New Releases of the Marlin Lever Actions Rifle
BY Herschel Smith
It’s good to see both the demand and response by Ruger/Marlin. It’s good that the 30-30 is finally coming out. I expect they’ll be scarce as hen’s teeth for a while.
It’s good to see both the demand and response by Ruger/Marlin. It’s good that the 30-30 is finally coming out. I expect they’ll be scarce as hen’s teeth for a while.
On January 23, 2023 at 7:11 am, Elmo said:
I get a kick out of the comments to that second video, with all the suggestions of what Ruger/Marlin should make. Especially the guy that wants a .44 Mag lever gun. I guess he missed the part of the video where the factory rep holds up the new 1894 in .44 Mag.
It’s easy to see what Ruger is thinking. They’re making the Marlins that they think will sell like hotcakes. I think they’re right.
Hopefully these blued/walnut models will be a little less expensive than the two stainless .45-70 models were. They were pretty pricey.
On January 23, 2023 at 7:45 am, RomeoCharlieWhiskey said:
It usually takes a few years for manufacturers to release enough supply to meet/exceed the demand for popular, new levers. To wit, the Henry All-Weather & X models in .357/.38, introduced >2 years ago, are today still getting > $ list price on GunBroker. I trust Ruger running things (QC-wise) now at Marlin more than when the vulture/venture capitalists at Remington Outdoors were wrecking the company’s goodwill, letting loose their Remlins.
Many times, good things come to those who wait.
On January 23, 2023 at 8:03 am, jrg said:
Great news. I hope the new products can match the original quality of manufacture as Marlin had.
On January 23, 2023 at 2:11 pm, Don W Curton said:
Well, the good news is that I just inherited a 70’s era Marlin 336 in very nice condition. So that scratches that itch just right. Between that and my Winchester model 94 in 30-30, I’m pretty well set. Still, after a few years for manufacturing to spool up and price to settle down, I could see buying yet another lever action 30-30 from the Ruger/Marlin boys. I love me some lever actions. Being a lefty, it’s cheaper for me than trying to hunt down left-handed bolt actions.
On January 24, 2023 at 1:05 pm, =TW= said:
The 1894 looks about right- glad they retained the barrel band. I could do without the checkering but that’s a minor quibble.
Can’t wait to handle one in .357.