Feral Hog Fends Off Entire Wolf Pack
BY Herschel Smith
Field & Stream has the backstory. “A wildlife photographer named Slwomir Skukowski recently shared rare video footage of a mature wild boar fighting off a wolf pack in a Polish forest near the village of Mrzeżyno. The three-minute clip was filmed with a trail camera, and it’s amassed hundreds of thousands of views since Skukowski uploaded it to Youtube on December 13. It shows the big Eurasian boar thwarting multiple advances from at least seven wolves working in unison to bring it down.
In the video, the big hog is seen charging into the encircling wolf pack with reckless abandon. The wolves continue to approach the boar, but they never actually take it down—at least not in front of the camera. Eventually, the snorting pig scatters the canines, and they retreat to a nearby ridge before regrouping for another attack. Around the three minute mark, the wolves disperse and the clip cuts out.”
Of course, we don’t know what eventually happened, but it’s significant that one hog dispersed a pack of seven wolves, not once, but multiple times. They are smart enough to know when there is danger of being gored by an animal that can run as fast as they can.
This is why you carry in the bush regardless of where you are. In the Northwest it might be brown bears, but in the South it’s snakes, wild hogs and black bears. There is danger everywhere. Never go out in the bush without a sidearm.
Here is the video.
Here is a related video from the Southlands of the U.S.
On January 8, 2023 at 11:30 pm, PGF said:
Wolves take turns wearing down isolated prey. The video gives textbook wolf tactics of the hunt. It may have taken six or eight hours to wear it down, but they probably ended up eating that hog.
On January 8, 2023 at 11:38 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Two things. Yes, you’re right. But you don’t know if that hog gathered around other hogs later. Hogs rarely if ever travel alone. I’d put seven large boar hogs up against seven wolves any day. One gouge from a tusk and the wolf will die of sepsis.
Second, what you said. The wolves had to wear it down. It’s not a rabbit. It can kill you – or the wolves.
On January 8, 2023 at 11:46 pm, Dan said:
The wolves weren’t hungry enough to take the risk.
On January 9, 2023 at 9:59 am, Okanogan Offgrid said:
“In the video, the big hog is seen charging into the encircling wolf pack with reckless abandon.”
When I read that sentence, one thing came to mind: The Samurai saying “To win any battle, you must fight as though you are already dead.”