SWAT Team Shoots My Innocent Sleeping Client
BY Herschel Smith1 year, 10 months ago
Several remarks before you view the report.
First, there shouldn’t be any such thing as SWAT teams. They aren’t constitutional – there is no basis whatsoever for busting in another man’s home, law enforcement or not.
Cops should not have machine guns. Any need for machine guns implies a need to call out the local militia.
Cops should not have rifles. Any need for a rifle should be reason to call out local militia.
Cops should not have semiautomatic pistols. They should only be allowed to carry .38 special revolvers, and only when they have proven that they can be trusted with them.
Cops should always wear uniforms, including shirts, ties, slacks, and badges, along with name and rank.
Cops should NEVER be allowed to cover their faces for any reason whatsoever.
Cops should never even knock at doors at night time hours unless there is a clear and present danger inside the home from which the residents of that home need to be protected or for which they need to be warned (such as fire).
It should be a felony for a cop to interact with or engage with the population without a body camera.
All body camera video should be immediately made available to the public over web sites, virtually in real time.
Judges should not approve warrants for raids on homes. Those who do should be removed from their post.
Yes, I’m an uncompromising constitutionalist.
On March 21, 2023 at 11:39 am, Chris said:
I agree with your restrictions with one exception: Cops (sheriff’s deputies) in rural areas should have rifles – .308 or bigger not .223 – for handling large animals that must be put down. Bolt action or lever guns should be fine. No need to call out the militia for a moose struck by a car.
On March 21, 2023 at 1:40 pm, PGF said:
Why call anybody? Can’t the person who finds an injured animal handle it himself?
On March 21, 2023 at 6:54 pm, Chris said:
They can, it they are suitably armed. Would you deny the right to carry a suitable arm to someone just because they are law enforcement? Because they patrol the roads, sheriff’s deputies are often the first on the scene of an accident. Let them have the tools they need to do their legitimate job.
On March 22, 2023 at 12:31 am, 91B40 said:
Rural deputies in my area in Oregon (many years ago) carried .38’s and either a 12 gauge pump or a Winchester Model 94 .30-30. More than adequate armament for a peace officer.