Dakota Meyer Digs The Hole Deeper
BY Herschel Smith
Why is he doing this? I cannot fathom a good reason.
I don’t do personalities. I don’t follow “people,” I don’t engage in loyalty to “persons,” I don’t hero worship, and as for the previous disagreements between Dakota Meyer and Garand Thumb, I don’t have a dog in that fight. Each can take care of himself, although I saw no reason for Meyer to have ever said anything to begin with.
As for this most recent kerfuffle, as I said, it makes no sense to me. The most disturbing thing is how Dakota sees law enforcement. Quite literally, he is berating men who have no spent time in the U.S. military, and equating law enforcement with the U.S. military.
Perhaps this is just about ensuring he makes his own people happy with him. Perhaps he knows how his bread gets buttered and is helping the process along.
But let me make it clear to Dakota if he happens to be reading this. I couldn’t care less about the dollars he gets from training LEOs, or the company he keeps. A cop is not a warrior. My son spent time on the streets of Fallujah – street cops in America have not. Nor should they. Nor do they have to in order to function in their jobs.
America needs peace officers, not street warriors, and no SWAT teams. I couldn’t care less about the war on poverty, war on drugs, or war on crime. These are not my wars. SWAT teams shouldn’t exist, and a home break-in executed by cops is no different to me than a home invasion perpetrated by criminals.
I hate it when people equate cops with the military, and I especially hate it when military folks do this. It does nothing but add to the problem of a military policing culture in America.
On May 22, 2023 at 8:26 am, george 1 said:
A lot of these guys try to create controversy to get more famous. That allows them to make more money. I assume this man makes a lot of money training police officers so he has to defer to them as “warriors.” It’s good for business.
More people who are reality based are waking up every day to the lies we have been told. I had an opportunity to discuss the SWAT team issue with some police. Bottom line: They can’t logically justify them. Their arguments don’t hold water. When you point out truths they don’t care for it gets emotional for them and they resort to name calling. The truth is SWAT teams are worthless for the role they are advertised for.
On May 22, 2023 at 9:41 am, Matt said:
“America needs peace officers” – especially good peace officers.
The salty county law dog down the road once told me that he tries “to never make a situation worse”. I thought about that and it makes sense. If more cops took that approach, then, for example, the incident in Colorado that was posted here a few days ago, something like that never occurs.
On May 22, 2023 at 10:52 am, PGF said:
I generally avoid “youtube personalities” who are bent on creating their own cult of personality. They have to always double down even wrong to maintain their audience.
For example, Trump is a master of self as brand, which has brought him tremendous success, but it’s also his biggest failing.
On May 22, 2023 at 11:59 am, Grunt said:
Good gravy what a silly thing to be concerned with. So silly I had to be concerned enough to write this.
On May 22, 2023 at 12:44 pm, Latigo Morgan said:
I never heard of Dakota Meyers, but I have heard of Garand Thumb – and found his videos not only entertaining, but also informative.
Every cop I’ve known, to a man, has always said that the SWAT teams in their department was made up of psychopaths – and they were not exaggerating.
On May 22, 2023 at 4:03 pm, 41mag said:
That putze Meyer is the divorced baby daddy of one of Palin’s daughters. what role models.
On May 22, 2023 at 5:10 pm, Dirk said:
The day of the Peace Officers gone, Dead, stick a fork in it. Seems that anymore cops are told that they are indeed “ Operators” . Agree they’re not. I about puked the other day, we retired guys have to qual at least yearly.
I was on the line and some road dogs showed up to qual with us. These faggots had bullet proof over vests, most had four m4 thirty rounders on their vests, camera’s, one “ warrior” showed up with a fucking helmet.
Sadly for these boys the retired guys on the line still believe in weapons training. When it was over there were some butt hurt popo shuttling back to their units.
Many years ago the greatest trainer in the United States, Clint Smith of Thunder Ranch fame said this to a batch of popo there for training. “ I was Not Present”, there are however pics of this big city police crew.
Apparently this cop crew were extremely out of touch, so bad that at one point Clint Smith called a halt to the training and stated to these shit stains, men you are Police Officers, not operators, the pics are of that era, and these cowboys had on every piece of magic police kit on the market.
Cheesy as fuck, associates present told us that there were truly some butt hurt popo, but the next day they arrived in what was described as appropriate police kit.
I’m retired 14 yrs now, it sickens me to see these punk ass kids all tatted up, neck tats etc etc. sorry but my view is this is extreme disrespect to the citizens they serve.
Often I’m not sure who the bangers are anymore.
Honestly if shit goes down at my place, honestly the LAST people I want showing up are the police. In the past few years I’ve witnessed road dogs responding to calls with m4’s.
The truth it seems is that at the State level in the academies what’s being taught has very little to do with community policing or taking care of the citizens within their communities.
If,you have time take the time to review some of these UTube vids regarding police contacts. These discourteous punks need their momma to wash out their mouths. The lack of respect is embarrassing their language their tones, the vailed threats is simply shocking.
I’ve been asked to come back and work cold cases, for four agency’s in my area, not a chance I’d even consider doing the job ever again.
On May 23, 2023 at 9:29 am, Frank M said:
Yep, we need Peace Officers!