Without push back from every citizen in the form of documentable email or letter trail to elected leaders weekly your directive to your elected rep are not known. Truthfully my letters monthly to my leadership mean nada.
I’m in OREGON, my reps are literally Communists. For twenty years my “ input, demands, instruction” have gone unanswered.
Old attorney tactic is, if attacking the subject isn’t working, attack the person. Past ten years I’m brutal on these communist. I call em straight up communists, not Democratic Socialists.
I’ve promised both that I will be there when We The People hang their asses for Treason, of course after due process.
It’s interesting in the ten twelve years I’ve been calling em commies, they’ve never denied it.
I still to this day get invited to participate in fact finding meetings, requests to join them at local and southern OREGON conferences. Imagine that!
I call them out on their flowery rhetoric titles to program’s their peddling. And I’ve suggested at least one hundred times that we review their voters record thru-out the state pre election. Ain’t happening.
I race sailboats wed nights,well I did, until last year. The editor of the city news paper was my foredeck crew, we race,,,,drink lots of beer and fight about politics and his news papers agenda.
I’ve thrown him off my boat fired him made him swim back to shore, more than a few times. When he makes it to shore, our parting words were always see you next Wed.
Problem is this is america, he has the same rights as me. He’s now the editor of the Bend OREGON news paper. And a hell of a sailor!
I watch little tv anymore, what I do watch is sickening, the age the mental incapacity of the men and women running this country is ridiculous .
I watch McConnell, stroke out on TV Wed afternoon, as I passed by. I was yelling at the TV, die you fucking communist shill, please god let him die right on tv in front of god and country.
No such luck. This morning he’s back, had that drug induced crazed look on his face as he drooled on himself, was escorted back to his wheel chair and quickly escorted out of the area. Tell me he’s not a communist piece of shit, dam he married a Chicom lady whose family are Chinese communist party officials!
I’m sorry my tolerance for the bullshit in DC Dem and Rep is waining, they’re all the same uniparty.
While I enjoy arching the rep destroy Biden’s cabinet I know this, don’t mean shit.
End of the day ol Crooked Joe, ol brain dead Joes going to use his authority to Pardon his entire family and friends. And he will smile openly about it while he’s doing it.
The system use to work, what happened?.
I think I know, it’s not the system it’s the people, they spend ten hours a day profiting off the backs of us. Sadly I also know that only one thing will change this monster called DC, that’s hang em all!
A trial by we the people,,,,,no appeals or other non sense,,,walk em out back and hang ‘em by the neck until dead.
Ain’t gonna happen. And I hate myself for my lack of moral ethical courage to address the people in a meaningful manner.
On July 27, 2023 at 1:54 pm, Ozark Redneck said:
@PGF, this was part of the ‘Gun Safety Bill”, passed last year by the demoncrats and 10 Rinos in the senate.
This article is filed under the category(s) BATFE and was published July 26th, 2023 by Herschel Smith.
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On July 27, 2023 at 9:33 am, PGF said:
Did this not have to be budgeted and approved? Where did the money come from? Yeah, your congressmen know.
On July 27, 2023 at 11:10 am, Dirk Williams said:
Without push back from every citizen in the form of documentable email or letter trail to elected leaders weekly your directive to your elected rep are not known. Truthfully my letters monthly to my leadership mean nada.
I’m in OREGON, my reps are literally Communists. For twenty years my “ input, demands, instruction” have gone unanswered.
Old attorney tactic is, if attacking the subject isn’t working, attack the person. Past ten years I’m brutal on these communist. I call em straight up communists, not Democratic Socialists.
I’ve promised both that I will be there when We The People hang their asses for Treason, of course after due process.
It’s interesting in the ten twelve years I’ve been calling em commies, they’ve never denied it.
I still to this day get invited to participate in fact finding meetings, requests to join them at local and southern OREGON conferences. Imagine that!
I call them out on their flowery rhetoric titles to program’s their peddling. And I’ve suggested at least one hundred times that we review their voters record thru-out the state pre election. Ain’t happening.
I race sailboats wed nights,well I did, until last year. The editor of the city news paper was my foredeck crew, we race,,,,drink lots of beer and fight about politics and his news papers agenda.
I’ve thrown him off my boat fired him made him swim back to shore, more than a few times. When he makes it to shore, our parting words were always see you next Wed.
Problem is this is america, he has the same rights as me. He’s now the editor of the Bend OREGON news paper. And a hell of a sailor!
I watch little tv anymore, what I do watch is sickening, the age the mental incapacity of the men and women running this country is ridiculous .
I watch McConnell, stroke out on TV Wed afternoon, as I passed by. I was yelling at the TV, die you fucking communist shill, please god let him die right on tv in front of god and country.
No such luck. This morning he’s back, had that drug induced crazed look on his face as he drooled on himself, was escorted back to his wheel chair and quickly escorted out of the area. Tell me he’s not a communist piece of shit, dam he married a Chicom lady whose family are Chinese communist party officials!
I’m sorry my tolerance for the bullshit in DC Dem and Rep is waining, they’re all the same uniparty.
While I enjoy arching the rep destroy Biden’s cabinet I know this, don’t mean shit.
End of the day ol Crooked Joe, ol brain dead Joes going to use his authority to Pardon his entire family and friends. And he will smile openly about it while he’s doing it.
The system use to work, what happened?.
I think I know, it’s not the system it’s the people, they spend ten hours a day profiting off the backs of us. Sadly I also know that only one thing will change this monster called DC, that’s hang em all!
A trial by we the people,,,,,no appeals or other non sense,,,walk em out back and hang ‘em by the neck until dead.
Ain’t gonna happen. And I hate myself for my lack of moral ethical courage to address the people in a meaningful manner.
On July 27, 2023 at 1:54 pm, Ozark Redneck said:
@PGF, this was part of the ‘Gun Safety Bill”, passed last year by the demoncrats and 10 Rinos in the senate.