North Carolina Bill Would Prohibit Using Credit Card Information to Track Firearms Purchases
BY Herschel Smith1 year, 9 months ago
RALEIGH, N.C. (April 10, 2023) – A bill introduced in the North Carolina House would prohibit financial institutions operating in the state from using a credit card merchant code to track the purchases of firearms and ammunition.
Rep. Reece Pyrtle (R) and 19 Republican cosponsors introduced House Bill 564 (H564) on April 4. The proposed law would ban financial institutions from using a firearms code in connection with a payment card transaction involving a firearm retailer in North Carolina.
The bill would also prohibit a financial institution from knowingly maintaining a record of individuals residing in this State who own firearms.
NC wouldn’t be the first state to do this. This is a good move, and I suspect being outlawed from operation in various states, or at least sending the state AG to court against you for violation of state laws, is a real bummer for the progressive banks and a wet blanket on their plans.
Of course, goober Roy Cooper will veto the bill, and the House and Senate will have to override the veto to make this law just like they did with ridding us of the ridiculous CLEO handgun permitting and taxation scheme.
Goober Cooper can’t go away fast enough. I hope NC voters are embarrassed at having elected that idiot to office, along with his wife (who famously flipped a bird at a school child). Both of them are obscene, low class people.
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