Negligent Discharge
BY Herschel Smith
I’m willing to bet we’ve all had them. I had one in my life, thankfully at the range with the rifle pointed down range. It’s silly and juvenile that some folks are giving Erik a hard time for making this a teachable moment. Go put as many rounds down range as he does in a year and then come back to me and talk about it.
On April 18, 2023 at 7:37 am, June J said:
There’s never a shortage of people who comment on YouTube videos who are perfect and never fail to point out the splinter in other’s eyes.
Erik could have just cut that out of the video before posting it and no one would have known.
Stupid moments can happen to anyone anytime and the lesson is that when it happens to ensure that you are following all the safety rules.
On April 18, 2023 at 7:43 am, PGF said:
A man admits his mistakes and learns from them. A good man takes that mistake and warns others, showing in his heart care for his fellow man.
Pro Tip, never try to catch a falling gun. Ask me how I know.
On April 18, 2023 at 8:48 am, ClaudeA said:
Your honesty in sharing the AD illustrates we are not infallible, and by following other rules we live by, that prevented further harm. This is probably one of your best videos you will ever do.
On April 18, 2023 at 10:39 am, James said:
I once had a negligent discharge decades back,worse then this but thankfully no one hurt and boy did that sharpen my safety skills,still,good to be reminded(daily).
I do a lot of dry fire practice at home and completely clear gun and magazines and literally have zero ammo in the room I do it in,will always triple check!
On a side note,will admit a interest in the falling gun story posted by another!