End Qualified Immunity
BY Herschel Smith1 year, 6 months ago
The issues of the case don’t interest me that much, although I agree that violence can only be used when there is a threat of serious injury. For example, see Tennesse v. Garner, where the SCOTUS concluded that a LEO cannot discharge his weapon at someone fleeing.
Anyway, the more interesting thing to me is the issue of qualified immunity. As I’ve said so many times before, qualified immunity is an obscene witch’s brew concocted by the courts with no basis in constitutional law for the sole purpose of protecting the agents and enforcers of the state.
I’m glad John is teaching a young man to defend civil rights. I’m sure he’ll turn into a good lawyer. Liberty University is producing some very good graduates in all areas of specialty.
On July 18, 2023 at 11:14 pm, X said:
“…qualified immunity is an obscene witch’s brew concocted by the courts with no basis in constitutional law…”
Yep. 100%.
The same can be said of “civil forfeiture.”
On July 19, 2023 at 7:19 am, Chris Mallory said:
Tasers and dogs are used for torture of citizens and little else. Though dogs are also used to circumvent the 4th Amendment. Both should be banned for most law enforcement uses. Dogs for search and rescue. Maybe dogs and tasers both in prisons. But using either for general law enforcement, NO.
On July 19, 2023 at 8:41 am, george 1 said:
Many years ago I worked with one of our agencies’ dog handlers. He told me that the use of dogs is a scam 90 plus percent of the time. The handlers can make their dogs alert any time they want to. The state and locals routine was to use dogs inappropriately.
My friend’s opinion, and mine, was that the use of dogs in law enforcement should be cut to the bone. It’s not the dogs. It is the humans who use them.
On July 19, 2023 at 10:18 am, Don't mind me. said:
Be a shame if the cops name and address was made public.
On July 19, 2023 at 10:56 am, Echo Hotel said:
Be a shame if the cop was found dead with his throat chewed open by a dog.
On July 26, 2023 at 5:00 pm, Jack Crabb said:
Like NWA said decades ago, “Fuck the police.”