Frisco, Texas, Police Department Off The Chain

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 7 months ago

Watch the entire video.  Here are my initial thoughts.

“It was an honest mistake.”  No, it was honestly a dumbass mistake.  A different state – literally, the officer entered the wrong state into his database.

You’d think that brandishing a firearm at someone and the reckless endangerment that entails would necessitate some personnel error reduction training.  For example, they should be using STAR (Stop, Think, Act, Review), self-checking, independent verification, repeat backs, phenetic alphabet, and a whole host of very simple tools to prevent these sorts of stupid errors.  From wrong tag numbers to wrong-home SWAT raids, the error rate among cops has to be higher than even in the medical or pharmaceutical professions.  As I’ve pointed out before, they could take a page from the books of commercial nuclear power generators and the airline industry.  Imagine if we held cops to the same zero error-rate as FFLs?

Second, that cop who was shouting orders is much too dramatic for me.  He needs to take his finger out of the trigger well and calm down.  It’s not okay to muzzle flag people at the range, but for some reason cops think it’s okay for them to do it to innocent people.

Third, the policy is stupid.  It would had been much more effective if they had simply gone up to the window and knocked on it and asked some questions, perhaps revisited their initial work to come up with the wrong state tag.

Finally, having the people walk backwards on a freeway is about the dumbest thing they could demand. The individuals they’ve stopped have absolutely no way of knowing that they’re correct that the freeway has been shut down. After all, they’ve been stopped for no reason at all by an idiot who entered the wrong state into his database. That doesn’t exactly inspire confidence. My bet, however, is that a DA would have refused to charge them if someone had been run over because of “qualified immunity,” which as we’ve seen before is an unconstitutional abomination borne out of DAs and the judicial bench protecting their own.

This is just stupidity in action.  Watch as these cops make enemies of people, abandoning any hope of having people talk about “supporting the blue.”  It’s happening all over America as police departments hire the lowest IQ people they can find, and cops abandon the constitution and continue to listen to their dumb police academy trainers.

Here is their contact information.


  1. On July 31, 2023 at 10:59 pm, Dan said:

    When you hire from the shallow end of the gene pool….and REFUSE to hire people with high IQ’s…then give them carte blanche to act any way they want without fear of consequences the results are easily predictable.

  2. On August 1, 2023 at 5:59 am, CT Ginger said:

    There’s a small error factor in the following comment but it’s really, really tiny:

    In most cases the cops are just the best equipped street gang. They have zero interest in nor any legal responsibility to “serve and protect”. If anyone, anywhere still trusts them to be honest, trustworthy or competent I have waterfront property in the Sahara for sale. The cops are not your friend and they sure as hell don’t think of the taxpayer as their boss.

  3. On August 1, 2023 at 6:32 am, Mark Matis said:

    “Law Enforcement” exist to:
    1. Protect their Masters.
    2. Protect their bruthas and sistas in Blue.
    3. Generate revenue.

    Anything else they might do is purely coincidental.

  4. On August 1, 2023 at 7:24 am, Bobsuruncle said:

    “I got bad anxiety”, equals a million dollar lawsuit…remember that line.

  5. On August 1, 2023 at 7:34 am, Carlos the Jackal said:

    “..and REFUSE to hire people with high IQ”
    Got anyone in mind, that has a high IQ & wants to be a cop?
    The 2 things seem to be mutually exclusive.

  6. On August 1, 2023 at 10:13 am, Olguy said:

    This will only get better with Illegal Alien Cops. (Snark)

  7. On August 1, 2023 at 12:03 pm, No Haza Zone said:

    The Keystoners could always go to work in the glorious peoples republic of Illinois led by a CPUSA Jabba the hut blob who loves foreigners.
    People with high IQ are turned away from the poleece.

  8. On August 1, 2023 at 10:36 pm, george 1 said:

    The truth is American government at all levels is, at this point, illegitimate to include police. The police have not performed as peace officers for a long time. It is quite clear that the police get away with everything today up to and including murder. The Constitution is meaningless now.

    Note the one restraint police have today is that they assuredly do not desire to persecute black people, at least as far as it becomes public. This is because they might actually face justice for that and some of their masters do not necessarily want large sections of a city in which they live to burn down. This is the reason for the immediate apology.

    I would postulate that had that family been white a different outcome would have occurred. White people are safe targets for civil rights violations and the police know it is politically correct to do so due to the desires of the elites.

    We have a local radio show I listen to. Two years ago many callers would tell of their support for the police. That has not been as prevalent lately. Many people now state that they no longer trust the police as it is obvious that they work for a criminal elite. Sometimes they do arrest bad guys but they are increasingly likely to harass law abiding people.

  9. On August 1, 2023 at 11:44 pm, X said:

    Cops are utter filth. The older I get, the more inclined I am to take the attitude that if some swine wants to shoot me down in the street like a dog, so be it. Better I die than “exist” in a police state where some shaven-headed tattooed lesbian with a gun and a badge can kick in my door and shoot me and my dog for any perceived “reason.” That’s not “freedom.”

    I am not interested in living in the equivalent of USSR or in Nazi Germany where swine cops can make a mistake and hold me and my family at gunpoint as if we were enemy combatants in a foreign country. Worse, actually; my kid was in Afghanistan and said they would have been court-martialed if they did half the shit to Afghan civilians that American cops do to us.

    And what’s with the unprofessionalism? Shouting “bro” at some guy you’re holding at gunpoint after YOU mistakenly pulled him over? WTF. And what if the car had actually been stolen? Does possession of stolen property justify being ready and willing to execute some guy on the side of the road if he so much as scratches his balls?

    Sure, sure, I know there are “good ones.” If some guy gets drunk and then runs over a three-year old on a tricycle with his car, yes he should be arrested by the cops. Hooray. Nobody disputes that. But even cops in Nazi Germany arrested people for drunken misconduct and for theft and robbery. That’s not the issue. The issue is being treated like an Iraqi suicide bomber when you get pulled over for speeding. The issue is civil forfeiture. The issue is shooting any dog that barks. The issue is “testilying.” The issue is qualified immunity. The issue is “shoot first, ask questions later.” The issue is special gun privileges for cops that do not exist for us peasants. The issue is when a former president running for office is arrested on 75 felony charges by the incumbent he is trying to defeat.

    I practically puke every time I hear that stupid national anthem about the “land of the free and the home of the brave.” LOL, what bullshit.

  10. On August 2, 2023 at 1:04 pm, Chris Mallory said:

    Almost as bad are the “Cop acts like a normal human being! News at 11!” stories.

    The cop buys the homeless guy a sandwich, cop plays basketball or dances with yutes, cop rescues a kitten. You know stuff any decent human would do. But when a cop does it, it is a major news story hitting the wire.

    I watched the video a day or two ago. It just reinforced my firm belief that all cops are gutless cowards. We also got the “we followed protocol” excuse. It could be protocol, policy, or training, but it is well past time it was changed. We must change the standard for police violence from a “reasonable man” standard to a “facts as they are” standard. Meaning if the cops shoot a guy for pulling up his pants, they are facing murder charges. If the facts do not substantiate the cop’s fear then too bad, so sad have a fun time in prison there porky.

  11. On August 2, 2023 at 5:09 pm, luke2236 said:

    George1 is correct; were the ‘victims’ White, the violations would have continued, some ‘reason’ for arrest would have surely been found/manufactured and no one would say a thing. Note too how even the ‘attorney’ immediately emphasizes that the victims were black… like that makes it worse. Of course, thats the only reason anything may ever be done about it in this country…

    Wake up White folk – your country has been taken and you live in occupied territory. The fuzz aint your friend – they are just paid thugs for the (((masters))) and will do whatever theyre told. With glee mostly given the demographic. And its not gonna do anything but get worse til we do something major about it…

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