BY Herschel Smith
“They blew me off.” It’s not the same MC today as even when my son served in Fallujah.
Hi @USMC. My dad will be 100 yrs old on 2/24. A Marine during WWII. 5 assault landings. We'd love it if a uniformed Marine came for a visit – say "HI" to him. Few WWII Marines are left alive. Sent a message thru the Marine Corp portal.
They blew me off.
Thanks pic.twitter.com/V273AE648O— Jim Thompson (@JimmySportToons) February 2, 2023
On February 3, 2023 at 12:17 pm, luke2236 said:
Oh, they’d just send some half black woman with green hair dressed as a man to lecture him on his racist toxic masculinity anyway…
On February 3, 2023 at 1:55 pm, Michael said:
I wonder if we could find his address?
Doxxing for kindness
On February 3, 2023 at 2:04 pm, PGF said:
Should have went and asked a local recruiter to stop by at lunch for 30 minutes. Asking command for anything is a waste of time.
On February 3, 2023 at 4:22 pm, Bradley A Graham said:
…My Corps, Your Corps, Our Corps, Marine Corps………
It’s not the Old Corps anymore, it’s the Cold Corps.
On February 3, 2023 at 5:02 pm, Okanogan Offgrid said:
I suggested on another site that if there is a Marine Corps Recruiter within driving distance, that Recruiter would probably be happy to send someone, or go himself to visit the old guy.
On February 3, 2023 at 6:46 pm, jb said:
Its clear to me that in a Communist Amerika the government wants all recognition of US history, especially military history buried. If you are Caucasion it means your are White supremacists. If you fought the Japs or Muslims you are racist. Its certain that the US is run by Communists and that elections are a wasted effort. The only freedom fighters remaining in the US are in their last decades of life. America as her founders designed her is dead. Americas youth are useless in preserving freedom. America as a free nation is over.
On February 3, 2023 at 7:13 pm, James said:
Early 80s, used to drink beer with AF recruiting sergeants in their office when i was 17. Good times. their assigned vehicle was a K-car, biggest POS ever manufactured.
On February 3, 2023 at 8:26 pm, Freedom Isn't Free said:
I have Grampaw’s WWII USMC dog tags with some B&W photos and Pappy’s uniform with 101st logo, parachute wings, rifle marksman badge.
Some puke stole the M-65 jacket.
@ JB, age is just a number and it is worth fighting for, I’m willing to fight to the end for nieces, nephews, so they don’t have to live in a gulag.
On February 3, 2023 at 11:36 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
That 100-year old Marine from the Second World War is more man and more patriot than the current ‘woke’ Marine Corps deserves. So maybe it is a blessing in disguise that the planned meeting didn’t happen. The perfumed princes don’t deserve a man of his stature…. and if I feel sorry for anyone, it is for the young Americans (the few of the ‘real McCoy’ remaining in that branch) who won’t get the chance to rub shoulders with a giant of a man.
@ jb
Re: “Its clear to me that in a Communist Amerika the government wants all recognition of US history, especially military history buried.”
You got that right… I am a military historian of long experience, some five decades now (yeah, I’m that old, but I did start as a kid), and good luck trying to find a single graduate school which even offers a concentration in military history and can confer a degree in it. Ten or fifteen years ago, Ohio State still ran a doctoral program in it, but who knows now? And a historian who specializes in it can kiss a tenure-track job or its prospects good-bye, especially if he is a WASP type…
I’m not sure I’d want to work in post-secondary academics these days anyway, but my point is that the formal study of military history in our colleges and universities has been on life support for a long time now. Not because it is an unimportant field, but because the Cultural Marxists don’t want Americans to know their own history, and especially the history of their fighting men.
About the only exceptions to this pattern lie within the military under-graduate and post-graduate arena, and those places are increasingly taken over by woke ideology anyway.
“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.”
– George Orwell
On February 4, 2023 at 4:08 am, Miles said:
Jim’s dad was doing wire signal or electric power work because that’s a pair of Linesman pliers in that pouch and he’s hooking a palm tree like it was a utility pole (brave soul)…. been there, done that.
On February 4, 2023 at 9:42 am, PGF said:
@GB61, like a great many things, Military History has moved to the informal. Most serious pursuits are being erected parallel to the officially sanctioned and now woke version.
You might be interested in Mr. Buppert’s Chasing Ghosts, for example.
On February 4, 2023 at 10:56 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
Re: “@GB61, like a great many things, Military History has moved to the informal. Most serious pursuits are being erected parallel to the officially sanctioned and now woke version.”
Yes, that is certainly the case. I studied history on my own long before I knew that formalized programs for it existed. And the “amateurs” may have a vital role to play, not unlike the monasteries of old during the Dark Ages, when they preserved the culture and knowledge of the antiquity until civilization rose again. Someone needs to preserve it, for goodness knows that the woke crowd are doing their best to erase the past. Or at least the parts of which they do not approve…