Want to know why it’s so hard for cops to be “good apples?”
BY Herschel Smith1 year, 7 months ago
I don’t think it should be hard at all – just be honest, tell the truth, and be true to your oath. Be prepared to find another job if you need to. It’s better to bag groceries or load trucks at Lowe’s than to answer to God for malfeasance. But here is his story.
It was 2007 and I was assisting a call with an officer I’d never met before. He was from another team working overtime. Right in front of me he broke a kids nose with a punch. The septum was clearly deviated and blood was everywhere. The kid was handcuffed and the officer enquired of me “what should ‘we’ arrest him for?” “What did he do?” I enquired. “He called me a name.” he said. After 20 mins of him trying to persuade me we should fabricate a crime he had to let the kid go. “We need o do notes, get our story straight” he then told me. I don’t need assistance in writing what happened. I found a quiet place and wrote the facts. As I wrote I was joined by a female A/Sgt who knew this officer. She spent 20 mins trying to convince me this kid was a “shitbag” & my notes should ‘reflect the danger he posed’. I was disgusted. We don’t behave this way.
Read the rest of the thread here.
Oh, but you do indeed behave that way. This is a Canadian cop and he has all the proof in court documents, but it’s the same in the U.S.
As for all of those “constitutional Sheriffs and Deputies,” it’s important to know where they really stand. Here is a good analysis of what likely really happened at that gun store in Montana.
Guess what? The Great Falls, Montana, PD provided perimeter security for the IRS and ATF [5:48 in the video].
There you have it. Even in Montana, the cops have been corrupted. The Great Falls PD should have arrested the IRS and ATF agents when they showed up in the city limits.
On June 20, 2023 at 11:47 pm, Dan said:
There is irrefutable proof that the sentiment ACAB (all cops are bastards)is correct and accurate. And they add to that massive collection of proof on a daily basis.
On June 21, 2023 at 1:46 am, Partisan Rock said:
Maggot minions will always serve their paymasters.
They aren’t my comrades and never will be.
Shun all servants of Leviathan.
On June 21, 2023 at 9:33 am, Chris Mallory said:
“constitutional Sheriffs” Maybe if you are talking about a state constitution. Local law enforcement is nowhere mentioned in the Federal Constitution. Two states do not have sheriffs. In my state where the sheriff is a state constitutional office, several counties limit the duties of the sheriff to court house security, paper service, and tax collection. You can guess which one of those duties is most important.
On June 21, 2023 at 9:40 am, Roger J said:
Great Falls – the place where IRS raided a local gun shop and carried their records away, including 4473s. This was IRS (Treasury) not ATF (Justice).
On June 21, 2023 at 11:26 am, Houston said:
I wonder how many audits are going to be done on those found on the 4473s? With that the IRS gets full name, DL number, SS (sometimes) What they bought so they have approximate value or even purchase price. Do the data entry and start the audits. IRS went fishing with a big net.
On June 21, 2023 at 12:23 pm, Longbow said:
Even if the lawyer in the above video is correct, and NFA Taxes are the reason, the dealer’s records should NEVER leave his place of business, except for storage at an offsite location. Either way they should remain under the dealer’s control. If the IRS thugs wanted to search braced pistols, they needed only to comb through the 4473s and find that (those) particular item(s) and refine their search from there.
Seizing all 4473s (firearms transaction record) for a tax problem doesn’t make any sense. But, there I go again trying to apply logic to the behavior of bullies and thugs.
Remember, the Thugs are PROUD of themselves.
On June 21, 2023 at 12:27 pm, scott s. said:
The video seems to be considering the income tax as the predicate for the search warrant, but fails to mention the possibility of enforcing the excise tax at 26 USC 4181. When ATF was part of the Treasury they enforced this, but now that aspect has been moved to Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau since BATFE was moved to Justice.
On June 21, 2023 at 6:36 pm, Tony M said:
Interesting note: the approximate 26000 4473s number may be incredibly low. In reality, as with many other FFLs, this one may take mail\internet orders and process them (usually charge $20 or so) for the final transfer (fill out form 4473, check IDs, run background, etc.). The real number of 4473 could easily be double that number or way more depending on how much of that business they do. I have a local guy who does way more of those than actual gun sales (probably 10:1). Implications for both sides of the argument.
On June 21, 2023 at 9:03 pm, Don't mind me. said:
We’re still all talking about and complaining about these Constitutional infractions, but they will continue and they will continue to get worse.
Know your local sheriff. Most are lazy political assholes that do not have your rights at the top of their agenda.
Act accordingly.
On June 22, 2023 at 11:58 am, Latigo Morgan said:
Ninety-eight percent of the cops give the rest a bad name.