Holosun Red Dot + Night Vision
BY Herschel Smith
Holosun is known for making reliable, affordable red dots, and their new line of red dots is designed for use after dark. There’s a digital night vision model and two thermal models (standard and high definition).
They optics have a small footprint, a little larger than their AEMS, and are affordable compared to competitive offerings. The night vision optics will be about $1,000, and offer a 1024×768 resolution digital night vision sensor with up to 60 fps. They’ll also have features like 8x digital zoom, video recording, and are powered by two 18350 rechargeable batteries.
The DRS-TH Pro is the high-definition thermal red dot, and it will have a 384×288 resolution with white hot, black hot, highlight, outline and fusion display. The high-definition thermal will be around $2,300. For comparison, Steiner makes a thermal red dot that will set you back $7,500. The bad news is that these new optics aren’t available yet and you likely won’t be able to buy one until the end of the year.
They’re taking a smart approach to the product. They are overlaying the thermal image over their red dot. This will be effective for not only night hunting of game like hogs, but for home defense as well.
For $1000. I see it coming now. Lawsuits brought by Trijicon and Steiner and whomever else wants to join. “We thought of it first and wanted to patent it but they beat us to it, we don’t want that product to be legal in the U.S.”
For companies that jack their prices up out of reach to the ordinary citizen and go whoring after military and LE contracts, this is the first reaction. It all pays for their boats and college for their children, don’t you know.
On the other hand, companies like Holosun keep building products people want for a reasonable price.
New @holosunoptics Thermal (DMS-TH) spotted today. Check out how it overlays! You can have the thermal off and simply use it as a red dot sight, or turn on and have the thermal overlay the live image. Estimated launch late 2023. #shotshow2023 #thermal pic.twitter.com/vY8LagGBc8
— Top Shot Dustin (@TopShotDustin) January 19, 2023
On January 22, 2023 at 11:38 pm, Dan said:
The relevant question for such products….always made in China…is how resilient they are, how long they last before going t*ts up.
On January 23, 2023 at 4:57 am, Nosmo said:
$1K MSRP means about $890 street. They will not be able to make nearly enough to meet demand.
On January 23, 2023 at 12:38 pm, PGF said:
Initially, without having used one, it looks like a situational awareness nightmare. In a real fight I’d rather have full night viz view or full darkness with eyes acclimated.