Why Are Short Barreled Rifles Actually Regulated in the US?
BY PGF2 years ago
This is relevant to the Pistol Brace rule.
The simple truth is that short rifles and short shotguns were never a problem, and continue to not be a problem today. The 1934 National Firearms Act originally wanted to restrict handgun ownership, and the clauses relating to SBRs and SBSs were simply to close the loophole of a person cutting down a rifle or shotgun to get around a handgun prohibition. That handgun (effective) prohibition was removed before the legislation was passed, but the SBR/SBS parts were left in. And thus for 89 years we have has the ridiculous legal situation in which a handgun is fine, a long gun is fine, but something in between is prohibitively regulated.
The pistol brace ban started with Bumpstocks and then binary triggers. If this isn’t stopped now, all manner of features and accessories will be banned until you’re left with nothing but a flintlock. But if you read the ruling carefully, they’ll be banning all rifle stocks soon, starting with the standard six-position AR stock.
On January 15, 2023 at 9:03 pm, Chris said:
Look at the Overall length of the 2.
One requires permission and a ILLEGAL TAX (imo)
On January 15, 2023 at 9:36 pm, George said:
I had read about the original intent to ban handguns, but I had never heard of the reasoning for the ban on SBRs and SBSs.
Is it to much to hope that this will eventually take restrictions off SBRs and SBSs?
On January 16, 2023 at 7:05 am, Joe Blow said:
OK, I’m done at this point. Why are we even discussing this infringement as if its not completely unconstitutional?
On January 19, 2023 at 12:17 am, Longbow said:
Ian does a very good job breaking down the SBR thing.
I would simply ask, how many people, in the United States, carry concealed these days? Millions? Tens of Millions? It is a net plus to public safety. Plain statistics prove it.
I wrote my own essay on the NFA a few years back. I am not as polite as Ian is.