Major 2A Legal Fight in Federal Appeals Court About Your Right to Train with FIREARMS
BY Herschel Smith1 year, 2 months ago
In the oral argument he presented from the trial, I’m surprised that, when questioned by the judges, the lawyer didn’t bring up the analogy that if a city, county or state chose to tax firearms or ammunition to the point that poor people couldn’t afford them, that would be a violation of the second amendment. Likewise, preventing anyone from being able to practice with firearms also violates the second amendment.
It’s our choice how and when to train, and what to train with, as well as what firears to own.
On November 14, 2023 at 9:46 am, PGF said:
At some point the government will have to come to terms with what bear means in relation to the keeping of arms. So too, sadly, many 2a folks don’t understand what it means to bring arms to bear. Keep and bear do not mean the same thing, nor does bear merely mean to possess outside the home, that’s still, simply keeping. If one is to bear arms, yes, they must first have (keep) them, but in order to bring arms to bear one needs all the attendant components for arms use, including training, that facilitates the bearing of arms. That’s what a regulated militia means; the people have and retain all these rights as duties to perform that arms may be brought to bear. The components include, naturally, magazines and ammo, but all and every type and manner of equipment and accessories that the individual (whose right it is) desires as he deems best for operation and use of the weapons platforms he desires as his right.