Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

The Escapades of the Illinois State Police

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 12 months ago

Via WiscoDave, this raid is simply horrendous, both in its justification and execution.  First, for all we know there was never a warrant.  Following the constitution isn’t an option – it wasn’t a justification for the SWAT team member to point into the sky and tell the home owners that a warrant existed somewhere with somebody else.  Without presenting a warrant, they had no right to be there at all.  You can tell that the team knows this and sort of stood around looking all confused in the middle of rolling up, right after they unnecessarily busted down doors to the property.

Next up, observe their equipment.  One has NODs and a battering ram.  The next one has a grenade launcher (presumably for gas) + NODs, combined with an EOTech sitting on top of his weapon (and if I’m not mistaken, no Peq15).  Finally, the third one has NODs, but I can’t tell if he has a Peq15 on that gun.

This is in the middle of the day.  They have NODs.  In the middle of the day.  And if the raid was so dangerous that they needed a SWAT team to pull it off, why do they have the time to stand around jawing with the victims of this absurdity?

Police everywhere have proven over and over again that they can’t be trusted.  They should be disarmed for the safety of the American people.  Only the responsible ones should have weapons, and they should go back to the .38 Spl wheel guns.  Police everywhere ought to be required to wear a uniform, tie and head cover at all times, and carry warrants with them if they presume to enter private property.

Finally, he’s muzzle flagging the victims of the raid.  They have poor muzzle discipline.  I’ve said many times before that you’re never in more danger than when the police are around.  Get away from them absolutely as soon as possible.

For those who don’t notice, this raid was perpetrated under the authority of the Sheriff of Mercer County, Illinois.  One might suppose that they didn’t feel comfortable with knocking on doors and chatting with the homeowners, so they requested the state police to drive up and bust down gates and batter through doors with equipment they don’t know how to use, all given to them by unnecessary FedGov spending after too many foreign misadventures that went on for far too long.  With such fear, how does one function every day in life?  If you follow the links to their web site, you get a WordPress platform ready to be built.  I don’t know how anybody even reaches this office when needed.  This has to be one of the goofiest, most unprofessional operations I’ve ever seen, the Sheriff + the Illinois State Police both considered.  They appear to be a bunch of goobers.

Apparently, the Sheriff does have an email address:

War in the Courts Over the 2A

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 12 months ago

There have been a lot of developments of late concerning the various lawsuits which have been brought against the FedGov.  This first one concerns cases in Illinois, where Mark analyzes the strength of the state’s case to ban semi-automatic firearms.  Here’s a hint.  It’s a very weak case, so weak in fact that they will not prevail on the merits.

In this case, Mark analyzes a revised decision out of the 5th circuit concerning the RKBA when a court order has been issued against you.  Listen to the whole video.  The ramifications of this case go far beyond what you think.

Finally, this case concerns so-called “Ghost Guns.”  A injunction has been issued against Garland, effective immediately

We’re winning in court everywhere.  Whether this redounds to increased recognition of liberty is anyone’s guess.

SLED Chief Mark Keel is Nothing But a Common Criminal

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 12 months ago

Mark Keel is famously the biggest law enforcement name in S.C. who opposed open carry in S.C. before the house and senate finally ignored his big mouth.  He was one of the many LEOs in S.C. who fumed about gun battles and blood running in the streets, and LEOs who couldn’t tell the difference between good guys and criminals because … well, you know the story, only LEOs are the good guys.

I can’t stand the man.  I’ve never liked him.  Now I have justification for my hunches and suspicions.  He’s nothing more than a common criminal.

Let’s see where this goes: lying to a judge, judge shopping, refusing to follow the law and turn over evidence, and apparent willingness to destroy another man’s property along with a demand for impunity.  Watch the video until the last where the judge says what she thinks of him.  Sometimes, I guess, judges are decent people.

What a jerk.  S.C. would do well to get rid of him.  He needs to retire to a state penitentiary.

Most American Gun Owners Keep A Weapon Unlocked, Study Finds

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 12 months ago


Researchers surveyed 2,000 firearm owners about how they stored their weapons for a study published in JAMA Network Open.

More than 58% of firearm owners stored at least one gun unlocked and hidden, while nearly 18% of firearms owners stored at least one firearm unlocked and unhidden, the study found.

The study found that gun safes were the locking device most commonly used among firearm owners, rather than other locking mechanisms researchers examined, like cable locks and trigger locks.

Nearly 50% of respondents who didn’t lock their firearms said locks are unnecessary, while more than 44% of respondents said that locks would prevent quick access in an emergency.

Researchers said the findings of the study suggest that increasing the use of secure storage among firearm owners may require increasing access to safes, calming fears about how quickly firearms owners could access their weapons in emergencies and elucidating the risks with unlocked firearms.

They act like this is some sort of great revelation, something worthy of an article or a “study.”  I could have told them that, almost down to the numbers.  In fact, I suspect these numbers are a bit low.

It’s a revelation to them that if you put a lock on a firearm or store it away in a safe, it’s not accessible to you in exigent circumstances.  You know, exigent circumstances – the time when you are most likely to need that firearm.

What good is a firearm if it’s locked?

Sure, it might be a great idea to lock them away with small children in the home, and there are biometric safes for that, but we oppose efforts to legally mandate such things.  The FedGov isn’t God, regardless of how much they want to be.

The Destruction of the U.S. Military is Almost Complete

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 12 months ago

In sad news concerning the U.S. Marine Corps, those in charge have decided to rid themselves of one of their greatest assets.

The Marine Corps is getting rid of one of its most elite and storied jobs — the scout sniper.

Official message traffic leaked to social media last week described a switch from scout sniper platoons to what will only be known only as “scout platoons.”

[ … ]

The Marine Corps’ commandant, Gen. David Berger, has been vocal about wanting infantry Marines to become well-versed in multiple weapons systems — less specialized and more “commando-like.”

That’s a joke.  I’ve told them before what it would take to bring them up to par with SOCOM, or thereabouts, so they don’t get hand-me-down weapons and last place in the money pecking order.  It’s basically everything they’re not doing.

In unfortunately related news, the greatest close air support aircraft ever invented is finally being phased out because AF pilots want to fly sexy fighter jets, I guess.

  • After years of debate, Congress has approved a US Air Force plan to begin retiring A-10 Thunderbolts.
  • The A-10 is the only US military aircraft purpose-built to provide close air support to ground forces.
  • But training documents raise questions about the Air Force’s focus on that mission going forward.

After repeatedly blocking the US Air Force’s attempts to retire the A-10 Thunderbolt II, Congress late last year approved a plan to decommission 21 of the venerable ground-attack aircraft, which is the only US military aircraft purpose-built for close air support.

Those retirements would shrink the Air Force’s A-10 fleet to 260 aircraft, and Air Force leaders plan to continue decommissioning A-10s in the years ahead.

Air Force officials have said they want to replace the A-10, affectionately known as the Warthog, with the F-35 as the service’s primary close-air-support aircraft.

That last statement is as much of a joke as the MC statement I called out above.

The gutting of the U.S. military is almost complete.  The perfumed princes have been in charge for too long now to recover it.  Is it any wonder they aren’t meeting recruitment goals and won’t in the future?



What Will DeSantis Do About the Permitless Carry Bill?

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 12 months ago


Lawmakers are poised to let Floridians carry guns, without the need for a concealed weapons permit. In a strange crossfire, though, the pro-gun bill is drawing heat from both sides of the battle over access to firearms.

So-called ‘constitutional’ carry advocates are angry because they want people allowed to openly display weapons, a step not allowed in the legislation. Supporters of more gun limits call it crazy to give more untrained Floridians the opportunity to wield guns.

But the delicately crafted ‘permitless’ compromise has the support of the Florida Sheriffs Association and other law enforcement groups, who balk at open carry. A question hovering: Will DeSantis sign a bill that doesn’t satisfy Second Amendment ideologues?

I’ve written on how this so-called “constitutional carry” bill is a farce, a phantom put forward by workers of magic and flim-flam artists.  I’ve also written DeSantis to tell him that no one will be happy with this outcome.

The progs will hate him for it, of course.  But this doesn’t appease those who want their liberty recognized by law.

No one wins.  It means nothing.  It’s worthless.

Will DeSantis sign it?

Biden vows to ban assault weapons ‘come hell or high water’

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 12 months ago


Biden made the comments at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference in Baltimore, Maryland on Wednesday night.

“I know it may make some of you uncomfortable, but that little state above me, Delaware is one of them, has the highest rate, one of the highest rates of gun ownership. But guess what? We’re going to ban assault weapons again come hell or high water and high capacity magazines. When we did it last time to reduce mass deaths,” Biden said.

These are signs of a demented old man who doesn’t know what’s going on around him.  First, those sentences make no sense.  The second bolded sentence is a sentence fragment and thus incomplete.  Also, it bears no relationship to the preceding sentence.  The man is losing it.

Second, the horse left the barn long ago.  He’s down the road and into the bush now.  There’s no getting him back in.  Semiautomatic pistols and handguns are ubiquitous.  They’re everywhere, carried on a daily basis even if your local Karen can’t see them.  You see, we’ve made it like that.  We’ve made it to where gentlemen don’t openly display their weapons.  Like criminals or those who are ashamed, everybody hides them now.  Karen’s can’t see them, and because of that, they don’t know that so many exist.

But they do.  Multiple tens of millions of them.  And they won’t be confiscated or turned in.

Further, the Bruen decision has now made it impossible for there to be a national ban on semiautomatic weapons.  A new AWB is a pipe dream.

Deal with it.

SSG-69: Steyr’s Cold War Sniper Rifle

1 year, 12 months ago

The Forerunner of The Modern Sniper Rifle at Forgotten Weapons


In the 1960s, Steyr Daimler Pusch developed a modern sniper rifle for the Austrian military (and also for commercial civilian sale). It was adopted as the SSG-69 (Scharfschützen-Gewehr; sharpshooter’s rifle), replacing the SSG-98k in military service. Mechanically, the SSG-69 uses a bolt with six rear-mounted locking lugs in 3 pairs, giving it a short 60 degree throw. The stock is made of polymer and the barrel is cold hammer-forged, both fairly cutting-edge elements at the time of its design. It was a factory 1MOA rifle, also something considered typical today, but quite impressive ein the 1960s.

Includes two videos. The first from Mr.

And this from Practical Accuracy:

Guns Tags:

Concealed Carry Drill: Basic for Beginners and Warm-Up for Experienced Carriers

1 year, 12 months ago

By Ben Findley:

Concealed Carry Drill Description

My Concealed Carry Drill is from a usual close-up self-defense distance of 3 yards and the shooter fires 15 total shots from the draw. It tests your accuracy, precision, and quickness for safely getting 3 hits each on 5 targets, using 4.5 inch, 3.5 inch, 3 inch, and more challenging 2.5 inch targets at the close-up tactical, bad-breath 3-yards distance.

3-3-3 Rule

Remember the 3-3-3 Rule: Most deadly-force self-defense encounters occur at 3 yards or less, 3 shots are fired, and in 3 seconds it is over.

This is why martial training to gain separation if grappling or in tight spaces is essential. Click on the link at the top for how to run the drill.

TCJ is not a for-profit webpage, but in the interest of honor, at the author’s request, “Col Ben’s Concealed Carry Drill” Copyright © 2019 FLORIDA HANDGUNS TRAINING – All Rights Reserved, is mentioned here.

Poor Man’s Survival Fire Kit

2 years ago

Everybody can find a way or two to make and keep fire from this video. We’ve had some nice days here lately in parts of the country. Don’t slack off; winter isn’t over. Keep your kit handy and up to date.

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