Barrett Firearms Sells Out
BY Herschel Smith
BREAKING NEWS: Australian defense contractor NIOA has expanded its global reach with the 100 percent acquisition of the industry-leading rifle design and manufacturing company, Barrett Firearms. #NIOA #BarrettFirearms #TheLeaderInLongRange #Barrett
— Barrett (@BarrettRifles) January 16, 2023
Well then.
So what does this mean for Barrett’s promises not to sell to law enforcement where the rights of the citizens aren’t honored?
What does it mean for Barrett to sell to a company ensconced in a tyrannical country like Australia where one cannot own a firearm?
On January 16, 2023 at 11:34 pm, Paul B said:
Sell stock in your company and you cant control some of what can happen.
On January 17, 2023 at 3:02 am, Aesop said:
The phrase “Dead To Me” springs to mind.
And just in time for the S.H.O.T. Show. Marketing genius, right there.
On January 17, 2023 at 6:58 am, Joe Blow said:
Wow. I would like to hear from Ronnie before jumping to conclusions?
I mean, every man has his price, and if they drove a dumptruck full of money up to my house I might not say no….
But they just moved to Nashville? Doesn’t add up….
On January 17, 2023 at 8:19 am, Don W Curton said:
Yeah, I’ve seen other family-owned businesses sell out either shortly before the patriarch retires, or shortly after he dies. The next generation sees the big potential pay-out and figures, why continue to work? Or the patriarch, expecting the kids to sell out ASAP, sells out first instead and then has a much nicer retirement. Either way, their business and their reasons.
Would be interesting to hear the backstory, but I fully expect the company to change to the ever-present corporate management style soon.
On January 17, 2023 at 8:46 am, Heywood said:
Money doesn’t talk. It screams.
On January 17, 2023 at 12:19 pm, Drake said:
That’s a shame.
On January 17, 2023 at 5:25 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
My late father, an electric engineer who later served as a high-level executive in a multinational electronics firm, told me one day not long before his retirement in the mid-late 1980s (we were playing golf at the time, if memory serves) that his greatest concern was that the nation would lose her industrial base – either to other nations (Japan was the chief competitor in those days), or through the selling of American companies to foreign owners.
A USN veteran of the Second World War who later held high-level security clearances for much of his career due to the sensitive nature of his work and that of the company, my father was particularly concerned about not losing the industrial base necessary for a secure and robust national defense.
His greatest fears have been realized, sad to say, and this country’s industrial base is but a shadow of what it was in 1945, when the industrial output of the U.S. was fully half that of the entire world.
In light of the foregoing, I am sad to see Ronnie Barrett selling his firm. As far as friends of this country go, Australia certainly ranks as one of the best and most-loyal, but it is a shame that Barrett couldn’t at least find a U.S. buyer.
On January 17, 2023 at 8:53 pm, PGF said:
I understand that Mr. Barret would not sell to anti-2A county and city police. But the question is, will they now sell exclusively to Police and military, abandoning the “civilian” market? That will undoubtedly be the case in Australia with this firearm. Wouldn’t that be something if our once and long-time Allie sold arms into America to be used against its people?
On January 18, 2023 at 12:07 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
It may work out just the way you describe. I hope not, but stranger things have happened.
Without knowing the back-story and the details of the deal, I probably ought not to comment further, though….
On January 18, 2023 at 4:15 am, Aesop said:
Stop tap dancing around the obvious, people.
Barrett, exactly as the header describes, sold out. They went from making a lot of money and promoting loyalty by refusing to sell to LEOs in states where TPTB figured that government and police were the “only ones”, and then sold his company to a company in the country who’s just spent the last two years putting people in gulags for refusing the Jab, after codifying the “only ones” anti-gun precepts into their national law.
This is hypocrisy in 40′ tall letters on a hill.
There ain’t enough lipstick to make that pig into a prom queen. Stop trying.
Say it with me: “Dead to me.”
Call it another case of Bill Ruger Disease, AKA “F**k our customer base if there’s money to be made in screwing them over”. (And with a non-American company, you will be screwed over. Ask S&W how that worked out for them in the ’90s. So don’t act all shocked and dismayed when it happens in your face.)
It’s okay to be in business to make money. But it’s not okay to be in the gun business only to make money, and use a pro-2A stance merely as a marketing ploy. If you’re just a whore, wear it and own it. But don’t pretend to be a patriot for sympathy points.
And remember what Smith & Wesson looked like when their stock was at 19 cents a share. You will see this material again.
On January 18, 2023 at 1:30 pm, Just An Aussie said:
Awesome news – with a bit of luck I might get my hands on a Barrett Fieldcraft down here in Australia now. We are allowed firearms (for now) but are a HUGE warning for everyone else to not register
On January 18, 2023 at 1:47 pm, Just An Aussie said:
your firearms. You can see what is going to happen one day. Our politicians and media mouthpieces LOVE a good tragedy and get their blood dancing boots out at every opportunity. Our Firearm Registers are a huge, mis-managed, corrupt police / government body that are insecure and have provided shopping lists for thieves. Anyone who doesn’t own a firearm doesn’t give a toss.
The average shooter can’t make waves because we are all well past our eyeballs in debt to afford our houses. If you make waves, you lose your job. It’s how they got most Aussies to take the experimental medical treatment.
So things won’t change here. We’re importing unskilled labour in droves because zoomers don’t want to leave the cities and risk breaking a sweat. It’s why and how our politicians are artificially keeping our real estate prices impossibly high. A population too scared to say “boo” because some keyboard warrior might “call-them-out” is a compliant population.
FFS the Premier of NSW was excoriated in the media a couple of weeks ago because he wore a “moustache-man” uniform to his (private) fancy-dress 21st birthday party over 20 years ago. Instead of saying get reamed, it was a private party over twenty years ago, the imbecile grovels a tearful apology all over the media.
It’s only going to get harder to keep our firearms every damn year.