Remarks on the New Colt Python
BY Herschel Smith
His show-and-tell on hammer fall between single action and double action is interesting.
I know that Colt reduced the spring coefficient on the design, leading to some degree of concern over light primer strikes.
But I haven’t seen this with any ammunition except poorer quality (or in his case, exotic hand loads).
Comments on this are always welcome if you have experience with the new Colt Python.
On May 2, 2023 at 8:51 am, Rocketguy said:
Minimal experience with the Python – maybe a couple dozen rounds of mixed single/double action with no issues and nothing of note with respect to the primers. I will note, I have a S&W Bodyguard 380 that consistently produces the lightest primer strikes of any gun I have encountered. Disturbingly faint indentations…almost scratches…and it has been 100% reliable over maybe 700 rnds of mixed brands and reloads.
On the subject of brass and primers, being a reloader with a touch of OCD about picking up any available brass, I have seen all kinds of interesting and disturbing things over the years!
On May 3, 2023 at 3:53 am, Chris said:
I had the same problem with a Colt Magnum Carry. It would fire in single action but occasionally fail to fire in double action. Ammo was both handloads with CCI primers and S&B factory loads. None of my S&W revolvers had this problem.
On May 3, 2023 at 11:00 am, Paul J said:
I was in law enforcement and training for a long time. We had some s&b 9mm which occasionally gave misfires in some of our Glock pistols.
I would load them in mags for other hammer pistols like a 5906 or a Beretta 92. They always would fire.
I saw the same with some hard Russian primers during a primer shortage.