TSA Agent Unfit To Handle Dog Or Anything Else In Life
BY Herschel Smith1 year, 8 months ago
See this depressing video in full. This idiot gets annoyed with people walking through the airport, yanks the dog around on its collar, and teaches the dog nothing in the process.
Let’s go over that again. The collar is around the dog’s neck. You can do neck damage by slinging the dog around by the collar. It’s a stupid and doltish thing to do. This agent is completely untrained and inexperienced in how to handle animals.
Next, there is no instruction going on with the dog. The dog doesn’t know what the handler wants him to do. He (or she) has no idea how to make the handler happy with his performance because there is no teaching going on. This is frustrating for the dog because dogs are bred to make us happy. That’s all he wants in life, in addition to basic sustenance.
There is no instruction going on because the handler doesn’t know how to instruct the dog. He is a dolt. Not only is he untrained, he hasn’t self trained either. He has read no books (perhaps he doesn’t know how to read), he has spent no time in obedience training with his own dog (if he has one), or else he abuses his own dog, and he has never spent time around farm animals.
Punitive punishment for dogs must be very quick, very short, and basically used only once so the dog knows what’s not acceptable. Everything after that must be positive reinforcement. Everything. That’s why I congratulate my dog every time he let’s me know he needs to go outside to defecate. Every …single … time. And I will do this until he passes away.
If you do not know how to give positive reinforcement to a dog, find a good, loving home for the dog and go back to washing cars, bagging groceries and being alone in the world. You’re no good for man nor beast.
And by the way, here is a recapitulation of my counsel to cops who reflexively shoot dogs. Go work on a farm. Although it must be observed that this guy is a TSA agent, and therefore is probably more of an idiot that most cops.
Few things piss me off more than seeing cops abuse dogs.
Via WiscoDave.
This TSA agent is unfit to handle a dog. pic.twitter.com/WaQ6mt6FR9
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) May 8, 2023
On May 9, 2023 at 1:40 am, Dan said:
This is the type of “policing” you can expect when you only hire from the shallow end of the gene pool. They don’t hire bright people. They only want idiots who are just smart enough to obey orders without asking questions.
On May 9, 2023 at 2:01 am, The Process of Weeding Out said:
Those who harm animals who are no threat will have no problem harming people.
Just wait until the imports are the police force and other “security” apparatuses.
We are taking over your country now is what I hear out and about and worse.
On May 9, 2023 at 11:25 am, Mike said:
“…..he needs to go outside to defecate.”
My dog is not that sophisticated…..he takes a dump….;-)
I know what you mean….nothing will get me into an argument quicker than watching someone mis-treat an animal, ANY animal……
On May 9, 2023 at 1:50 pm, xtphreak said:
@The Process of Weeding Out
My thoughts exactly.
His impatience with a passenger was like “didn’t you see me walking here?”
He’d deliver a beat down on some undeserving soul in a skinny minute, he’s frustrated with his job and WILL take it out on someone, the poor dog is all he feels safe abusing right then.
On May 9, 2023 at 4:23 pm, Ned said:
TSA security theater fat tub-o-goo “dog handler.” Perfect government agent. Hates dogs, and hates you.
On May 9, 2023 at 6:49 pm, Bill Buppert said:
I always thank the TSA when passing through by commenting:
“I’m grateful for your employment because imagine how large the homeless population would be in the USSA without it…”
On May 10, 2023 at 2:59 pm, snuffy said:
Didn’t watch the video. Didn’t need to because by definition, TSA agents are f’n scumbags from the gitgo. Of course, that pretty much goes for any 3 letter agency these days, right down to the local yokels. If there were any good ones, wouldn’t be any bad ones. Animal abusers are like pedophiles, Morbark is the only cure.
On May 11, 2023 at 3:44 pm, X said:
Fat, slovenly piece of shit.
On May 11, 2023 at 4:58 pm, Jack Crabb said:
Apparently the dog was an explosive detection canine. An appropriate punishment for the fat, lazy negroid is that the dog find an explosive and said explosive detonates point blank to the fat, lazy negroid, while the hero dog escapes unharmed.