Department of Justice Goes to Supreme Court Over Vacated Frame and Receiver Rule
BY Herschel Smith
If you recall, a federal judge completely vacated the ATF’s frame and receiver rule, and after appeal to the Fifth Circuit to issue a stay on the judge’s decision, the Fifth Circuit told the ATF that they weren’t likely to prevail. It’s a bit more complicated than that, because there were non-challenged provisions vacated along with the stupid main points of the frame and receiver rule. But the ATF doesn’t care about that, and neither do the plaintiffs.
Well, the ATF got their panties in a wad over all of that and had a girl-fit, and they have sent this to the Supreme Court.
Here is their paperwork. Most of it is laughable. In fact, it’s so stupid that I’m not going to lift prose out of it. You can read it for yourself.
Let’s rehearse this again. What the ATF is saying is that they don’t want people to be able to do what the colonialists did back in the days before and preceding the war of independence. That is, make their own machinery, if said machinery can propel a projectile.
The FedGov wants them all serialized, because guess why?
I’ve said it before. I consider the entirety of the serialization schema to be immoral and unconstitutional.
On July 28, 2023 at 2:21 pm, PGF said:
Your own government is actively pursuing destruction of your essential duties to the Almighty. The intent can only be one thing; they plan to do something to your children that you would fight to the death to prevent. Gun control always leads to mass murder.
Your industrial base has been destroyed. They’re shutting down food production, and destroying your access to energy sources and the liberty of personal mobility. They’ve long been poisoning the food and water to make you dumb, infertile, and fat.
Your government is at war with you, building a nationwide prison. Pray carefully about this and understand, America deserves everything that’s coming. Repent and be saved or suffer destruction.
On July 29, 2023 at 9:07 am, Dirk said:
OREGON just passed the No 80% lowers law recently. I discovered this issue when I tried to order another batch of 80% lowers from 5D tactical. Got an instant message indicating they could no longer market the lowers in OREGON.
Fuck em, I’ll buy em in Nevada.
On July 29, 2023 at 9:43 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ Herschel Smith
Re: “I’ve said it before. I consider the entirety of the serialization schema to be immoral and unconstitutional.”
It gets worse: It isn’t just machinery that the powers-that-be wanted serialized, but human beings as well. Of course, all of us in this great land have unique identification numbers for quite some time now, namely our social security numbers. Against government-mandated ID numbers? Well, sorry to tell you, but that horse left the barn a long time ago.
Here’s the blunt fact of the matter: Our would-be lords and masters regard everyday people as items of inventory. Widgets in a vast warehouse. Which is why one of the “must do” items on the list of the WEF and the globalists is to get each and every human being chipped.
The scuttlebutt is that they’ll roll out digital ID at the same time they debut central-bank digital currency (CBDC), and rumor is that the authorities will offer 2,000 digital dollars/month to those who voluntarily consent to having a chip implanted in their wrist.
Which brings us back to inventory in a warehouse… or maybe livestock in a pen. That’s all they see people as being…
On July 29, 2023 at 10:30 pm, Dan said:
BATFEces appeal to the SCOTUS may be ‘laughable’ but don’t laugh. They stand a pretty good chance of prevailing. Simply because the court system has a pretty abysmal track record regarding the Second Amendment.
On July 30, 2023 at 9:51 am, Matt said:
That govt. fears the people being armed is both good and bad. It’s good because it means the people still have the power to stop the govt. it’s bad in that it means the govt. is doing things it shouldn’t be doing. Notice that there isn’t a song with the lyrics, “F—k the Fire department”
On July 30, 2023 at 3:19 pm, JB said:
We are living the story of Russia. Government is being Sovietized. The people are asleep believing socialism is their answer to a good life. As Jan 6 political prisoners are held in American Gulags the hedonists think it will never happen to me. But it is is.
I see a grim future for the US. Only those of my friends nearing 70 know whats next, and most of those I know will fight the Communist order with all they have. Most are Vietnam Vets and can still shoot the eye out of a newt. And they will do the same to the Communists who come for their posessions.
But it will it be the Boomer generation that loses America. Hell we already lost her. And theres not nearly enough of us left that can fight to save her.
On July 30, 2023 at 6:00 pm, Allen said:
@JB never choose despair.
On July 30, 2023 at 8:31 pm, Greg said:
Alito put the circuit court ruling on hold for one week. Alas that this is SOP for S. Ct. even when the lower court decision is the correct one.
On July 30, 2023 at 8:56 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Meh. I’ve listened to the whiners at that web site (I can’t even remember the name of it now) who like to blame others, specifically Boomers, for the current state of affairs.
People like that don’t know history, and don’t know how to study it. Social Darwinism came to America mid-1900th century, and German Higher Criticism came to the American churches about then too (all of it Hegelianism), such that the Auburn Affirmation gutted at least one main line church.
Don’t buy it. A single generation doesn’t do this. Whiners not withstanding.