You’re Never in More Danger Than When the Police Are Around
BY Herschel Smith
Good Lord.
First up in this most recent but awful recent procession of the ugly and parade of the vulgar is a report from New Mexico.
The New Mexico State Police released additional information Thursday on a deadly shooting that happened the day prior in Farmington after officers mistakenly responded to the wrong home and shot one of its occupants to death.
In a Thursday statement, the NMSP said an officer with the Farmington Police Department fatally shot the victim, identified as Robert Dotson, 52, after responding to a call for a domestic violence incident at around 11:30 p.m. Wednesday.
Farmington police officers responded to the area but visited the wrong address.
“Once on scene, officers mistakenly approached 5305 Valley View Avenue instead of 5308 Valley View Avenue,” the NMSP said. “Officers knocked on the front door of 5305 Valley View Avenue and announced themselves as Farmington police officers. When there was no answer at 5305, officers asked their dispatch to call the reporting party back and have them come to the front door.”
The addresses are located across the street from one another. Police said the occupants of 5305 Valley View Avenue opened the door armed and an exchange of gunfire ensued.
“Body camera footage shows as the officers backed away from 5305 Valley View Avenue, the homeowner, Robert Dotson, 52, opened the screen door armed with a handgun. At this point in the encounter, officer(s) fired at least one round from their duty weapon(s) striking Mr. Dotson,” police said.
The NMSP added: “After the initial shooting, Mr. Dotson’s wife, also armed with a handgun, fired from the doorway of the residence. Once again, officer(s) fired. Once she realized that the individuals outside the residence were officers, she put the gun down and complied with the officer’s commands.”
If one doesn’t know who is at the door making a commotion, it seems to make perfect sense to go armed. But in fact it doesn’t. If police can shoot you with immunity for simply being in possession of a firearm, then the RKBA doesn’t exist at all.
Second, the wisest counsel would say don’t open the door for police. Just like you never talk to the police without a lawyer, you don’t open the door for the police. Simply don’t do it, especially if you’re in possession of a weapon. Don’t let your dog[s] out or they will also get shot by Barney Fife. Ensconce inside your home and assess the situation, but don’t believe for even a single second that the police are there to protect your safety. In fact, there is no situation so bad and so dire that it cannot be made worse by the presence of the police.
The second event up in this obscene spectacle comes from Florida.
Two police officers in Clearwater, Florida, were suspended following an incident wherein they both shot at each other in the darkness. They responded to a call about a man firing a gun in his backyard. They approached silently, in the darkness, positioned themselves, and when the man fired a round, they both essentially mag-dumped at each other. One of the officers was hit.
The violations of extremely important rules of safety are so stark it boggles the imagination. Don’t shoot if you don’t know what you’re shooting at. Know your target and what’s behind it. The Supreme Court decision in Tennessee v. Garner, and so much more that it’s just not productive to lay out all of the failures here.
Third up in this display of foolishness comes straight to you from the FBI and SOCOM.
Members of the FBI and the US Army Special Operations Command who were conducting a training exercise in downtown Boston raided the wrong hotel room and detained the person inside before realizing their mistake, the FBI said in a statement to CNN.
The FBI said its Boston division was helping the military with a training exercise around 10 p.m. Tuesday “to simulate a situation their personnel might encounter in a deployed environment.”
“Based on inaccurate information, they were mistakenly sent to the wrong room and detained an individual, not the intended role player,” the FBI said.
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An officer with the US Army Special Operations will lead the investigation into the incident, Burns told CNN Friday. The investigation will be an administrative fact-finding inquiry, but it can result in recommendations that could lead to judicial proceedings under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
It’s a wonder they didn’t kill anyone.
Good grief. Have things gotten so bad in SOCOM that they have to take lessons in how to screw up from the FBI? My son did this for real among real bad guys in Fallujah and could teach them how to do this right. Better yet, there are tactical trainers out there who make a living doing this (here you must be careful since there are also some fakes, like the FBI, and also some trainers who don’t believe in the RKBA and would tyrannize the American people).
The point is that the FBI is the very last place SOCOM should go for training. If they have fallen to that level, America’s armed forces are truly in trouble.
I knew a sergeant in a local PD who knew that I have a penchant for 1911s. He told me once that he wouldn’t trust any officer in his department to carry or decock a hammer fired pistol, even if it’s a backup pistol to his service issued firearm. Of course, you must know what you’re doing with a striker fired gun too, but he’s a wise man to restrict his officers to something he thinks they can handle.
You’re never in more danger than when the police are around. Do everything humanly possible to get away from them as quickly as possible.
On April 7, 2023 at 11:06 pm, Dan said:
When you limit your police force….by court ruling… to the dumber portion of the populace these are the outcomes you can expect to see.
On April 8, 2023 at 12:30 am, Nolan Parker said:
When you protect your cops from the consequences of bad behavior they do bad things.
When the cost of the settlement is paid by the citizens and not the cops
They do bad things.
On April 8, 2023 at 8:36 am, Latigo Morgan said:
Farmington – fairly conservative area. Everyone is armed, or presumed to be armed. Depressed area – oil and gas drilling and refinery has been shut down. Coal mining and coal-fired power plants have been shut down. The place should be a ghost town.
Within the past few years, meth-heads were doing home invasions, pretending to be cops. Any prudent homeowner would be armed when responding to “cops” knocking at his door. Farmington cops should have been aware of this.
Good on the guy’s wife for backing him up with her own gun. Sorry her husband died, though.
On April 8, 2023 at 9:34 am, Bill Buppert said:
Herschel: “If police can shoot you with immunity for simply being in possession of a firearm, then the RKBA doesn’t exist at all.”
The working assumption among all coproaches is that a gun in the hand of citizen is weapons free to kill them with prejudice.
You hit the nail on the head.
Until all government employees are disarmed during their work days, this will continue.
On April 8, 2023 at 11:15 am, Bill Sullivan said:
Dan- I remember the New London, Ct. court decision. Incredible. Too intelligent to get hired by the police department, and the court said they can discriminate that way.
On April 8, 2023 at 12:50 pm, Greg Gritsch said:
One of the best things I was told by a trainer:
You better shoot at what you know and not what you think you know. Because, if you shoot at what you think, and not what you know – I think you’ll be looking for a new job.
On April 8, 2023 at 1:07 pm, X said:
“The working assumption among all coproaches is that a gun in the hand of citizen is weapons free to kill them with prejudice.”
It’s worse than that. The BELIEF that the subject MIGHT have a gun even one is neither present not displayed is sufficient reason for the swine to execute you on the spot.
“He was reaching into his pants” is a common excuse — people like Daniel Shaver have been executed for that. People have been executed for having a TV remote, a game controller, and a vape pipe in their hand when the swine kick in their door..
On April 12, 2023 at 6:32 pm, Jack Crabb said:
Are pigs REALLY that stupid that they cannot even raid the correct house?
(Rhetorical question, folks. Of course they are.)