Mule Versus Horse For Game Hunting
BY Herschel Smith1 year, 5 months ago
On the other hand, every horse is an individual, strong or weak, stupid or smart, slow or fast, placid or panicky. Moreover, horses respond to how well or poorly you ride them. If you saw at the reins, yank on the bit, flop around in the saddle, or kick constantly, you will soon be riding a very unhappy horse who will be thrilled to scrape you off its back by way of a low tree limb.
Horses are flesh and blood, and wear out. The average elk-hunt cayuse will probably be close to exhaustion by the time you get him, leg-weary and suffering from weeks of a poor diet. Have a heart and don’t beat on him. On the other hand, many horses loaf when they can get away with it, and a tap with a Field Expedient Equine Motivational Device (a switch, which you cut) will remind him of where his duty lies.
Horses are subject to panic attacks. For much of their history, they were what was for dinner, and so if something spooks them, they react instantly, either by kicking, or bucking, or stampeding. If you’re in the saddle when this happens, you’re in trouble. I’ve never known anyone who spent a lot of time with horses and did not get bashed, but good, at some point. Getting bashed is part of the mule vs horse equation no matter which side you take, but in my experience, horses employ a wider variety of ways to bash you.
The mule is a hybrid, produced by mating a male donkey, or jack, with a lady horse. Mules were familiar 3,000 years ago in ancient Egypt, and were originally imported and bred in America by George Washington, who was first in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen, and first to ask “Why don’t we have mules?”, and do something about it.
Most mules weigh between 800 and 1,000 pounds. They come in all colors and can range way above or below those weights depending on the size of their dams. The creatures benefit from a phenomenon known as hybrid vigor; they inherit the best qualities of both the horse and the donkey. The list of ways in which mules outshine horses is so long as to be embarrassing.
Mules are stronger than horses. They can carry more weight and carry it farther without breaking down. During World War II, pack mules served the U.S. Army in Sicily, Italy, and the China-Burma-India Theatre, wherever there were mountains that Jeeps could not navigate and heavy loads that had to be carried over them. In Korea, the U.S. Army ignored mules, but the Chinese Army did not, and our G.I.s used captured mules, feeding them the cereal packets from their own rations. Special Forces used mules in Afghanistan, and at one point SF troopers could take a course in mule management at Ft. Bragg, N.C.
There are reasons for all this.
- Mules are smarter than horses (which is not all that difficult) and have better memories.
- They can subsist on less feed than a horse, and poorer feed.
- Their hooves are smaller, and harder, than a horse’s, and mules are much surer-footed.
- They can work in heat that would founder a horse.
- Mules live longer than horses and are more resistant to disease.
- If you treat them with kindness, they’ll bond with you in a way that horses won’t.
Mules don’t react to the world in the way that horses do. In the face of perceived peril, a mule will not panic and go thundering over a cliff. He will stop and think about the situation, and if he decides that whatever is afoot might be dangerous he will go no further. Mules, I’ve been told, will never do anything that might hurt them, and their legendary stubbornness is actually a form of self-preservation. (Mules will also balk if they’re confused or have no idea what you want them to do.)
I love horses, but I’ve ridden a mule before at the Grand Canyon (horses were too skittish to use near the big drops), and let me tell you, they are much bigger and stronger than horses. Yea, a bit slow to react to neck reigning, but still mine was responsive to me because of my time training quarter horses, and there isn’t any situation where I had heavy weight to carry out West or up North where I wouldn’t rather have a mule with me.
On August 24, 2023 at 12:28 am, Mike said:
A good mule is better than the best horse. A bad mule is worse than the worst horse. A horse will blow up on the spot. A mule will pick it’s time and place to blow up, always to the detriment of its rider.
On August 24, 2023 at 5:52 am, RCW said:
Regarding mules vs horses, it can be helpful not to forget Faulkner, who once quipped “a mule will labor ten years willingly & patiently for you, for the privilege of kicking you once.”
On August 24, 2023 at 6:34 am, jrg said:
We own a male donkey for ‘safety officer’ over two cows in our small 2.5 acre pasture. Also eats some growth that cows won’t so there is that too. A bit of a joker, the donkey will bite down on a shovel and/or pitchfork and drag away. When veternarian came to give cows shot, the donkey attempted to keep them away from him. We finally were able to convince him to stand down and let the doc do his job.
On August 29, 2023 at 8:03 am, Otis D said:
I’m on my fourth riding mule , have owned 5.
Mules are “smarter” than horses because they have more survival skills. This makes them different in handling techniques, but also makes them hardier and independent. Luckily they don’t get (self) hurt as often as horses (anyone who has had horses has had to tend to cuts and give tetanus boosters and penicillin). Mules are not very cooperative with this.
They are also more resistant to disease. My two mules were exposed to strangles when we kept a friend’s newly purchased horse for them, and my vet said that mules rarely get strangles.
Mules are more sure footed because of the placement of their eyes, from the genetics of the donkey. They can see where they place their back feet, unlike horses. And while they will spook or run from danger, they won’t usually run more than 1/4 mile or over a cliff or til they are dead like a horse. Every mule I’ve ridden hates bicycles.
Mules are not the best for speed. They tend to not like to canter, but they do have a very comfortable ‘shuffle’ or fast walk. Especially the ones from a gaited mare.
They are also more comfortable on the downhill because of their brakes, but saddling them can be a challenge.
They require a mule saddle (because their vertebrae are placed differently than a horse, a horse saddle might fit, but years down the road they will have problems that could be avoided), and a breast collar and britchen because in mountainous terrain the saddle will move. Mules are extremely suited for mountain and hill riding.
They can handle more weight than a horse (roughly 1/3 their weight) and live longer, eat less and work harder than a horse.
Their eating habits are semi goat-like. stickers and poison ivy. Some don’t like dogs. Some don’t like cows. And make this very obvious.
That being said, riding one and handling them you are usually either a mule person or not.
As mentioned in other comments, they are protective and will bond in a way that most horses don’t.