Shootings: Do Something, Anything, Whether it Works or Not!
BY Herschel Smith1 year, 9 months ago
Harrison Kass writing at 19FortyFive.
And when there’s a problem, sticking with the status quo is unlikely to solve the problem. Something needs to give. And while second amendment enthusiasts will argue that the solution to gun violence is more guns, I don’t find that argument compelling. And while liberals believe the solution to gun violence would be to get rid of all guns, that’s just simply never going to happen.
Banning assault rifles and high-capacity magazines seems like a reasonable accommodation to make. Sure, it would impede people’s recreation. And no, it wouldn’t do anything for the assault weapons and high-capacity magazines already in circulation.
But a ban would reduce the number of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in circulation increasingly over time (the longer the ban is in effect), and resultantly, over time, that would continue to reduce the likelihood of assault weapon/high-capacity mags use in a deadly shooting.
When there’s a problem, approaching its solution from the right world and life view is critical. His world and life view is vapid and empty. It has no solutions for anything. Notice the lack of ideas, the desperation, the general malaise and the complete impotence to effect anything good.
The solution to wickedness is the justification freely offered by the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ. What Harrison proposes is to remove weapons from the hands of the very people who would be left unprotected against tyranny by the government.
How much damage could that do? At least 170 million people dead at the hands of governments in the twentieth century alone according to Dave Kopel. Stephen Halbrook also has some stern words for the controllers.
If Harrison doesn’t have any faith in God and His Holy Word, he certainly has it in mankind, evil as it is. It must be an awful thing to have so much faith in something so wicked, deceitful and tumultuous as the heart of man.
By the way, 19FortyFive feigns militaria and other related articles and posts, but it’s a very liberal publication. They no more care about you and your right to live peaceably and protected from your government and other criminals than they care about God’s laws. They are not so dissimilar to CNAS with its globalist ideas, and Harrison is not so dissimilar to Andrew Exum with his support for controlling and overbearing government. So it’s not surprising that Harrison wants some solution, any solution, to a problem he and his ilk cannot even begin to address, i.e., evil. That they even try would be amusing if it wasn’t so sad and pathetic.
On April 18, 2023 at 11:06 pm, X said:
“Banning assault rifles and high-capacity magazines seems like a reasonable accommodation to make.”
OK, let’s do it. Start with the cops.
On April 19, 2023 at 11:16 am, Matt said:
Heck, include the military as well. After all the cops and military are hiring from the public. If the general public can not be trusted, then how can your hired guns be trusted?