To Whom Should Believers Be Loyal?
BY Herschel Smith1 year, 8 months ago
In an interview with the Real America’s Voice program earlier in the year “The Water Cooler,” Trump was asked about his thoughts on why evangelical leaders expressed hesitance to support him in his bid to seek re-election.
“I don’t really care,” the former president replied during his interview with David Brody of the Trump-aligned right-wing news and opinion channel. “It’s a sign of disloyalty.”
This is all referring to Trump’s having recommended to “religious leaders” (whomever that is) that they jettison the high importance on right to life because Trump sees it as a losing issue.
We are not therefore to be governed by our parochial loyalties, nor by group dynamics, nor by peer pressure. All our churches, institutions, groups, races, nationalities, and allegiances must be subject to the prior government of the triune God and His law-word. Anything short of that is idolatry. R. J. Rushdoony, Chalcedon Position Paper No. 62.
Men who have been redeemed by Jesus Christ should have no other loyalties than to Him, and Him alone.
On May 17, 2023 at 8:27 am, I R A Darth Aggie said:
“In God we trust.
Everyone else pays cash.”
On May 17, 2023 at 9:14 am, Rickr said:
I couldn’t agree more. The masks are slipping off everyone, DJT included.
We were incidentally blessed that his ambition in 2015-16 somewhat coincided with our goals; we got some things we’d wanted — but on the keynote issue of our time, Covidmania and the resultant global tyranny, Trump has proven to be arrogantly clueless because he lacks a godly worldview.
WOULD Trump’s 2024 election be better than the Demos’, assuming the count would be fair? Not if his standard is fealty to him personally instead of moral and constitutional principles. That’s just Fuhrerprinzip, no matter in what language it is spoken.