Oh, So Let’s Blame Shootings On The Lake City Ammo Plant
BY Herschel Smith
- A World War II-era AR-15 ammo factory is linked to several mass shootings, the Times found.
- The Lake City Army Ammunition Plant was built to supply the US military.
- But the plant shifted to commercial sales in the last decade.
A World War II-era ammunition factory meant to supply the US military has been linked to more than a dozen mass shootings.
The Lake City Army Ammunition Plant shifted to commercial sales in 2011 and is now one of the biggest manufacturers of commercial AR-15 ammunition in the United States. According to The New York Times, it has made “hundreds of millions” of commercial rounds every year since 2011.
The facility was built during World War II and has since been operated by US government contractors to produce ammunition, but its focus has gradually shifted to commercial production as military demand waned, The Times reported.
By 2021, commercial production in the facility was more than two times higher than the rate of production for military ammunition, The Times found.
I see. So we’re putting bullets at the beginning of articles now for idiots to read in two seconds. Alrighty then.
So, here’s another take. The U.S. military should in general avoid foreign entanglements. American citizens should be armed, and in fact, “every terrible implement of the soldier” is the birthright of the American citizen.
Moreover, rather than lay off good men working at the ammo plant, they repurposed the plant to do what they should have been doing all along rather than enabling foreign entanglements, as well as making better American riflemen.
I love a happy ending.
On November 13, 2023 at 1:53 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
There can be a lot of layers to a mystery, and with that in mind, what if the real goal of attacking the Lake City ammunition plant isn’t the prevention of societal gun violence, but something else instead? The shutting off of civilian sales by Lake City may be just what it appears, but it could also be something very different entirely.
The ancient Chinese military philosopher Sun Tzu is known to have said that the greatest general defeats his enemy before battle is even joined. Such a general will also attempt to sow chaos, discord and hardship within the ranks of his foes.
Many of us have seen the reports that 155mm artillery shells are at such low levels in armories and warehouses that only about a week’s supply of the shells exists in places like Germany and in other NATO member stocks. Here in the U.S., supplies are also very low. Not just because our industrial base is nowhere near as robust as it used to be, but because inventories have been foolishly drawn down by protracted wars in the Middle East, SW Asia and now the Ukraine… and have not been replaced.
Inventories of such critical weapons as Man-pads (man portable anti-aircraft missiles) Javelin anti-tank missiles, and other modern weapons are at low, even critical levels, and lead times for replacement vary between months and years.
And now, we read that Lake City ammunition plant is in the proverbial cross-hairs. Why now? It has been operating since WW2 and the anti-gun crowd never seemed to care before, so why now?
A smart and shrewd investigator would look into any connections between Chinese/PRC assets in the West (in particular in the U.S.), and the people trying to put Lake City out of business. Whatever else they may be, the PRC leadership are not stupid. They know that if they can draw down stocks of ammunition, weapons and equipment, or close the defense plants in question ~ that our ability to wage war will be severely curtailed, if not destroyed entirely.
In other words, your country have the bravest troops around, but if you cannot supply them with weapons, ammunition and equipment, they will be out there throwing rocks at the enemy, and probably don’t stand much of a chance. That is the nature of modern industrial-age warfare. A kind of war the wonks in the Pentagon told us was obsolete and gone for good… but they were badly-wrong, as it turns out.
And in the event that that the PRC are not directly-involved, then they can exert pressure via their proxies and cutouts, such as the Bidens and Mitch McConnell and his wife. As they used to say in Vietnam, “The V.C. are inside the wire!” In other words, our society has been thoroughly penetrated by our enemies and adversaries.
On November 13, 2023 at 6:52 am, RCW said:
“Gell-Mann Amnesia” is no less real or prevalent than when Crichton mentioned it in a speech in 2001. If anything, I think it’s worse as the caliber, grasp of the English language & knowledge of history by jounalists have waned.
On November 13, 2023 at 7:48 am, jrg said:
By that logic, we can blame Exxon and other gasoline producers for drunk driving deaths.
’cause if it saves even just one life …
On November 13, 2023 at 1:52 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
The premature loss of Michael Crichton to cancer back in 2008 or so is a loss from which I still haven’t recovered. His penetrating insights about modern life and technology and other matters were – in my view – without peer. Just a very intelligent, thoughtful and insightful gentleman…. and a few of his techno-thrillers and sci-fi novels remain among my favorites of all time.
On November 14, 2023 at 6:37 pm, George said:
Isnt LC the last manufacturer of military small arms ammo?