Washington State Assault Weapons Ban Is Now Law
BY Herschel Smith
On Instagram, Aero Precision posts this.
They also issued a statement of disagreement, of course, and intent to fight this in court.
This gun ‘toober predicts the end of Aero Precision. I don’t think so. Here is the law. It doesn’t prevent Aero from continuing to manufacture rifles, just from distributing them within state. Here is the relevant part.
The manufacture, importation, distribution, offer for sale, or sale of an assault weapon by a licensed firearms manufacturer for the purposes of sale to any branch of the armed forces of the United States or the state of Washington, or to any law enforcement agency for use by that agency or its employees for law enforcement purposes, or to a person who does not reside in this state;
That’s an exception to the law. Having said that, I think it was a mistaken for Aero Precision to relocate and stay within the state. They should have moved South a long time ago.
This is the case for now. It’s already being challenged in federal court. Judge Benitez has yet to issue his ruling in the state of California. I’ve told you what I think will happen. Judge Benitez will strike down any ban in California. If a federal judge in Washington upholds the law, it will go to the Ninth Circuit to handle the split. If the Ninth Circuit strikes it down, it’s finished. If the Ninth Circuit upholds the law, it will go to the supreme court.
This isn’t over yet. But it’s a loss for the good folks left in Washington.
On April 26, 2023 at 6:26 am, ZERO[F2G] said:
Its going to be interesting to see if the lower courts handle all this properly or whether it will go the the Supreme court, where I believe Thomas will go scorched earth on any and all cases brought forth.
In Illinois News;
The two newest members of the States supreme court, Elizabeth Rochford and Mary Kay O’Brien have been asked to recuse themselves from the case brought by state rep Caulkins against Gov Pritzker.
It has come to light that Pritzker gave each one 500k for their campaigns along with heavy endorsements in their election campaigns.
On top of that, Elizabeth Rochford was sued for and lost a legal malpractice case while she was a lawyer, and yet now sits on the states highest court.
more can be read at; https://www.mom-at-arms.com/
On April 26, 2023 at 11:19 am, PGF said:
It doesn’t matter what the courts rule. The Executive of the state and most counties will still enforce the ban. The left are serious; the right are politicians. Most of the right still operates under the wrong assumption that the left is well-intentioned but simply mistaken in their philosophy or worldview. But, the left is fighting a multitiered full-spectrum war intending to win; the right is stupid.
Ps. Republicans are also the left.
On April 27, 2023 at 12:22 am, Steve Miller said:
Washington State resident over 80% of my life. I will never comply with criminal actions by this criminal element that gathers in our version of the swamp (Olympia) every January to devise new ways in which they might satiate their insatiable thirst for our lives liberty and property. IF and I do mean IF a second abominable action (enforcement of the excrement Inslee signed) happens there WILL BE A SUFFICIENT NUMBER of responses to the door knockers that will DEFEND OUR GOD GIVEN RIGHTS by shooting those door knockers in the face as they so richly deserve. To quote my late friend Mike Vanderboegh’s lovely tome What I Learned From The 20th Century “For it is a universal truth that the intended victims always far outnumber the tyrant’s executioners”
On April 30, 2023 at 9:29 pm, Dave said:
The very same Washington Legislature that is now congratulating itself for passing this abomination is the same Legislature that was unable to reach a consensus on making it illegal to use drugs like heroin and methamphetamine in public.