Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Here We Go On AR-15s Again

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 4 months ago

This time by an ignorant boob, Gretchen Carlson (hey, wasn’t she basically the founder of the “me too” movement?).  Anyway, aren’t they always ignorant?

This is her complaint.

This response is amusing.

But we already knew that, didn’t we?

Boy, would I like to get my hands on an original AR Sporter like that for $297.50! Does anyone want to let one go? I’ll even pay a bit more!

California Too Clever By Half: Federal Judge Strikes Down Gun Show Ban on First and Second Amendment Grounds

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 4 months ago

NY Homeowner Charged With Felony, Home Seized After Killing 2 in Home Invasion

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 4 months ago

Remember Ronald Stolarczyk, the 64-year-old New York homeowner who shot a pair of home invaders and was then arrested because of the gun he used? Well, they’ve gone ahead and charged him with a felony because his firearm, a Rossi 38 revolver which he inherited from his late father, was never registered with the state in Ronald’s name, although it had been legally purchased by and registered to his father.

This in spite of a statement from Oneida County District Attorney Scott McNamara, who stated that it’s unusual to charge such a person with a felony:

McNamara said his office typically prosecutes unregistered guns where the homeowner is present as misdemeanors, and not felonies. The first priority is to get the gun registered, he said. It’s not unusual for a family member to die and the gun gets passed onto a relative who doesn’t register it right away.

As far as the home invasion goes, it turns out this was not the first time Ronald’s home had been burglarized. During the homicide investigation, which so far looks to be justified and will probably not result in additional charges, a lot of Ronald’s stuff that had been stolen previously was discovered at the home of one of the deceased.

This is the DA to whom they refer.  Imagine being such a horrible person that you use your powers to prosecute a man for employing his God-given right and duty to defend his life because his firearm wasn’t registered with the state.

Now, rehearse what he said again: “It’s not unusual for a family member to die and the gun gets passed onto a relative who doesn’t register it right away.”

So, registering the gun prevents unintended deaths in the family.

Imagine being so stupid that you would mislead others by saying something like that, knowing it to be both false and irrelevant.

And if you still live in NY, why?


BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 4 months ago

Puppy tried to climb stairs.  Cute.

This big cat got tangled up with the wrong crowd.  She’s being tossed every which way but loose.

I like it when dogs get rescued.  I hope this kind boy finds a good home.

Senior Golden Retriever returns home after being lost in the Alaskan woods for 65 days.  Fortunate to be alive.

End of life care isn’t just for humans.

Feral hogs.  They’re awful.  Kill them when you can.

I’m unconcerned about a golf course, which is just a waste of a good shooting range.  But that’s not the point.  This could be a farmer’s crops.  Or your yard where those hogs left that carnage and disease.

Ammo Supply

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 4 months ago

PGF mentioned it, but Backfire is very concerned as am I.  Skip to the 7 minute mark.

ODD COINCIDENCE: DOJ Warns SCOTUS of Dangerous “Mentally Ill” Gun Owners Hours Before Maine Shooting

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 4 months ago

Yeah, I hate to have to think like this, but my first thought was “How convenient.”  It’s the FedGov’s fault that we think like this.

As for the “mentally ill,” I don’t like the supposed “yellow flag” laws in Maine and how the NRA and SAF panders to that side.  I don’t believe in anything laws, much less disarmament laws.

Of course, I agree with the new Speaker Johnson.

On Thursday, Johnson appeared on Fox News, where he was asked about the murder of 18 people in Lewiston, Maine. The Louisiana Republican said it was not the right time to consider legislation and defended the Second Amendment.

“At the end of the day, the problem is the human heart. It’s not guns, it’s not the weapons,” Johnson said. “We have to protect the right of the citizens to protect themselves. That’s the Second Amendment and that’s why our party stands so strongly for that.”

The Biden White House, for its part, has renewed a call for gun legislation after the shooting in Lewiston. And it wasted little time hitting Johnson for standing in the way.

Gun violence is “not the result of an imagined deficiency in the hearts of the American people …

That isn’t what he said.  He said nothing about a deficiency in the heart of the American people.  He said something about “human heart.”  As for what the Holy Writ says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”  That applies to everyone.

This was a killing zone because men didn’t carry weapons.  Folks, there’s such a thing as non-permissive carry.  Do it when necessary.

An Epic Story of Stateless Existence

1 year, 4 months ago

Without Comment from source:

My small family spent two years of our lives essentially stateless, stranded at sea, 18,000km from home, floating on 40ft of fiberglass. ‘Freedom to transact’ literally became a matter of life or death. This is our story.

Australia locked its citizens out from returning during the pandemic. My family (wife and three kids 3, 5 and 6 months old) were sailing on a catamaran in the eastern Caribbean at the time. We ended up there for two years waiting out the pandemic.

When the pandemic hit, we essentially became stateless. For a time, all countries within sailing distance closed their borders to Australian-flagged vessels. No flights or cruise ships. My son couldn’t renew his passport, and we had to get him temporary (refugee) papers.

Initially, we got locked down for 91 days on our boat in an overseas territory of France. The gendarme nautique (water police) prohibited us from leaving the boat. We technically weren’t even allowed to swim off the boat at anchor.

Early on, desperate to get the kids some exercise, we took the dinghy to an isolated beach. The gendarme came with guns and megaphones to enforce our isolation. The next day, a mini aircraft carrier arrived, and military control was implemented on the island.

Hurricane season arrived while we were still in lockdown, ramping up the stress. We provisioned to head to sea if a hurricane approached; stateless, the last resort plan was to drift at sea, waiting out the season. I studied the weather manically.

Months passed, hurricanes became imminent, the outlook dire; then Grenada saved us. They let 1,200 stranded boats in, despite their borders being completely shut. A tiny poor country was saving us when my own affluent country was blocking its citizens. This hit home hard.

We sailed 3 days non-stop to Grenada. Too late in the season, we faced terrible weather, experiencing multiple frontal systems, winds of 30-40+ knots, and at one point, three tornadic waterspouts closed in around us while the gooseneck bolt on the boom vibrated loose.

Two more weeks of quarantine, then freedom after 4 months restricted to the boat. NOAA then issued a hurricane warning with a track map directly over us. We scrambled to prepare and tie to the mangroves. Thankfully, it fizzled out and passed just south of us.

As time went by, we became forgotten citizens. ‘Freedom to Transact’ issues began to arise. We had been living in Canada for the 3 years prior on global expert visas. Canada had also locked us out (it remained open to citizens & PR but not to work visa holders).

Our Canadian bank cards expired, and we needed to physically be in Canada to activate new ones. Subsequently, our online banking account was suspended for suspicious activity. Again, we were required to go into a branch to remedy, which was impossible.

Our Australian bank access also became restricted. After roaming overseas for too long, our Australian phone SIMs expired and we lost access to our 2FA numbers needed for access to our bank accounts there.

To obtain a new SIM, we needed to provide government-approved ID and activate from within Australia. Again, the familiar response was ‘come into the bank and we can sort this out’. Loss of freedom of movement essentially led to a loss of freedom to transact.

Fortunately, we had access to family who could help us out, and the bank agreed, after much pleading over the phone, to accept a phone number of a family member for 2FA. But the lesson was clear: without Freedom to Transact, you have very limited options to sustain life.

The Australian government had also placed a Level 4 travel ban on the entire world for its citizens, previously reserved only for war zones. This immediately rendered both our travel and health insurance policies void due to exemption clauses for travel to Level 4 areas.

The Panama Canal then shut to vessels under 80ft. And so began two, often stressful, years at sea, 18,000km from home, reliant on the benevolence of small foreign countries to provide the very shelter that our own country refused to render.

In this crazy chapter of our lives, we faced numerous challenges, yet savoured incredible family experiences. Chiseled by the stress, we entered a heightened state of existence, ultimately transforming it into the most extraordinary time of our lives.

Navigating through immense technical and geopolitical intricacies, we journeyed using little more than wind across 15 countries & territories during the pandemic. With the absence of cruise ships/flights, the Caribbean’s remote tranquility echoed the serenity of the 1950s.

Sailing into endless sunsets, dolphins playfully surfed our bow’s wake, as the stars emerged in the evening sky. We saw numerous volcanic islands materialise on the horizon, and explored untouched jungles and secluded waterfalls.

We spent time with the kids wildlife spotting for monkeys, iguanas, bird colonies. Exploring volcanic landscapes, relaxing in hot springs. Swimming and diving over the reef with turtles and schools of fish. Just enjoying the sea and each other as we watch the kids grow up.

Endless hours at the beach meeting other stranded families from all over the world with vastly different backgrounds but ultimately a shared story. A common experience to bond us together.

We ran our own renewable power systems; solar and wind into a lithium bank. We made our own water via a small desalination unit, caught our own fish. Drank rum punch and watched the green flash from more remote beaches than one could expect to see in tens of lifetimes.

Not all roses obviously. The flip side was the challenges of raising a baby girl and two boys including doing home school in a confined space. Coming up to speed under duress as landlubbers with the realities of sailing, navigation, weather routing, and all boat systems.

Constantly working on the seemingly infinite list of boat maintenance jobs. Endless time spent provisioning and looking for parts. Fitting in the time to work remotely to keep us alive financially. Dragging anchor in midnight squalls, having other boats drag around you.

Enduring sleep deprivation from anchor alarms and a breastfeeding infant, we somehow persevered on multi-day sails without access to additional crew, testing our limits. We then faced extended lockdowns and quarantines everywhere upon arrival.

The mental angst of that initial 91 days of lockdown in the hurricane belt hoping that boarders would open somewhere for Australian flagged vessels before the hurricane season started will be with me for life. Certainly the hardest thing we have done as a family.

The 18 months that followed was a sublimely beautiful yet at times crushingly difficult; in hindsight the most meaningful time in our lives. When we finally made it home to Australia after two years floating on 40ft of fiberglass, it felt like an alternate reality.

People at home stressing about the smallest of issues and arguing over trivial things. The Australia I left, a nation of prolific travellers, was now scared of foreigners in a way I had never thought possible in my life. Something had been lost in the population here.

They had their own lockdown trauma. In a bizarre way being stranded at sea liberated us from it. Forged by circumstance, intermeshed into the physical world around us, our preconceived boundaries of what was possible in life physically and emotionally had been removed.

Yet in other ways it led to a kind of PTSD reintegrating into society. Everyone took for granted simple freedoms like freedom of movement, freedom to always be able to return to your home country, and freedom to transact. We knew first hand how fragile it all was.

I held back releasing ocean work or even this story as I needed time to process the experience. After two years of being back on land I created the Intrepid Ocean series to attempt to work though these thoughts and emotions.

The experience highlighted the fragility of the global norms and governance systems we take for granted. Now after three years back in Australia we are heading back to our boat in the Caribbean to finish what we started. The kids are now 4,8,10. So here we are again on the precipice about to jump off. To find out who we truly are, as individuals, as a family.

Copied in its entirety to make a record; who knows how long the source platform will allow this? He definitely should write it all out in book form.

War in the Middle East and Housekeeping Notes.

1 year, 4 months ago

First, housekeeping; Herschel has been busy this week, so there is a dearth of posts. He may have a report for us coming up.

Next, writing detailed Christian content takes considerable effort, the most significant portion of which is time. It’s always the highest of all honors to be called by God to serve in any capacity, and I also sincerely appreciate Herschel for providing the space for this ministry. As we advance, The amount of Christian writing from me will likely be much lower. I don’t like the prospect of allowing the depth of posts to suffer just to fill space on a web page. We’ll have to see how much writing I can do. To God be all the glory in any capacity or for whatever season a man is privileged to serve. My biggest regrets as a Christian are that I haven’t served more often and more fruitfully; don’t leave God’s work undone, brothers and sisters. Regardless, this doesn’t mean the end of all service; we must press toward the mark.

And finally, war. None of the parties involved are your friends, including your own government. All of them deny Christ; they are none of mine. Though there may be legitimate grievances by some or all parties, it’s not my war. I don’t think Traditional Americans should involve themselves in dying for people who hate them; we have problems at home that need tending.

Eventually, the situation will get out of hand; whether this is that time or not, I don’t know. Have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, check in on your kinfolk and mutual assist friends, and be the strong leader God has chosen. Herschel may have some things to say about the war; I don’t know; my concerns are those God has given me for our mutual care and support; the Middle East is not my people, and frankly, neither is much of North America. None of this is to say we shouldn’t be learning about the weapons and tactics from the battles; do your homework, as always. Tell your family you love them.

Mark Smith on Inside Baseball Stuff Regarding the Second Amendment and Roger Benitez

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 4 months ago

In order to understand what he’s saying, you have to watch it all from beginning to end.

I would also point out that while he focused on who has the burden of proof, and it should always be on the state, if his example is correct, a complete ban wouldn’t have an effect anyway if the example has to do with carry rather than ownership

That may be the second reason the “dangerous and unusual” test must be pressed to the state, not combined into a textual analysis of the 2A.

In order to understand my remark, you’ll have to watch the video.

Constitutional Carry in Omaha Hardly Lives Up to Its Name

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 4 months ago

David Codrea.

“You have the right to carry the gun on you. But you also need to let law enforcement know, for their protection, everything else, so that that you have the firearm on you,” Capt. Keith Williamson of the Omaha Police Department gang unit asserted. He added that additional charges can be “tacked on with other serious charges” to offenses like gang crimes and that the bill forcing the city “to repeal some ordinances around firearms … made it more difficult trying to track guns in the wrong hands.”

“For their protection.”  Why do they get to decide the rules?  I’m not interested in their protection.  I’m only interested in my own protection and that of my family and friends.

Cops don’t rate for protection in my book.

And moreover, I’m never in more danger than when the police are around.  There is no situation so bad that it cannot be made worse by the presence of the police.

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