Deep Dive: New Jersey’s New ‘John Wick’ CCW Qualification Test
It looks like a police version of the FBI Q-target test. You can read the introductory thoughts here. Below is what the link indicates is the New Jersey CCW Qualification course. It’s undoubtedly discriminatory against folks with disabilities, especially those at the most risk of requiring self-defense with a firearm, such as the elderly, infirm, and young women. We’re not against continued intermediate and even advanced handgun tactics training, but all licensing to buy back your God-ordained duties is wickedness.
Vintage training
New Jersey’s new CCW qualification standards have been criticized for being too high, too rigid and too much like a police qualification course. The critics are right. This is nothing but a decades-old police qualification course revamped and repackaged for civilians. It does not reflect current best practices, far from it. The tactics and techniques it requires applicants to master were state-of-the-art in the 1990s.
Unrealistic score
New Jersey requires a 50-round qualification course, which uses an “FBI-type Q-target,” which looks like an oversized milk bottle. To pass, students must somehow achieve a score of 80% or 40 rounds within the border of the Q-target.
Applicants must fire four rounds kneeling and three rounds standing at a 25-yard target. This precludes most new shooters from using popular concealed-carry firearms, such as smaller and easier to conceal 9mms, .380s or short-barrel revolvers. Sure, there are some who can make consistent hits at 25-yards with any handgun, regardless of its size. However, many new shooters have difficulty hitting beyond 15 yards.
Twenty-five yards is an unrealistic test for civilian concealed carry. While there are certainly a few incredible exceptions, most deadly-force encounters involving civilians occur much closer, usually within spitting distance.
Open-carry holster
This qualification course is designed to use an open-carry holster, worn either outside or inside the waistband. However, only law enforcement officers can openly carry handguns in New Jersey. Civilians must carry their defensive firearms concealed. Therefore, why test them on their ability to draw and fire from an open-carry holster? Most ranges won’t even allow drawing from the holster, so where can civilians train this technique other than dry firing at home?
In a gunfight, once your knees touch the ground you’re stationary, and stationary targets don’t survive very long.
Shooting from the kneeling position is an old-school law enforcement tactic, not unlike shooting a handgun from the prone position. Testing a civilian’s ability to shoot from the kneeling position is lunacy.
Like drawing from the holster, most private ranges don’t allow their customers to practice from the kneeling position. One range I know that did quickly abandoned the practice after a customer positioned their target too close and put five rounds into the ceiling.
Additionally, there are many shooters who cannot kneel because they suffer mobility issues or use a wheelchair. Are they to be denied their Second Amendment rights because of their disability?
Forcing applicants to kneel violates the Americans with Disabilities Act, which requires “state and local governments including their criminal justice agencies to comply with the ADA.”
New Jersey’s AG and its state police should be ashamed of their “ableist” misdeeds.
Point shoulder
“On command, from a secured holster position, draw and fire 3 rounds in 5 seconds from a point-shoulder position,” the training document states.
Those words haven’t been spoken at an American gun range for quite some time, yet New Jersey still plans to require its concealed-carry applicants to shoot from the point-shoulder position.
The point-shoulder or Weaver stance was developed by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy Jack Weaver in the 1950s. It fell out of favor among law enforcement tactical trainers decades ago, because by blading their body toward the threat it exposed the officer’s side, which was not protected by body armor.
While the point-shoulder position has remained popular with some competitive shooters, nowadays, most instructors teach a modified isosceles shooting position, which was first developed by Tier One trainers. It’s more natural and not as awkward as the point-shoulder because it makes it easier to absorb recoil and track moving targets.
New Jersey requires concealed-carry applicants to draw using their strong hand, transfer their weapon to their support/weak hand and then fire three rounds in two seconds at a 5-yard target.
Offhand shooting requires constant practice because it is not a natural skill. While it is a prerequisite for police and military shooters, it has no place in a qualification test for civilians – other than to prevent them from achieving a passing grade.
Besides, has there ever been a documented defensive shooting where a civilian was forced to transition their handgun to their off hand?
On August 17, 2023 at 12:28 pm, Williams Botan said:
NJ sucks in so many ways?
I lived in PA and had relatives living in NJ years ago – now all gone.
I did a lot of diving along the NJ shore. Wrecks and lobster.
At present I do technical contracting. High $.
I refuse any positions in NJ and there are a lot.
When having 1 hollow point gets you jail I am out.
Not to be outdone I don’t take contracts in NJ or NY, CT, RI, IL, MA, CA, OR, or WA.
If my CCP isn’t accepted I don’t go.
On August 17, 2023 at 1:01 pm, Latigo Morgan said:
When I visited NJ, what I had with me would have gotten me thrown under the jail if Johnny Law had taken an interest. Where I came from, it was just normal carry. NJ is messed up. I never even checked my rear-view mirror when I left that place.
On August 17, 2023 at 1:04 pm, Fred said:
A NJ Prosecutor would have a field day if a CCW carrier took a shot at 25Y claiming they were in imminent danger. Seriously flawed test and application system.
On August 18, 2023 at 7:22 am, Vicious Sid said:
Just another attempt at gun control I work with LE and many officers couldn’t pass this test if required for qualification. Absurd.