Let’s Take a Vote On Our God-Given Rights!
BY Herschel Smith
“A big problem with gun owners is they say, ‘Well, you know, what these people wanna do sounds reasonable, but it’s a slippery slope. How do I know what will be limited?’ And I argue that we outta just put it all up for referendums, let people vote on it,” Clinton said, citing some of the pro-choice successes seen in Michigan and elsewhere after the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade. “Then neighbors have to talk to neighbors, they have to treat each other like people.”
Says the man who left a trail of bodies a mile long on his way to the largest drug dealer in Arkansas, and in the end the presidency.
So here is the interpretation of the words of the master manipulator. Let’s get boobs to do our bidding for us. I can manipulate them into doing virtually anything. After they’ve forced weapons out of the hands of the troublemakers, then we won’t have to manipulate people any more. We can just force them to do what we want – after all, we’ll be the only ones with the guns.
No thanks. Try again. That doesn’t work for me because it doesn’t work for God. I follow Him, not flim-flam artists like you.
On April 17, 2023 at 11:20 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
Re: “No thanks. Try again. That doesn’t work for me because it doesn’t work for God. I follow Him, not flim-flam artists like you.”
Well-said, very well-said! The Clintons are the very last people who ought to deliver lectures to anyone about anything pertaining to morality. They are proof that we have a two-tiered legal system in this country, because anyone not a member of the ruling class who did what they have done, would be incarcerated most-likely for life.
Billy-Bob is known to be a serial rapist. He’s never been convicted on that charge, but that is not the same thing as being innocent. The Arkansas State Police used to run interference for him when he was having it off with anything in a skirt he could get to stand still for five minutes… and multiple witnesses have come forward since those days to speak about his crimes. Albeit not for attribution, and from off-camera, since people who displease the Clintons have a nasty habit of turning up quite dead or at least destroyed professionally and personally.
We all know of the man’s predatory proclivities from the Monica Lewinsky affair, a scandal which Bill and Hillary Clinton removed from the front pages by attacking and destroying with cruise missiles a “terrorist haven” in Sudan which turned out to be a pharmaceutical plant making aspirin.
Mrs. Clinton is, if anything, even more amoral and evil than her husband, which is no mean feat. During the crisis in Benghazi in 2012, which happened when she was Secretary of State working for Barack Obama, she was one of the people who denied permission for QRF (quick-reaction forces) to be deployed in time to save the lives of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and a number of other U.S. personnel who lost their lives there.
Among the dead were two heroic security contractors and former U.S. Navy SEALS, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.
Clinton and her boss had the unmitigated gall to suggest that these brave men died because of an anti-Islamic video released in the U.S. which they claimed provoked the lethal attack by the Islamic jihadist/terror group Ansar al-Sharia. Clinton and Obama were lying through their teeth.
They declined to send CRF and other aid to Benghazi, because they were afraid that if the personnel were saved, it would expose the fact that the actual purpose of the Benghazi facility was to facilitate the CIA running weapons to anti-Assad Sunni terror/jihad groups in Syria. They were afraid of being exposed as international gun runners, so they forfeited the lives of innocent men.
As evil and venal as this behavior was, long-time observers of the Clintons probably weren’t surprised, since lying, cheating, stealing and stabbing good people in the back are pretty much what they do.
Not only was Mrs. Clinton not punished, she actually won the Democrat nomination for the Presidency a few short years later.
On April 18, 2023 at 4:54 am, Wes said:
The emails & faxes went out from the DNC awhile back that rhetoric on this Line of Effort will use “gun reform” vice “control” – the softening of the word is to vacuum up those “neighbors.” They are the same ones with the “See Something Say Something” refrigerator magnets…
On April 18, 2023 at 7:28 am, June J said:
Oh they would love to have a vote on the 2nd Amendment since they have figured out how to cheat the voting system to achieve their desired outcome.
No politician sits down and does interviews with real journalists anymore. The interviewers are state controlled media employees who won’t ask questions like “why take guns away from the 99+% of gun owners who never use them illegally in an effort to take guns away from the less than 1% who kill others?”
On April 18, 2023 at 7:49 am, PGF said:
The reform that was needed happened in 1776 culminating with “shall not be infringed” in 1789. It’s probably time for a reaffirmation of that.
On April 18, 2023 at 11:15 am, Mike said:
You folks had better settle down a little bit…or you are going to end up being Arkancided….you know, commit suicide, with a nail gun….to the back of the head….six times.
I’m just saying…..