Tennessee Local GOP pushes legislators to support 2nd Amendment during upcoming special session | OPINION
BY PGF1 year, 6 months ago
This special session is truly nefarious. A special session in Tennessee is a separate single-topic debate. It’s a sneaky way to bring Red Flag law legislation to the floor of the full body of representatives, wherein a regular session, it would die in committee as has happened in the past. If this were the regular Tennessee session, a Red Flag law would be a non-starter.
There will be intense pressure and truckloads of outside money from national-level organizations and governments. This is a terrible and underhanded sneak attack by a governor to undermine the rights of the people of Tennessee. He’s always been a squish on gun rights and can never be trusted. Expect to see wailing mothers and crying children saying everybody must compromise and shred the Constitution because of one deranged sodomite pervert who should have been locked away in a mental facility.
Gov. Bill Lee has called for a special legislative session this August “to pursue thoughtful, practical measures that strengthen the safety of Tennesseans, preserve Second Amendment rights, prioritize due process protections, support law enforcement, and address mental health.”
The Montgomery County Tennessee Republican Party (MCTNGOP) stands with our Republican elected officials in maintaining their duty to uphold, preserve and protect the Tennessee State Constitution and the US Constitution with all the rights contained therein, and uphold the Republican Party values contained within the Republican Party platform.
With a primary focus of this session on possible gun control measures, and even discussions entertaining versions of a red flag law, the MCTNGOP unequivocally opposes any legislation or Republican member of the state Legislature who would seek to defy the duties and responsibilities to their constituents and constitutions, especially regarding our inalienable Second Amendment right.
I hadn’t heard of these guys, but if that’s their position, I like them.
The MCTNGOP continues its recruitment and elections of candidates that support the US and Tennessee State constitutions, and the citizen’s right to keep and bear arms that expressly “shall not be infringed” that truly is a foundational pillar of American liberty. Those officials or candidates not in alignment with our shared Republican values will not obtain the support of the MCTNGOP. We look forward to watching our committed civil servants in the Legislature stand on their conservative values to support, protect and safeguard the liberty and freedoms we enjoy as Tennesseans.
On July 6, 2023 at 6:27 am, Joe Blow said:
As a resident of Tenneessee, I don’t mind telling you this is Lee’s last term in office. Representatives won’t pass it, either. You will see exactly what you would expect – the blue and purple areas surrounding Nashvegas and Memphrica will vote with it, but the rest of the state won’t, and on the outside chance it passes, county sheriff’s will ignore it.
There will be bluster, but the people I live in and among are stoic, and unflinching. They simply do not react to the provocation. And thats really all this is, Lee is bending the knee to the money he needs to run again. He is slitting his own throat as a result. It will be his last term.