Head of WV State Police Resigns Amid a Scandal of Epic Proportions
BY Herschel Smith1 year, 10 months ago
I’ve watched John Bryan do God’s work for several years now in WV, and he is in large measure responsible for shining light on the complete corruption of the WV state police.
He’s lost some significant cases, but solely because of the horrible rulings by the Fourth Circuit, a gaggle of sophomoric, pompous and unscholarly rubes second only to the second circuit. They found against the defendant in the case of a young man carrying an AR-15 to hunt Coyotes, claiming directly against what they claimed in U.S. versus Black, and going on a diatribe against the rifle itself. Just several months ago, even after Heller, McDonald and Caetano, went on another diatribe against the AR-15 and ruled in favor of Maryland’s AWB in Fianchi v. Fosh (and the SCOTUS had to send it back to the Fourth Circuit for reconsideration under Bruen, just as they are pressing the Second Circuit to make the right call for gun owners in NY).
Anyway, even though Bryan has lost some cases, in every case I can think of, his arguments were sound and the fault lies with stupid courts. But he has won many cases, and managed to bring a lot of light to the corruption in WV on the local and state level, and at least a modicum of justice for his clients.
As I said, he is doing God’s work.
On March 25, 2023 at 2:37 pm, PGF said:
What took him so long? It’s by pure hubris that he thought somehow he would get away with leading a failed department. The wait alone exemplifies the attitude of all police; believing they are above the law that they are supposed to enforce. Did he think his union rep would get him off the hook?
Will any heads roll?
On March 25, 2023 at 2:51 pm, PGF said:
The question I meant to ask is, will any other heads roll?
On March 25, 2023 at 5:16 pm, Bill Buppert said:
No heads will roll because the just-us system will never betray its primary feeder mechanism, the coproach, to balance the scales. Such a reckoning would tip the balance to liberty over state and that will NOT happen.
On March 25, 2023 at 8:56 pm, Dan said:
The judges on these courts aren’t stupid. Ignorant perhaps, agenda driven most certainly.
The commie left has worked VERY hard to insure as many spots on the bench as possible are occupied by THEIR PEOPLE. When they succeed these are they types of outcomes you see.
Based on ideology….leftist ideology. NOT on the Constitution or law.