In Christ’s Own Words
BY PGF
The book of Romans is often cited as a road to building faith in God and how to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. So too, the book of John seems to have as a primary purpose telling of forgiveness for sin through Jesus Christ by faith in His death, burial, and resurrection from the grave. And many example verses and sections of Scripture show the truth about the hopelessness of the works of man’s own doing, the consequences of sin, and the pain of death and hell for men who reject Christ. But what did Christ say about these things, including trusting in Him alone to have faith to enter into life everlasting with the Holy Creator?
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.” Jesus Christ
Whether building initial faith or as a self-education tool for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, this post is presented to increase men’s faith in Jesus. Faith comes by hearing the word of God, which He has magnified above His own name (Psalm 138:2), so we’ll look at several verses in the word of God, primarily from the book of Luke.
It seems that Luke, though he was a believer, recorded Christ’s time on earth and the times of very early Church history from the approach of a dispassionate observer. Luke, inspired by the Holy Spirit of God, is the penman of the Book of Acts. He also penned down the Gospel According to Luke, from which the verses below are taken.
“For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” – Luke 19:10
This verse sounds very simple at first glance, and you may think it doesn’t apply to you. Jesus is seeking you, but what does it mean to be lost and then saved, and why is Jesus seeking you?
Salvation is from sin, and admitting you are a sinner is often a hurdle. So a lost sinner must understand why corruption from sin is harmful and, most importantly, how it has damaged your relationship with Holy God. And you must know that Jesus is the way to have your sin not only forgiven but removed altogether from the presence of Father God. Without shedding of blood there is no remission. Here is the requirement to enter heaven: having your sins purged by the blood sacrifice of a perfect and sinless living offering to God. There is only one such offering, the Christ of God, Jesus.
A man is lost because he’s wandering alone without God, and Jesus is seeking you to save you from hell, like a shepherd looking for His sheep that’s gone astray.
“4 And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.” – Luke 12:4
We were designed to fear death, given an innate desire for life by our Creator God. You can try to prolong your life with great effort, but eventually, your body will expire. Your fears won’t save you, and no amount of wealth, doctors, or good things you’ve done will stop the day from coming. Everyone must die. Death is the result of sin. It stalks every man; we are all sinners. If there was no sin, if you were not a sinner, then you could have no fear of death. But you are a sinner.
“2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. 3 Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. – Luke 12:2-3
Nothing is covered or hidden from God. There will be a judgment of all men. No sin will be allowed into heaven. All that’s been done in darkness; lying, stealing, cheating, slandering, every word and every evil thought and desire of the heart and lusts of the flesh will be judged.
God knows all your secrets, and everything you’ve attempted to keep hidden from view will be brought to light; there can be nothing private at God’s great judgment. Secrets are kept due to shame of oneself or malice toward another man, all of which God rejects. God is holy, perfect, and sinless; He won’t allow sin in heaven because it would defile His holiness. He won’t have unforgiven sinners in heaven with Him.
It’s excellent that Jesus calls us friends and He teaches us who to fear in the following verse from the Holy Bible. The Bible is God’s holy word; do you trust it to tell you the truth? It shows Christ’s loving kindness and desire for you to know and entrust Him with your soul in eternity.
“5 But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.” – Luke 12:5
You know that you have sinned against Holy God, and the judgment of God requires payment for your sin, which is death and hell. You must fear God, understanding that He alone has power and authority over whether you go to heaven or hell, and His decision is final. There is no higher power over you than the Almighty, who created you and gave you life.
You must know that you are a hell-bound sinner, fearing God Almighty. When you meet God, you will finally realize what holy is and how awful your sins have been.
God holds the number of your days in His hand; at the appointed time, you will die. He’s a just judge and will have an accurate accounting, but He’s a merciful God who also wants rest for your soul in heaven. Not only is Jesus your friend who loves you, but God loves you so very much that He knows your name and sent His Son Jesus to warn and to call you to Him. God is warning that there is no other way but Jesus Christ as payment for your sin. Nobody wants to die and go to hell, and with Jesus as your Saviour, you needn’t fear death.
Therefore, we understand, thus far, that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God; none can get to heaven on merit or ability. You will die and face the judgment of God for your sin, which is hell. We’ve hinted at it already, but what can a man do? It’s essential, this thing of avoiding the wrath of God in judgment. Deciding to trust Jesus and serve God is the most pressing decision you will ever make.
Let us now look at two important things that Jesus said.
“I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” – Luke 13:5
Jesus leaves no room whatsoever for discussion or argument over the matter. There’s no other way; if you do not repent, changing your mind about the sinful condition of your eternal soul and admitting that God is the Judge of the living and the damned, you will perish in eternity, which is eternal death in the damnation hell.
And this next verse, again spoken by Jesus Christ, says that He didn’t come to call the righteous.
“I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” – Luke 5:32
He didn’t come to call pretty good folks. He didn’t come to call those doing good things for their neighbors, or those following the law, or keeping some religious ceremonies or church rituals. He didn’t even come to call people who’ve kept the Ten Commandments or people being faithful church members.
No, He came not to the righteous man but is calling a sinner like you to repent toward God by putting your faith in the power of Jesus to save you.
So what can you do?
Jesus Christ is the sinless Son of God and lived in bodily form as a man, yet without sin. He, being innocent, accomplished for you what you could not do on your own. Being perfect, Jesus satisfied God’s judgment on the cross against sinners and was raised from the dead.
“Saying, The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be slain, and be raised the third day.” – Luke 9:22
You must believe, by faith, that Jesus Christ was slain; crucified on the cross, Jesus paid your sin debt to Holy God. This sacrifice occurred two thousand years ago and stands good with Holy God today as payment for your sin. And He was buried, but He was raised again on the third day. He proved that He has command over life and death when He rose from the dead. This shows you that He can give you eternal life.
“And when he saw their faith, he said unto him, Man, thy sins are forgiven thee.” – Luke 5:20
What does Jesus say; thy sins are forgiven thee! If you have faith and believe in the power of Jesus to save your soul, God will forgive you eternally, which means forever. He’ll make you a son of God, welcomed into His loving kindness.
And, here comes the best part. Jesus has the power of life and makes the offer of life everlasting to take you to heaven with God for all time. Do you believe it? Jesus can change your life now, and you can meet God and be friends with Him!
It’s all about life everlasting in heaven. If you will follow Jesus in the Kingdom of God and be His disciple above anything else, then pray to Him.
Nobody can tell you what to say to God. It’s between you and God through faith in Jesus Christ. But you have learned the essential things to pray about while reading this discussion; you know what Christ said in the verses above. Pray to God from your heart if you would.
In prayer, seeking to be saved from the offenses you’ve committed against Holy Father God, ask forgiveness from Him; tell Him you’re sorry for your sin. Tell Him you know in your soul that He has the power and authority to save you from hell. Explain that you believe Jesus paid your price for entrance into heaven. And explain to Holy God, in prayer, how you will serve Jesus in the Kingdom of God.
God is faithful and true; He always honors His word. When He makes a covenant, you can count on Him. He says you will receive eternal life in the glories of heaven with Him if you believe.
“I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.” – Luke 15:7
There shall be joy in heaven for you who call upon God through faith in Jesus, seeking in prayer everlasting forgiveness and life eternal. You, just one sinner seeking Holy God, bring all of heaven to tremendous jubilation for your trust in Jesus Christ. Salvation is of the Lord.
On March 25, 2023 at 4:21 pm, It's Been Written said:
A wretched sinner almost always up to no good and yet God still loves me.
There is no greater love in the universe.
Thank You God.
On March 25, 2023 at 6:30 pm, George said:
Did not mention putting on Christ through Baptism. Not the washing away of filth of the body, but a cleansing of the spirit.
On March 30, 2023 at 8:37 pm, Sinner Save said:
Hallelujah for the LORD God omnipotent reigns! “Salvation is of the LORD. ” -Jonah 2:9c KJV.