OK Lawmaker Demands Probe into ATF SWAT Raid Of Constituent’s Home
Apparently, the target of the raid is a pastor who had an FFL. The BATFE coerced him into surrendering his license. All licenses are just borrowed liberties that the issuer has no right to sell, but that’s another story. Oklahoma state Rep. Justin Humphrey (R-Lane) is about to learn what many Americans fear but won’t come to grips with. The oligarchy runs the permanent bureaucracy; state and federal legislatures have no real power anymore.
Since he surrendered his license, the ATF now has access to his 4473s. Expect more raids both of buyers and sellers.
According to a press release, Humphrey said he was contacted by Fincher after a dozen ATF SWAT team members bearing “automatic weapons” raided Fincher’s home, handcuffed him on his porch in front of his 13-year-old son and coerced him into relinquishing his Federal Firearm License.
“If this report is true, and I have every reason to believe it is, then it would appear the ATF’s actions constitute a gross misuse and abuse of their federal police powers,” Humphrey said in the press release.
Fincher’s ordeal was chronicled in a story published in July. The 52-year-old is a high school teacher, a Baptist pastor and a parttime gun dealer.
“Mr. Fincher is a distinguished figure in our community, serving both as pastor and schoolteacher in the small community of Clayton, Oklahoma. He is known as a respected member of the community, and I have every reason to believe his account. If proven true, the actions of the ATF agents could be seen as a severe misuse and abuse of their federal law enforcement authority,” Humphrey wrote in the letter to the AG, Governor and Sheriff. “Mr. Fincher claimed that the intent of the raid was evidently to coerce him into terminating his license. He said agents pressured him to declare that he was willingly signing the three prepared termination papers. He explained that he felt coerced due to the armed agents and the threatening environment. He likened the agents’ actions to extortion rather than a proper law enforcement search. One agent reportedly warned, ‘Tell your firearms buddies we are coming after them.’ If true, this statement appears to be an unlawful threat by the agent.”
Humphrey, who chairs Oklahoma’s Criminal Justice and Corrections Committee, believes the ATF violated Fincher’s Second and Fourth Amendment rights.
This is classic tyranny; find the most upstanding man you can and humiliate him to intimidate the populous. BATFE agents swear an oath to uphold the Constitution. Figure that out.
On September 6, 2023 at 1:17 pm, Longbow said:
I suppose I commented a day too early.
On September 7, 2023 at 12:09 pm, Captain said:
Lawmakers. The gall.
On September 8, 2023 at 7:11 pm, Ned said:
I wonder if the pastor is going to be doing any Romans 13 “submit to government” sermons in the near future.
On September 9, 2023 at 6:59 pm, luke2236 said:
Well Ned, he may well and do so precisely AT this point in the highly unlikely event that he actually understands Romans 13. You see, that must be the most mis-quoted and misunderstood section of the entire New Testament. If one will read it in context, AND read before and after it, the Bible gives us CLEAR instructions/descriptions of legitimate government. IF the government ion question fulfills the duties of lawful, Biblical government, THEN we owe allegiance and obeyance. And ONLY then.
And I know of NO – not one single – government on this planet that fits the legitimate, Biblical mould.
make of that what you will…
On September 9, 2023 at 7:59 pm, luke2236 said:
One other thing to consider vis a vis Romans 13…
Q – Where was Paul when he penned the epistle?
A – in prison.
Q – why was he in prison?
A – for disobeying government edict…
The basic concepts/precepts of the Bible can be understood by any reasonably intelligent 5 yr old. Many other things are so nuanced so as to befuddle men for the ages. (Proverbs 25:2 for example) But most things past the basics require a bit of thought and reasoning. And an IQ higher than the belt size of the reader. This is one reason why one group of folk ‘get’ Holy Writ and few others do…
On September 10, 2023 at 2:35 pm, PGF said:
@Luke2236, I know what you meant, but still, you should know one government that fits the Biblical model, your own home.