I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets [read more]
The downside is what the SCOTUS did, i.e., stay the vacatur until heard by the supreme court. So regardless of what is found in the Fifth Circuit, it’s got to go back to the Supreme Court again. So this is a right delayed one more time.
Just noticed my Drivers license-my first and last name off by a letter (I have a rather unique name). I Filled out and spelled my name on 4473 correctly and my previous license didn’t have the spelling issue (same state different address). See more in post.
Passed the NICS check but I’m Wanting to correct my name to reflect it correctly. Anyone have experience with this? Should I call the gun shop and or ATF as well and let them know? I have a clean record and nothing prohibiting me from owning a firearm. I have purchased firearms in the past too with correct spelling on my previous drivers licenses. Funny thing is, I got the “star” or enchanted license too and had to give additional documents and the dmv spelled it wrong still (bith cert., social security card etc). Going to get my name spelled correctly at dmv tomorrow.
The ATF will find a way to blame a DMV error on the FFL and pull his license. They’re communists. It’s what they do.
I may have shared this before, but it’s always a good watch when I stumble upon it. From the comments: “The honey badger popping up after getting free from its coils and then going after it was probably the most gangster thing I’ve ever seen in the animal kingdom.”
You can make up your own mind on that. Here is the scoop.
And here is a reddit/Firearms discussion thread. For me it all boils down to this one thing. Sure, the if the FedGov wants into your safe, it’s going to get into your safe. They’ll turn it over and take a crowbar to it if they have to, or simply cut through the sides. There is this interesting tidbit from the thread.
… as I did some research on this yesterday. SecuRam electronic locks have a recovery code. The default is “999999”. This doesn’t open the lock, but it gives you a random string to give to Liberty. They then use that to give you a recovery code that resets the safe code to the factory default.
Now, there are several important notes here:
The code from your safe is generated upon request and only valid for 20 minutes. So having it in a database somewhere isn’t realistically a threat.
You can change the recovery code. You have to go through a process that involves calling Liberty to do it, and they’ll try to talk you out of it, but you can change it.
When I called up they explained their security process to me: they’ll only give the recovery code to a Liberty-certified locksmith. Even you, the owner, have to have a locksmith that Liberty has certified present to do it.
But for gun safe companies, there shouldn’t be any back door code for entry into the safe, and that seems to me like a selling point for gun safes. Something like this. “We know that you are buying our safe to make it as difficult as possible for people to get into your safe and touch the possessions you value. So we don’t provide a back door code for entry by anyone. Thus, warrant or no warrant, we have nothing to say to law enforcement because that feature isn’t a part of our products. Therefore, if you get locked out and forget your code, you should use the key we’ll send, or if you’ve lost that too, you may as well bring out the grinder or cutting torch, because we’re not getting into it for you. We can’t. If you’re considering out products, we know that’s what you want.”
I agree with the video from Backfire more than I do anything I’ve read or heard on this.
Stopping power, or “knockdown power,” is a projectile’s ability to incapacitate a target, whether animal or human. While almost everyone’s heard the term, understanding exactly what it means can be tough. All the confusion surrounding stopping power is mainly due to Hollywood’s unrealistic depictions of what happens when someone gets shot.
In TV and movies, one bullet will send a grown man flying backward. Depending on how over-the-top the flick is, they may do a backflip, launch off a building, or perform another acrobatic feat. On the other hand, the invincible hero shrugs off round after round until he completes the mission, saves the girl, and rides off into the sunset.
“As you will learn shortly, there are no ‘magic bullets” — there is no free lunch, and there is no substitute for marksmanship.” – Evan P. Marshall (Handgun Stopping Power: The Definitive Study)
As is often the case, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Let’s dive deeper into the science of terminal ballistics to get to the bottom of stopping power. We’ll examine the five factors influencing what happens when a bullet hits something.
If you can’t hit the target, it really doesn’t matter what ammo you use. The article goes on to discuss five factors that impact stopping power; caliber, muzzle velocity, bullet mass, bullet shape and composition, and muzzle energy; chart included.
Apparently, the target of the raid is a pastor who had an FFL. The BATFE coerced him into surrendering his license. All licenses are just borrowed liberties that the issuer has no right to sell, but that’s another story. Oklahoma state Rep. Justin Humphrey (R-Lane) is about to learn what many Americans fear but won’t come to grips with. The oligarchy runs the permanent bureaucracy; state and federal legislatures have no real power anymore.
Since he surrendered his license, the ATF now has access to his 4473s. Expect more raids both of buyers and sellers.
According to a press release, Humphrey said he was contacted by Fincher after a dozen ATF SWAT team members bearing “automatic weapons” raided Fincher’s home, handcuffed him on his porch in front of his 13-year-old son and coerced him into relinquishing his Federal Firearm License.
“If this report is true, and I have every reason to believe it is, then it would appear the ATF’s actions constitute a gross misuse and abuse of their federal police powers,” Humphrey said in the press release.
“Mr. Fincher is a distinguished figure in our community, serving both as pastor and schoolteacher in the small community of Clayton, Oklahoma. He is known as a respected member of the community, and I have every reason to believe his account. If proven true, the actions of the ATF agents could be seen as a severe misuse and abuse of their federal law enforcement authority,” Humphrey wrote in the letter to the AG, Governor and Sheriff. “Mr. Fincher claimed that the intent of the raid was evidently to coerce him into terminating his license. He said agents pressured him to declare that he was willingly signing the three prepared termination papers. He explained that he felt coerced due to the armed agents and the threatening environment. He likened the agents’ actions to extortion rather than a proper law enforcement search. One agent reportedly warned, ‘Tell your firearms buddies we are coming after them.’ If true, this statement appears to be an unlawful threat by the agent.”
Humphrey, who chairs Oklahoma’s Criminal Justice and Corrections Committee, believes the ATF violated Fincher’s Second and Fourth Amendment rights.
This is classic tyranny; find the most upstanding man you can and humiliate him to intimidate the populous. BATFE agents swear an oath to uphold the Constitution. Figure that out.