Important Perspective Going Forward: Can The Government Take Your Guns In An Emergency?
BY Herschel Smith
While most of us wouldn’t just willingly turn over firearms to the government if they came knocking, it’s important to understand the basis behind this righteous refusal.
Mark does a good job teaching you things that are good to know.
On October 20, 2023 at 10:05 am, george 1 said:
Can they take our guns? Yes. If we allow them to. Don’t worry about the “Emergency” the cabal is working at light speed to produce the “emergency.” They have already imported a huge hostile army.
The T bills have crossed the 5% threshold due to weak demand. No one is buying their BS anymore. This is probably why they need a war in the ME right now. If they can’t get that war started then they will import at least one million “Palestinians” to augment the army they have already imported. Ukraine did not work out for them so now on to the ME. Seems the Europeans are starting to have a change of heart about having their economies destroyed by the Empire.
Civilization was nice while it lasted. In any event to survive what is coming we cannot let them take our guns. If they are able to do that then the cattle cars are next.
On October 20, 2023 at 11:04 am, Don't mind me. said:
May 1941, FDR proclaims a “state of unlimited national emergency” in response to the threat of Nazi Germany (how were the Nazis threatening us in 1941?)
Oct 1941, Congress passes the “Property Requisition Act” allowing the government to seize any and all war materiele and private property that could be used to benefit the country’s war effort.
Dec 1941, Pearl Harbor.
Shouldn’t those events have happened in reverse? Or did they know Pearl Harbor was going to happen?
On October 20, 2023 at 4:04 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
“Can the government take your guns in an emergency?”
Yes, they can. Maybe not in accordance with the 2A, constitution and bill of rights, but yeah, if they show up with enough men with badges and guns, they can do it. Note the symmetry, however ~ that in order to take “your guns,” they need guys with guns themselves!
What the gun confiscation crowd are really saying, then, is that they’re fine with government and the authorities possessing firearms, it is ordinary people possessing them which is what causes them problems. This is straight out of the communist playbook, “communism 101,” according to the words of Mao himself:
“Every Communist must grasp the truth; ‘Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.
Our principle is that the Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party.'”
(From “Problems of War and Strategy,” 1938)
It follows that the present regime would follow the precepts of Mao since they are themselves his disciples and modern-day followers.
Plan accordingly and stay frosty, folks….
On October 20, 2023 at 4:13 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
It is germane to note that a national emergency of some kind, whether real or not, would provide the appearance of propriety and legality, as well as a pretext under which privately-owned firearms could be confiscated.
Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans in 2005 provide a modern-day example. Local and regional LE and National Guard forces went door-to-door confiscating firearms in the wake of the disaster, the hurricane and subsequent flooding, ostensibly to “prevent violence and looting,” but in reality, simply because local/state officials decided that they could unilaterally suspend the civil rights of Americans at a whim.
It happened back then, it can happen again…
Question: What sort of “national emergency” could supply such a pretext for action?
Answer: How about World War Three?
Not only would such an event supply a pretext for official suspension of all sorts of civil liberties and protections under the law, the government could also “invite” U.N. forces into American soil, or those of a foreign power.
Not many people are aware of it, but do you, dear reader, know that the People’s Republic of China is operating dozens of police stations in foreign countries, including the U.S. and Canada, even as these words are being typed? Ostensibly, they are for the PRC to supervise and protect their people living/working in the U.S. but that’s just verbal window-dressing. Commies gonna commie….
On October 21, 2023 at 10:49 pm, streamfortyseven said:
“Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans in 2005 provide a modern-day example. Local and regional LE and National Guard forces went door-to-door confiscating firearms in the wake of the disaster, the hurricane and subsequent flooding, ostensibly to “prevent violence and looting,”
Oddly enough, those same cops and LE people – the ones who didn’t run away – engaged in widespread looting, robbery, and murder … there’s something to consider there, too.
On October 22, 2023 at 4:07 pm, Bill Buppert said:
Me: “Drive a rifle or ride a railcar.”
On October 23, 2023 at 12:41 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ Bill Buppert
You have a proven way with words!