Minnesota Joins The Communist Club Concerning Firearms Regulations
BY Herschel Smith1 year, 10 months ago
Maybe they were already a member. I don’t often follow Minnesota politics, but this one is a doozey. If you value your firearms and live in Minnesota, you will have to move if this bill passes.
On March 1, 2023 at 8:23 am, J said:
As everyone knows, this shite comes from the loons in the Twin Cities and surrounding metro. Most are oblivious or don’t care as long as they can watch the Twins and Vikings while snacking on Swedish meatballs. Taken over by the din do nuffins …You Go Samoliapolis!
On March 1, 2023 at 10:15 am, MN Steel said:
Last month, the Twin Metals copper-nickel mine was torpedoed by DC simply by creating a buffer around the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, killing a bunch of jobs and needed resources for advancing the green agenda.
Also last month, the state courts shut down plans for an OSB mill in Cohassett that would have replaced a lot of the jobs being lost when the coal-fired electrical generation plant there closes, and would create a lot of jobs in the woods feeding the mill. That was torpedoed due to the local tribe being butt-hurt about not being “consulted” and getting bribed, so the woods trend toward California fires.
Those nominally “in charge” at the capitol have also introduced the Small Engine Ban bill and all kinds of goofy shit with the re-election of the Obese Schoolteacher. The only big thing they were not able to achieve in the initial power grab was mandatory vaccination for all, recall that Dr. Doom Michael Osterholm from the U here was chief bedwetter for the Vid, and now Round 2 is to set the stage for 15-minute Cites, Rewilding, electric everything based on windmills and solar panels in Minnesota where it never snows nor is cold, and all on a conpressed timeline.
They can pass all the laws they want, which will surely include gems like “no food hoarding” or even growing your own food or owning chickens without a license, but they will have to enforce all these laws before society totally breaks down.
It won’t happen because the timeline is too compressed. With even another year or two, much less five or ten years of lockdown, all this would have been a cakewalk over a cowed and subservient population.
I know that tactical victories were in short supply during his residency, but I am beginning to come around to the theory that Operation Warp Speed interrupted a timeline of total control implementation. This would have been absolutely ridiculous 7 years ago, or even two years ago, but things have gone hilariously retarded in terms of almost everything after Warp Speed was announced.
Seems to be leading to an apocalypse in the Greek form.
On March 1, 2023 at 2:34 pm, dad29 said:
It’s been apparent that Minnesota has gone totally loonybin for about 2 years. It was always a Left-ish State, but not crazy; now it’s crazy.
Look at their “education” establishment for clarity on the direction.
That State is the next California.
On March 1, 2023 at 5:05 pm, X said:
The Blue states are simply never, ever going to accept Bruen or any other court decision favoring 2A rights. They. Don’t. Care. Every single one of these states is giving a giant middle finger to the Court.
The only way that court decisions favorable to gun rights can be enforced in those states is for the President to send in federal troops with bayonets fixed the way Eisenhower did in Little Rock in 1957. And that’s not going to happen.
We are back to the 1850s, where the country is “half slave, half free.” Half the country is “constitutional carry” while the other half restricts every single aspect of firearms ownership it possibly can — purchase, carry, ownership, magazines, ammo, everything.
Ultimately what is going to happen is that people in Blue states are going to have to move to Red states if they want any rights, and hope that this stuff does not get implemented on the national level. Beyond that we are getting to the point in half the country where you are literally going to be faced with a Concord moment — you’re either going to hand your stuff over, or they’re going to kill you.
On March 1, 2023 at 10:10 pm, Bradley A Graham said:
I guess this doesn’t qualify as ” Minnesota Nice “……….
On March 2, 2023 at 1:35 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ X
Re: “The Blue states are simply never, ever going to accept Bruen or any other court decision favoring 2A rights. They. Don’t. Care. Every single one of these states is giving a giant middle finger to the Court.”
Even amongst the elbow-patch tweed jacket professorial/academic crowd, historians and political scientists and such, it has been an open secret that the “nation” of the United States is – and has been for quite some time – several nations within the borders of that entity. One scholar whose name escapes me at the present wrote about eight separate and distinct regions within the lower 48 states alone.
The political left loves courts and the law and the political process when it works for them, but you’ll see less-fiery volcanoes in comparison to the temper tantrums thrown when these things don’t give them what they want.
This country is in the process of being hollowed out, i.e., made into what is termed a “failed state” – and being Balkanized at the same time. “Balkanized” makes reference to the famously fractious and unstable region of SE Europe which gave rise to “the war to end all wars,” known as the Great War or WWI, and a term which has since come to describe any polity or nation in danger of fragmenting or breaking up, perhaps even violently.
A “failed” or “hollow” state is one which appears to be ‘normal’ and functioning as intended with an executive or head-of-state, legislature or parliament, courts and all of the other trappings of civic/governmental life – but which is beneath the surface facade of normalcy, the actual state is a hollowed-out shell of its former self, the appearance of status quo normalcy is in fact an illusion.
If the state isn’t really being run by the government – then who is running things? Funny you should ask, because nature abhors a vacuum and in place of the government all sorts of things may be found – ranging from criminal gangs and cartels to tribal leaders and their tribes (as in Afghanistan) to oligarchs and billionaires as in the U.S. and much of Europe.
Of course, there is a continuum of failure and hollowness, if you will, ranging from modest to total. Mexico, for example, has been considered such a state for many years now, since the drug cartels effectively run certain parts of Mexico and not the authorities in regional/national government in Mexico City.
Afghanistan the nation has always been a polite fiction; the government in Kabul has managed to run the capital city and a few other places (by day; night is another story) but in the hinterlands, the tribes and tribal leaders run things. These states can be considered “failed” or “hollow” only according to the western model of the nation-state; in tribal terms, they are probably considered as the norm and nothing to complain about. The tribe has been the primary unit of social organization in that part of the world for eons.
One feature of a hollow-state is that regional and local government begins to ignore or overrule national or central government at times. The reactions of the various deep-blue hives/states around the country demonstrate this. If the Supreme Court doesn’t rule the way they want, they do their best to ignore it and work around it. Business as usual, in other words.