Banning My Son From Doodling A Gun Is Not A Solution To School Shootings
In response to the headline: perhaps not, but homeschooling sure enough is.
Photo from the article: attributed, artfulblogger/Flickr/cropped/ CC BY 2.0
From the article:
The only thing more predictable than boys being fascinated with weapons is them eventually sketching one in class. But that’s not allowed anymore. What is it that makes a little boy — practically straight out of the womb — take an interest in weapons and emulate gun-toting, swash-buckling heroes? Even doctors aren’t sure. As one pediatrician told me about my then 16-month-old son who turned every stick into a sword, “We don’t know why. They just do it.”
Doctors don’t know why because they are almost exclusively Godless servants of money, turned agents of the State for profit. But “we” do know. In a post here at TCJ, Ignorance, Feigned or Real, we show that inherent sin is provable, both in nature and from Scripture.
Now, weapons are not evil, sinful, or a sign of sin, but necessary for living in a world overtaken by the results of the fall of man into sin. Sin entered into the world through Adam’s disobedience to God, and all men inherited this sinful nature from him (Romans 5:12). Seemingly, the Holy Bible being its own authority and believing what the Bible says about inherent sin upset some lurkers. Oh well. Jesus loves me; this I know because the Bible tells me so. If the Bible is good enough for God, it’s good enough for me. Where were we?
All men are sinners. As one does not have to teach a child to strike another child and steal his toy, so too, the very need for self-defense is evident, even inherited knowledge in an infant. If the child will commit assault and theft quite without any training in the matter, why should he not, evidently in his nature from Adam, recognize the need, yay, the divine right of self-defense to preserve life and immediately, even as an infant, undertake to train himself in this requirement? We see no discontinuity in the idea.
Even a heathen doctor could have told this mother; we do this because we are men, and we must keep you from harm. It is our duty. Seems simple enough even to somebody who’s never read the word of God. Now, as we know, this duty of men comes from God and is evident in nature. Woe to them who makes the State or women rulers of households and keepers of men as chattel.
You can read the rest of the sad tale of child abuse at the hands of government communists indoctrinating children in the ways of sinful effeminacy if you desire. Get your children out of government-run schools!
On February 24, 2023 at 6:57 am, Grunt said:
Doctors don’t know?? Give me a break! What in their pill pushing education makes anyone think they have the answers to a young boys mind.
On February 24, 2023 at 12:08 pm, Sean said:
Many a decent man or woman I have met that tells me, ” I don’t know if I could take someone else’s life, even in self defense”. I always tell them that’s fine, some one else will take your life for nothing, just the same. Once self preservation is drummed out of children, it takes a mighty effort to restore it in the misbegotten US of A. And of course, our communist whip handlers here, are all for the non-violence, ever, even when it is the only recourse. I don’t go looking for trouble, but I am aware it is always present, and any man or woman worth their salt will be ready for it. This country is full of sleep walkers, those who do not understand that are walking around in a violent world.