BY Herschel Smith
Puppy tried to climb stairs. Cute.
This big cat got tangled up with the wrong crowd. She’s being tossed every which way but loose.
I like it when dogs get rescued. I hope this kind boy finds a good home.
Senior Golden Retriever returns home after being lost in the Alaskan woods for 65 days. Fortunate to be alive.
End of life care isn’t just for humans.
Feral hogs. They’re awful. Kill them when you can.
I’m unconcerned about a golf course, which is just a waste of a good shooting range. But that’s not the point. This could be a farmer’s crops. Or your yard where those hogs left that carnage and disease.
Come along with me on my carnage (I mean course) check this morning. What should be one of the most beautiful golf courses in the country is being destroyed by herds of javelina. If anyone has a contact in AZ state govt that can help us find a solution please pass it along.
— Em Casey (@emcaseyturf) October 22, 2023
On October 31, 2023 at 6:33 am, jrg said:
Not sure if javelina root that thoroughly. I’m guessing feral hog are the real culprit. That appears more likely but I could be wrong.
On October 31, 2023 at 2:40 pm, Latigo Morgan said:
Interesting. I’ve never seen javelina root like that. While folks call them pigs, they aren’t. They are collared peccary.
I do find it entertaining that these folks come out, destroy the desert to build their water-intensive golf courses, then bitch about the native wildlife who have nowhere left to go. It’s those strip-mining housing and golf course developers who dang near caused me to become an eco-terrorist when I was a teenager.
Oh, that was probably somebody’s shooting range before it got turned into a golf course, too.
On October 31, 2023 at 3:07 pm, Latigo Morgan said:
Notice the javelina in the grass in this video. They aren’t rooting like what happened to that golf course.
I’d wager they have a wild hog problem on that golf course, and javelina are being blamed. (They can be quite destructive without any help from the wild hogs, though.) Javelina are a protected game animal, hogs are not. More than one have been quietly dispatched so as to not draw the attention of Game and Fish, after destroying folks’ vegetable gardens.
On October 31, 2023 at 4:03 pm, Matt said:
Speaking of dispatching feral hogs, I must admit that I am a wee bit jealous of a couple of buddies who recently went hunting. From a helicopter. To their credit, they did invite me though. Unfortunately for me, I was needed at work.
On October 31, 2023 at 8:19 pm, Latigo Morgan said:
Dang, Matt! Heck of an opportunity! I would have called in and said my arm was in a sling.
On October 31, 2023 at 9:38 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Don’t EVER pass up a chance to kill feral hogs by any means.
Although I have fun sitting in wait for them and killing by good aim and stealth.
On November 1, 2023 at 9:15 am, Matt said:
@Herschel: Headed to the river bottom this weekend with same buddies who went on the chopper. As one opined: “Vultures like a buffet too.”