legal stipulations whatsoever.  I consider previous posts in which TCJ has linked Ammoland to be “fair use.”  I make precisely zero (0) dollars or cents from my web site.  In fact, I have to pay for the services.  This is a labor of love for the sake of the 2A.
Furthermore, I’m surprised that you would have sent this note.  You clearly don’t understand the way the internet works.  We ALWAYS lift a bit of pose out of articles, commentary, and observations, usually make some comments or remarks of our own, whether agreeing and expanding on the points (usually the case) or in rare cases disagreeing and explaining why, and then send the reader to the link we provide for Ammoland (or whatever other publisher).  This increases (a) your traffic, and (b) your internet power (Google Page Rank).  That you don’t understand this is a testimony to … frankly, I don’t know what.  I rarely get notes like this except from very small publishers who get almost no traffic.  Again, I’m quite surprised at you.  Almost stunned at the ignorance of your note.
David Codrea and I have exchanged links like this almost forever, and if I do lift some limited content from his web site or Ammoland article (or Firearms News), I will NEVER copy in a link he provides himself based on his own research.  I have also helped him a bit with research (usually limited but it has happened), never demanding payment or recognition.
Henceforth, I will link to Ammoland almost never.
See how that works?  Was that what you intended?

And I will add that the instances where I have helped David are extremely rare and the instances where he has helped me far outnumber the times I’ve helped him.  But the point still stands.

For evidence of what I’m saying, go peruse Instapundit any day to see the prose they lift from articles, sending visits to the source.  It’s all fair use.  This is the way the internet works.  PGF responded to me with this note.

Not only did I link the full article but what i did amounted to a tease and promo, even directing the reader that they had to procede to ammoland to get the main and important information.

I responded back with this note.

I know.  They’re acting like a small and inexperienced publisher.  This is all water over the dam.  This is fair use, and they know it.

I’m not worried about it – in fact, a bit offended that he sent the note to begin with.
This is why the 2A community might fail in the end.  He thinks we’re siphoning traffic.  Rather, we’re sending it to him.

Fredy finally responded with this: “Thank you for your fast action and for your support of our second amendment.  This is all just a matter of housekeeping when we have a large site with lawyers involved.”

I don’t think so.  I think the Ammoland lawyers know the difference between copywrite violations and fair use by sites who make no income (but rather, send traffic to the source).  I think Fredy has a flair for the dramatic.

And thus, I won’t be linking Ammoland anymore.  I thought I should explain this to readers.

“Inadvertent oversight” means Indiana deer hunters can’t use rifles on public land

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 2 months ago


A state lawmaker is now admitting a mistake was made that has led to a lot of confusion and anger from Indiana deer hunters. New regulations prohibit hunters from using any kind of rifle to hunt deer on public property, like state parks. But the author of the bill that caused this said that was never the intention.

Republican State Representative Sean Eberhart (Shelbyville) authored House Bill 1415, which is at the heart of the confusion.

“First of all, it was something that nobody caught when the bill was first passed,” said Eberhart.

In 2016, rifles could be used on public land only when they shot pistol rounds, but high velocity ammunition could be used on private property. This year, lawmakers changed the existing law to clarify the rules regarding high velocity rounds.

I think that’s an error in the article.  Rather than “pistol” cartridges, I think it should have read “straight wall” cartridges, which would include 350 Legend (Indiana was one of the reasons the cartridge was designed to begin with), 45-70, etc.  But I’ll let an Indiana reader clarify this.

“The intent of the change was to make it more clear on what high velocity rifle rounds you could use on private property,” said Eberhart, “when that change was made, it inadvertently pulled in the pistol rounds as well [and] unfortunately the law now says that you can use those high velocity and pistol rounds in a rifle, but only on private grounds.”

That oversight has left deer hunters unhappy. Many outfitters and gun stores we spoke to on the phone said they’re getting calls from angry and confused hunters.

When questioned how neither he nor any of the law co-signers caught the oversight before it was voted on, Eberhart responded, “That’s a good question, not only did we not catch it as myself or any other legislator, LSA didn’t catch it, no other department didn’t catch it, DNR didn’t catch it, so we had a lot of eyes on this bill and no one caught that inadvertent change.”

In light of that, Eberhart hopes to fix the problem soon.

“I’m very confident we can address it come session time in January…but it’s my hope that we can address it short term as well,” said Eberhart.

What that short term fix could be and whether it can happen fast enough for this season, which starts November 18th, isn’t clear. But Eberhart reiterated that he and his fellow lawmakers are working on a solution.

Yes, this article is dated and I missed it when it came out, but after a brief search I haven’t been able to find any amelioration of this stupidity.

I’m also not convinced that this is an error or oversight.  The simplest thing to do here to remove the ban on all cartridges and let hunters shoot what they want, thus ensuring ethical harvesting.

Indiana’s hunting lands are far more expansive than where I live, and we don’t shoot centerfire cartridges into homes around here.  The alleged concern is a sham.

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