“Smart Gun” With Fingerprint Unlocking System Hits The Market
BY Herschel Smith1 year, 9 months ago
The world’s first “smart gun” hit the market Thursday, complete with a life-saving fingerprint unlocking system that prevents “unauthorized” people such as kids and criminals from firing it.
The cutting-edge 9mm handgun locks out everybody except the owner and users specifically approved by the owner — technology that could improve gun safety in America, according to reps from the gun-making firm Biofire.
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The $1,499 gun unlocks in less than a second, using either a fingerprint or facial recognition sensor, then quickly locks again when it’s no longer in use.
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“This Smart Gun was designed specifically for real gun owners who want a quality home-defense firearm that cannot be used by children or criminals,” said Mike Corbett, a BioFire advisor and former member of SEAL Team 6. “In a few years, I believe that the head of every household in America who wants a home-defense firearm is going to choose this Smart Gun.”
Absurd. What happens to people to make them say things like “I believe that the head of every household in America who wants a home-defense firearm is going to choose this Smart Gun?” He doesn’t really believe that, and you know it and he knows it and he knows that you know it.
$1,499 is enough money to buy a really nice gun like a CZ Shadow 2, or almost enough to buy a Dan Wesson 1911. Who on earth would pay that much money for something like this?
Along with its need to be recharged, its additional biometric failure mode, its additional unlocking hardware failure modes, its unseemly appearance, the difficulty of concealment, the lack of textured grip, and the lack of an optics ready package?
And that’s the low end. If you want more colors or more magazines with a range bag, their price extends to well over $2000.
Yea, Mr. Navy SEAL Mike Corbett doesn’t really believe people will buy this, and the investors have thrown their money away.
Prior: Smart Guns Tag
On April 13, 2023 at 11:12 pm, Latigo Morgan said:
I remember a time when SEALs were highly respected, and relatively unknown. Then, along came Hollywood. Now, they seem like little more than glory hounds.
As for the “safety gun”, how many police departments are lined up to replace their duty weapons with it?
On April 13, 2023 at 11:25 pm, Dan said:
The entire purpose behind this abomination is so the gun grabbers can make the specious claim that a biometrically functional pistol exists and therefore there is no reason to not ban all other handguns.
On April 14, 2023 at 2:50 am, Chris said:
SilencerCo wants there Maxim back..
On April 14, 2023 at 9:11 am, Matt said:
The more gizmo’s and hardware and thingamajigs its got, the more likely it’s going to fail when you need it most.
I’ll stick with Glocks, CZ and 1911’s.
On April 14, 2023 at 9:11 am, Paul B said:
Solution in search of a problem.
On April 14, 2023 at 10:40 am, ragman said:
Life saving? Sure, for everyone except for the idiot that bought it when he needs it in a life threatening situation.
On April 14, 2023 at 1:00 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
A costly and complex “solution” in search of a problem…. good grief! Do these people never learn?! I hope it sinks like a stone and disappears forever.
On April 14, 2023 at 5:36 pm, Archer said:
I have but two quick questions for “Navy SEAL Mike Corbett”:
Would he have carried this pistol while deployed as a SEAL on ops? Why or why not?
If he answers yes, he’s lying. Nobody who might actually have to use his sidearm would introduce unnecessary failure modes.
And if he answers no, he’s admitting that nobody needs this pistol and very few will buy it.
As for the “why or why not”, it doesn’t really matter. That’s just me wanting to learn his reasoning and state of mind.
On April 14, 2023 at 6:33 pm, Steady Steve said:
I thought Seals had morals and good character. So disappointing.
On April 14, 2023 at 7:28 pm, blake said:
“Unlocks in less than a second under ideal conditions and providing there is no gunk on the hands of the owner, due to the owner being out at a restaurant eating a messy burger, tacos, etc.”
This is a firearm designed to fail.
On April 15, 2023 at 5:07 am, Latigo Morgan said:
Does anyone else remember the “smart gun” inventor in the early 00’s who was lobbying Congress to pass a law that would mandate his technology? I don’t recall the name of the outfit, but it was pretty slimy.