Why Would Anyone With Any Sense Enlist In The U.S. Military Today?
BY Herschel Smith
From the clownish behavior of the generals simping for the Woke crowd, to the obscene pullout of Afghanistan, to the lower PT standards of all branches of the military, to the recycling of female candidates for Ranger school, to Marine Corps officer candidates who have to use GPS to pass the land navigation course, to the rusting ships, to the crashing ships at sea, and on it goes. How could it get any worse?
She, along with a ten other Marines, a Soldier and a Sailor, was killed by the enemy doing exactly what you see in this picture – helping the innocent.
She was 23; she was 2-years old when the attacks of 911 started the path down to where she found herself that day in service to her nation.
All that makes the following unbearable.
Nicole Gee, 23, was one of 13 service members who died in a suicide blast at Kabul Airport in 2021 alongside 170 desperate Afghans seeking to leave the beleaguered country.
Gee’s body was first flown to her hometown of Roseville, California for a ceremony.
But her family was told they would be responsible for taking her body to her final resting place at Arlington National Cemetery, Florida Representative Mills claimed.
Honoring Our Fallen, a nonprofit which helps the families of fallen American service members, paid for the family to move Gee’s remains to Virginia using a private jet.
Mills’ office said the option for the defense department to decline to pay for the transportation of her body was allowed by a change to last year’s National Defense Authorization Act.
It states the secretary of Defense may provide a fallen service member’s family ‘a commercial air travel use waiver for the transportation of deceased remains of [a] military member who dies inside a theater of combat operations.’
Republican politician Mills said the Defense Department should pay for transporting the bodies of those who have died serving their countries and not their families.
‘Typically, our fallen heroes are flown back home for a solemn service and then laid to a final rest at Arlington Cemetery with the utmost respect and honor,’ he told Fox News.
‘It is an egregious injustice that grieving families were burdened to shoulder the financial strain of honoring their loved ones.
So now in the middle of the obscene surrender and pullout, a woman (who shouldn’t have been in combat anyway) died, and the family has to sustain the burial cost if they want her buried at Arlington.
Who with any sense would enlist in or seek a commission in the U.S. military today?
On July 27, 2023 at 12:15 am, Yes They Can said:
Did Brandon look at his watch?
CPUSA (D) voters and Ukraine profile pic hashtag makers should be reminded that recruiting offices are open.
Registering with Selective Service is the law.
Since ol’ whitey isn’t wanted, we’ll just sit this one out.
Forward! Si se puede!
On July 27, 2023 at 8:38 am, Shillelagh Pog said:
This whole debacle remains so vivid to me. My son’s unit was split with half going over to support the Marine elements that made it to Kabul. It was crushing to watch the collapse of an empire’s ambitions in real time. We continue to fly 13 flags out front, not for the loss of national status, but for the wasted, unneeded, irresponsible loss of 13 young people for no reason. They would have served a better role on the border, where I and other could help if needed.
On July 27, 2023 at 9:34 am, PGF said:
Our fight is for the homeland. There’s no reason to join anything or go anywhere.
On July 27, 2023 at 10:07 am, Grunt said:
The military probably kept me out of jail. Straightened my ass right out. Had a 30 year professional career post military. For many years I was an advocate for young people to go in the military. Now? NEVER. A couple young men at my local grocery store told me that they were thinking about joining. I don’t tell them outright not to, I just let them know the current reality about today’s military. It saddens this old paratrooper.
On July 27, 2023 at 10:09 am, Frank Clarke said:
Over the last 70 years (or more, perhaps), the United States in the persons of those we sent to represent (sic) us in Congress, has utterly failed to demonstrate that they are worth fighting -for-.
Instead, when tasked to do a particular job — declaring war — Congress punted with the blatantly unConstitutional ‘Authorization for the Use of Military Force’ (AUMF) that puts both the power to declare war and the power to wage it exactly where the early Congress did NOT want it — in the Executive Mansion.
As a result, the ‘wars’ (sic) that have been waged since 1945 have exhibited a single commonality: our soldering class are treated — perhaps even thought of — as mere firewood to be tossed into the conflagration whenever the political class feels the need for more heat. That’s how we got 58,000 dead soldiers in VietNam which is, by the way, now one of our major trading partners. We didn’t need to lose 58,000 of our best gene-producers in order to trade with VietNam. We could have done that in 1961 before a shot was fired, but that wouldn’t have shown how tough we were on Communism, would it? Likewise, Iraq and Libya and Afghanistan were all thought to be pushover events that would burnish the reputations of our leaders, and the number of dead soldiers was a mere statistic.
The risibly-misnamed ‘USA PATRIOT Act’ has turned us from a simulacrum of a constitutional republic to a full-blown totalitarian dictatorship as recent events are making ever more clear.
When any substantial portion of our military figures this out, we will be one or more steps closer to a coup, and I’m dreading that less and less as time goes on.
On July 27, 2023 at 2:40 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
Re: “So now in the middle of the obscene surrender and pullout, a woman (who shouldn’t have been in combat anyway) died, and the family has to sustain the burial cost if they want her buried at Arlington.”
The death of a young man in combat is tragic – but the death of a young woman in battle in the prime of her child-bearing years is not just tragic, but an affront to every value our civilization once held dear. It is an atrocity.
I honor Gee’s courage, fortitude and willingness to step forward for what she believed to be sound reasons… but the blunt fact of the matter is that she should not have been there – in Afghanistan – at all.
Any nation which willingly – even eagerly – sends young women into uniform and into battle when there are young men available to do the job, is both morally sick and ethically confused.
G.K. Chesterton once said, “The true soldier fights not just because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him…”
Former U.S.M.C. officer and Navy Secretary James “Jim” Webb, writing many years later about his experiences in combat in the Vietnam War as a Marine, looking around at what the military and our society had become, ruminated that one of the biggest reasons he and other young men like him went there and fought was because they believed that they were protecting their families – their women and children – back home.
Only women can bear children, and for that reason alone, the future of society literally depends upon their preservation and that of their offspring. For this reason, men are expendable in a sense that women are not.
We do these young women a terrible disservice by cheering their ambitions to join the military and do the things that men are supposed to do. If we were really interested in the survival and continued viability of our civilization, we would instead encourage young women like Gee to strive to find a mate, marry and start a family – just as women for millennia before them have done. In so doing, they would be rendering a service of incalculable value to their nation, communities, and families.
“Who with any sense would enlist in or seek a commission in the U.S. military today?”
I am a long-time martial artist of black-belt rank, and have taught young people for many years. Nothing professional or for money, just for the experience of doing it and to help the kids starting out.
Once, whenever I was asked, I recommended military service as a path in life for young men. Our program sent one young men into the Navy SEAL challenge program, and several more into other branches of service. But since Obama and seeing what has been done to our military, I no longer recommend military service for these young people – if/when they ask my advice. Indeed, I do my best to warn them off and explain why.
Today, I would recommend to such a young man to learn a skilled trade, marry and start a family.
On July 27, 2023 at 5:20 pm, Latigo Morgan said:
My kid and her husband recently resigned their commissions. Just for kicks and grins, look up what two married Navy O3’s are paid in salary and perks. It’s well into 6 figures.
Some things are more important than money.
On July 27, 2023 at 10:02 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ Latigo Morgan
Re: “My kid and her husband recently resigned their commissions. Just for kicks and grins, look up what two married Navy O3’s are paid in salary and perks. It’s well into 6 figures.”
I’ll take your word for it, but I am not surprised. That’s what – full lieutenant or the equivalent of a Marine Corps or Army captain?
Re: “Some things are more important than money.”
That’s right, and I applaud their integrity and desire to do the right thing.
The handwriting has been on the wall for a while now. Even during the GWB era, there were a lot of troubling signs that things were not as they should have been. Our finest warriors being persecuted for doing their jobs in combat, stuff like that.
Whenever and wherever they take power, the communists always move to seize control of the enforcement arms of the state, namely the police and the military. As one of the last bastions of traditional America, the armed forces held out against cultural marxism longer than almost anyone else – but eventually, they too fell to the marxists.
All of this has come to a head under Biden and Obama, but it had its beginnings as far back as the Clintons in the 1990s. It’s been going on a long time.
On July 29, 2023 at 7:37 am, Papa said:
With all the money flushed away in the GWOT and to “contactors”, the Swamp God required a family to transport the remains of their daughter.
Examples as that, the jab mandates for service members, psychos in think tanks creating war and misery, full speed woke/DEI, and on and on.
What is someone defending when they now enlist or remain in?