What is “Training”?
Words mean things. For example, the word “training” does not mean the same thing as the word “education.” In the same way, the word “practice” does not mean the same thing as “training”, and neither one is the same as “testing.”
Education, training, practice, and testing are all needed for robust physical skills development. But none of these words means the same thing as any other.
The word “training”, in particular, has so often been abused by shooters that it has all but lost its actual meaning. This is too bad, as it expresses a really important concept.
What is “training”?
Let’s look at the word’s meaning in other domains:
Driver education happens in a classroom. It is followed by driver training. Driver training happens on the road, with a teacher watching carefully from the passenger seat as you perform the skills you discussed in class.
College education also happens in classrooms. It is often followed by on-the-job training, which is supposed to involve a qualified other showing you the practical realities of doing the job you studied in school. The observer should look at the work you do and give you feedback on how you are performing the skills the job requires you to perform.
Proper definitions are always important; in them are the details of learning. The article covers training, practice, and testing. Read it all.
On June 20, 2023 at 11:49 pm, Dan said:
Definitions…the heart of language, determine the course of civilization. Which is why the left puts so much effort into twisting, contorting and controlling the definition of words. He who controls the language controls the culture and thus the society.
On June 21, 2023 at 10:51 am, Heywood said:
@Dan. You are 100% correct. They have been doing it for generations. Look at the word “liberal.”