The Thompson SMG
BY Herschel Smith
What a great machine – of interest to engineers everywhere. It’s too bad the controllers swept it up into the umbrella of the NFA and GCA.
What a great machine – of interest to engineers everywhere. It’s too bad the controllers swept it up into the umbrella of the NFA and GCA.
On September 4, 2023 at 3:11 pm, Dirk said:
My last department had two of these, a couple of Rislings, and a couple M3’s.
God himself wasn’t allowed to touch the Thompsons after oooooo 96, I didn’t much care for the performance of the Rislings, I learned to love the M3’s.
All the guys wanted to shoot the cool guy shit. The M3 wasn’t in that crowd. I pretty much had one to myself on range day. The agency was very good about ammo for the road dogs.
Back in the late 80s early90s theBIA MERT “ Marijuana Eradification Team” was station here in Klamath Falls. They bought ammo by the ton. Their HQ was an old air force housing project, school the AF had abandoned.
They literally filled the small gym wil all types of ammo for the Humboldt marijuana season.
Being close with those guys I’d go out and we would shoot at my lunch hour. I mean shoot ammo by the 1000 round case. Weekly