Texas DPS 25 yard course of fire (Jan 2021)
BY PGF1 year, 9 months ago
This drill is better described as a Course of Fire and comes via Active Response Training. It’s (was?) used by Texas DPS in their handgun training program.
It’s intended to be shot on the giant B-27 target [full-size man silhouette], scored like the Texas License to Carry test (8-9-10 rings score 5, 7 ring scores 4, on target but outside the 7 ring scores 3). To make it harder I’ve been shooting it using a Shoot Steel target center, where the B zone (center circle) scores 5, the C zone (roughly same size as the 8-9-10 ring on a B-27) scores 4, and everything outside the C zone scores zero (unacceptable hit). The images below are NOT to scale, since the B27 is 24″x45″ and the Shoot Steel target is 18″x24″.
The course measures the quality of shot placement in multiple situations, including switching hands, more than one body position, and several distances up to 25 yards. I don’t like the scoring system. I prefer a tighter scoring system with less allowance for poor shot placement in the time allotted. I’ve not shot this course or the Texas Carry Qual. It looks like a better challenge with the more difficult target (pictured above) that the author uses. It would be fun to run against buddies as a friendly challenge. Go to the link for more background and full instructions.
On April 3, 2023 at 8:30 pm, Karl Rehn said:
Shot using the original B27, scoring 90% or better is do-able by someone at the USPSA C class/IDPA Sharpshooter level. Using the smaller Shoot Steel target (could use a B-8 pasted on an 8.5×11 sheet of paper and count anything in the black as 5 and anything on the paper as 4), shooting 90% (225/250) becomes an IDPA Master/USPSA A-B class level challenge, if you run it drawing from concealment using your actual carry gun or a duty grade pistol and holster.
On April 3, 2023 at 8:55 pm, George said:
I worked training a church security team. (At least I tried.)
I used this course with the B27 target. They passed.
On April 4, 2023 at 8:04 am, Frank said:
I did the Texas CHL course on a whim one day, on a visit to TX before I moved there. Shot a 249 out of 250 (dangit!) with a borrowed stock G19. I did drop the one point at 15 yards. Point being– it’s easy. No one failed in my class. I expect I could pass it with a Kel-Tec .32, and definitely with a snub-nosed revolver.
I didn’t read the article; I expect the Texas DPS test is harder, or at least I hope so!
On April 4, 2023 at 9:04 am, Bill Sullivan said:
Then there is the Dicken Drill- 14 seconds from the holster, 10 shots at 40 yards, at least 8 good hits.
On April 4, 2023 at 12:38 pm, PGF said:
We previously mentioned the Dicken Drill here: