It Must Be Good To Be King – Even The Birds Of The Air Belong To You
BY Herschel Smith
Via Ken, this ridiculous report comes as a result of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
DALY CITY, Calif. (KGO) — A Bay Area man is devastated to learn the prosthetic foot he was crafting for a one-legged eagle in Pennsylvania won’t be put to use. The golden eagle named Aura was put down at the order of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Nam Duong’s Daly City workshop makes a very specialized product for animals.
“Some call me the chicken feet maker!” He laughs.
After tinkering with 3D printing during the pandemic making masks toys, it was his love of animals and wanting to help others, that inspired Duong to turn his hobby into a prosthetics business called Pet1stProsthetics on Etsy to help more than just chickens.
“Ducks and I do help a lot of dogs, turkey, I did peacock I did goat, a finch…” he rattles on while showing off a boot made for a cat.
During the pandemic, Duong crafted hundreds of 3D-printed legs for animals in need across the country. He now also has clients around the globe in places like Japan and Europe.
Most recently, it was a request from 2,800 miles away in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania that held special significance.
“I saw it was an eagle and I was so anxious, I said this is my first one!” He beamed.
Aura the Golden Eagle, who is in the same family as our country’s national bird, the Bald Eagle had been found in a field in need of care. She was brought to the Pocono Wildlife Rehab and Education Center.
Being able to save the life of an Eagle and improve the time it had left would be a cool thing, yes?
Katherine Huler, the organization’s founder and current Director of Educational Programming says the bird was underweight.
“She would not have survived that much longer out in the wild, certainly not without being fed.”
It’s believed one of Aura’s talons got caught in a trap and was severed right below the ankle. After being seen by three doctors, her rehabbers at the nonprofit center say she was completely healed and thriving.
“Never once tried to bite, never one tired to talon. She was just incredibly soft and acceptive,” says co-executive director Susan Downing. Videos sent to ABC7 News of Aura show her calmly being bathed and interacting with humans.
Aura who was estimated to be 3 to 5 years old was on track to become an educational animal. Duong was hired to make a prosthetic as a finishing touch.
But there is no situation so bad, so dire, so ugly and desperate, that it cannot be made far worse with the presence of the FedGov.
“She’d walk without so much as a limp.” Says her rehab team.
All seemed on track until the nonprofit center received a letter from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, indicating Aura had to be euthanized because of her amputated leg.
“The order itself was received at around 1 p.m. last Thursday, and states to euthanatize immediately.
That could have resulted had we refused to cooperate with the federal order,” says Janine Tancredi, Co-Executive Director of the center.
That very night, Aura was put down much to the devastation of the rebab center… and Duong.
“I almost wanted to cry, honestly, it’s not right.” He said.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife sent ABC7 News a statement answering how the service determines if a bird should be euthanized or not.
The law states in part that euthanization must happen if a bird can’t feed itself, or move without inflicting additional injury… if it’s blind or have injuries requiring amputation.
We need federal laws for that, you see, because someone knows better than raptor center experts what needs to be done with birds of prey.
Also you see, this dovetails with the way King George sees the world. We need to be licensed to drive on the king’s highways, we must be licensed and follow all of his rules when hunting the royal forests, we cannot enter prohibited lands (like parks or BLM) to hunt them because they are the exclusive royal forests, and finally, the royal birds belong to the king – only he can decide whether they live or die.
And upon the evolutionary perspective (which I don’t share), we’re just animals. It’s a short hop and a skip to the FedGov deciding if its subject, like you and me, are any use to the king anymore and need to be euthanized.
On July 21, 2023 at 5:57 am, Mark Matis said:
No problem with the FedPigs which cannot be solved with high speed lead. If they are not confident they will get home safely at the end of their shift, this would stop REAL fast!
On July 22, 2023 at 7:45 am, Joe Blow said:
Ditto what Mark said.
I fear our government has become exactly what our forefathers warned us about. Its time to scrap the whole lot, its not salvageable.
On July 23, 2023 at 5:50 pm, JB said:
If the KGB would do that to an Eagle then we are just worms to them. Covid then, and this now.
So wheres the pushback, the freedom fighters, the wanna be warriors training in full battle rattle on their Youtube pages for the revolution ?
Wheres the flag waving Gadson flying warriors with all their guns, the Reddit gun painters with battle vests and gun rooms, suppressors and SBR’s ?
You can bet when the balloon goes up they will be rolled up by the KGB like an stinky old carpet.
The US is headed the way Communist Russia went. Different names, but same players and strategies.
The next push against us after information control, and energy control comes real gun control, and food control.
Will Americans finally figure things and fight back. I dont think so. They will end up in piles like Pol Pots servile masses.