NY Homeowner Charged With Felony, Home Seized After Killing 2 in Home Invasion
BY Herschel Smith
Remember Ronald Stolarczyk, the 64-year-old New York homeowner who shot a pair of home invaders and was then arrested because of the gun he used? Well, they’ve gone ahead and charged him with a felony because his firearm, a Rossi 38 revolver which he inherited from his late father, was never registered with the state in Ronald’s name, although it had been legally purchased by and registered to his father.
This in spite of a statement from Oneida County District Attorney Scott McNamara, who stated that it’s unusual to charge such a person with a felony:
McNamara said his office typically prosecutes unregistered guns where the homeowner is present as misdemeanors, and not felonies. The first priority is to get the gun registered, he said. It’s not unusual for a family member to die and the gun gets passed onto a relative who doesn’t register it right away.
As far as the home invasion goes, it turns out this was not the first time Ronald’s home had been burglarized. During the homicide investigation, which so far looks to be justified and will probably not result in additional charges, a lot of Ronald’s stuff that had been stolen previously was discovered at the home of one of the deceased.
This is the DA to whom they refer. Imagine being such a horrible person that you use your powers to prosecute a man for employing his God-given right and duty to defend his life because his firearm wasn’t registered with the state.
Now, rehearse what he said again: “It’s not unusual for a family member to die and the gun gets passed onto a relative who doesn’t register it right away.”
So, registering the gun prevents unintended deaths in the family.
Imagine being so stupid that you would mislead others by saying something like that, knowing it to be both false and irrelevant.
And if you still live in NY, why?
On October 30, 2023 at 11:06 pm, Dan said:
This shyster needs a late night tune up so he truly understands the meaning of the term “violence”.
On October 31, 2023 at 8:40 am, Frank said:
On October 31, 2023 at 11:02 am, Longbow said:
New Yorkers, why do you put up with this?
Why do you allow the State to have a list of what guns you own?
Why do you not stand Manfully and say, “No! Your move.”
On October 31, 2023 at 4:14 pm, Allen said:
It’s not stupidity, it’s evil.
On October 31, 2023 at 7:30 pm, Sisu said:
“And if you still live in NY, why?” …
Imagine where this country might be if generations of immigrants who came through Ellis Island legally, and their progeny, had stayed in metro NYC and fought corruption.
How far should one / how many generations should run before standing their ground ?
Please share what state in the union is less corrupt than NY (perhaps currently less populated before newly relocated illegal immigrants; but wait … your local “world” is changing also ) …
On November 1, 2023 at 1:17 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
Re: “NY Homeowner Charged With Felony, Home Seized After Killing 2 in Home Invasion”
The famous quote comes to mind..
“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.”
~ Ayn Rand
The discerning observer of current events will note that it is already all-but-illegal in places like Great Britain to use force to defend one’s self and family, even inside of one’s own home. I don’t have the story close at hand, but recall reading about a man who’d used a club or maybe a baseball bat on a home invader and had gotten into trouble with the authorities for it. Why a baseball bat? Since many British localities ban the use of not only firearms but edged weapons for self-defense, enterprising Britons have taken to using simple impact weapons like clubs and bats.
The endgame here is several-fold…
First, by dictating what people may or may not do inside their homes, the powers-that-be are eroding the notion of private property and the traditional British common law notion going back centuries that a “man’s home is his castle.”
Second: If the individual cannot exercise his right to self-defense in his own home, can that dwelling be said to belong to him any longer? Not really, which is the point. The oligarchs who mean to rule the world don’t want anyone over whom they rule to possess private property or a home. They’ve made plenty of public statements to that effect.
You will also note that if you cannot defend your very body from harm, you in a very real sense no longer own yourself. That, too, is intentional. The same technocrats and oligarchs want the so-called fourth industrial revolution in which your body is no longer your own, but merged with various forms of networked technology.
Third: The powers-that-be have been attacking the Constitution and Bill of Rights and other similar charters in other nations. The globalist oligarchs do not recognize the same human rights as the vast bulk of humanity, indeed they reject the notion that the serfs and de facto slaves they mean to rule would have any rights at all. Instead, if they cooperate, they’ll have privileges instead. Which can be granted as rewards or taken away as punishments, as the powerful decide.
Here in the U.S., where vast parts of the federal government are concerned, the U.S. Constitution is a dead letter, a relic deserving of being in a museum. Likewise too the Bill of Rights, that charter which spells out the inherent rights and liberties of free men.
The First, Second and Fourth amendments are being attacked the most, but all are under threat in recent years.
Fourth: Ultimately, the “sin” committed by that homeowner was not the protection of his family or himself or his home. The authorities, whatever they may claim, don’t really care about any of those. Rather, it was that he reserved to himself the right and duty to employ force should it become necessary. The state believes that it ought to have an unquestioned monopoly on force and its use, and that is why they dropped the legal code on this man like the proverbial ton of bricks.
If you can’t defend your own home, your own family, your own body… then how can you be said to own any of them? You can’t ~ which under communistic societies, is exactly the point. The state owns you and everything you have. In a nutshell that’s “communism 101″…