The Marines are hiring specialists to root out workplace gender bias
BY Herschel Smith
When the Defense Department surveyed troops in 2021 on their experiences in the workplace regarding gender, the findings revealed significant room for improvement ― particularly in the Marine Corps.
Now, the Corps is bringing on new staff members in the latest effort to address this cultural trend. The service revealed its plans in a briefing presented to the Pentagon’s Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services in March.
Because nothing says “America’s Strike Force” like spending resources and time on ensuring that equal numbers of men and women fight in war.
Honestly, the cancer has gone so deep at this point I highly doubt it can be excised, even by the best surgeon.
On May 16, 2023 at 10:23 pm, PGF said:
Why have a Marine Corp at all. Oh yeah, federal jobs programs.
On May 16, 2023 at 10:39 pm, X said:
At this point I fully agree with the Iranians, the U.S. is indeed the Great Satan…
On May 17, 2023 at 7:15 am, Delusions Must Be Destroyed said:
You knew the Long March would reach the USMC eventually.
Are the Navy SEALS destroyed yet?
Shh…better not give the CPUSA any free ideas!
Maybe the comrades heard all the chatter about at least we have the poleece and military and got busy infiltrating.
On May 17, 2023 at 7:40 am, george 1 said:
The men already have to carry the rucksacks for women along with their own. That demonstrates “equality’ and non- discrimination, doesn’t it?
On May 17, 2023 at 10:09 am, Grunt said:
These ‘marines’ are going to be loved by true Marine grunts!
On May 18, 2023 at 12:27 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
There were those of us who saw this coming decades ago when when the much-ballyhooed “all-volunteer force” (AVF) opened the door to large numbers of women in heretofore male parts of the armed forces. But those who foresaw what was coming were shouted down as bigots, as haters of women, and so forth and you know the rest.
No, we’re not clairvoyants – but we did know a bad idea when we saw one, and if ever there was a bad idea, it was forcing women into areas of the military where they have no business being.
The thirty year anniversary of the “Tail-Hook” scandal occurred a couple of years ago. Even back in 1991, it was evident that the rot at the heart of the U.S. military was already advanced.
Of course, no one wanted to hear it in all of the back-slapping and congratulatory celebrations following Desert Shield and Desert Storm – but that event was a watershed in the coverage of the military by the mainstream media. Prior to that time there were still truth-tellers working for some of the big magazines and newspapers, people who could be counted upon to tell it like it was.
Retired Colonel David Hackworth, to name one, suffered fools not at all and was not shy about calling out the perfumed princes. He worked for Newsweek at the time, which in light of today’s version of that magazine, is hard to believe.
The Marine Corps, being the most-traditional of the service branches, held out longer than most against the woke fanatics, but it too finally succumbed to this madness. Perhaps one ought to place quotes around the terms “Marine Corps” since whatever this current thing is, it certainly isn’t something that the legendary Marines of the past would recognize, men like John Basilone or Lewis “Chesty” Puller, to name a couple of examples.
On May 19, 2023 at 6:15 pm, Bradley A Graham said:
My last reserve unit was full of the weaker sex playing the “P” card.
” I don’t have to stand guard duty, I don’t have to clean weapons, It’s too heavy !!, My stomach hurts” ….etc. ad nauseum
I won’t be surprised when the Corps tears down the Iwo Jima Memorial because it isn’t gender neutral.