When Hidden Cam Catches Cops in the WRONG House | They Get Qualified Immunity?
BY Herschel Smith
He answers the legal questions. Here are my problems – or at least, a few of them.
I don’t believe cops should be doing any of this. Entering homes should be verboten, and the fact that our society allows such as this shows its sickness.
Next, the cops use pistol-mounted lights and muzzle flag literally everyone, or if anyone would have been in the domicile, they would have been muzzle flagging them. This violates the ruled of gun safety regardless of how cool you want to be.
Next, many cops are just plain stupid. He explains what it means to make good effort to ensure that you have the right home, including “reliable informants.” There is no such thing as a reliable informant.
Finally, my biggest problem with all of this is that the American citizen simply cannot trust it when someone announces that they are cops, or Federal Marshal, or anything at all. That has become a favorite tactics of criminals. But unholstering or presenting a weapon in order to secure your home from possible invaders is a sure way to get killed if the invaders are police (and I did use the word invaders).
As I said, the fact that we allow this sort of thing to occur is a sign of a very sick society.
On November 14, 2023 at 12:44 pm, Dirk Williams said:
Hell yes you can sue them.
Why do you guys think all have immunity from prosecution? From their bad deeds?
Judges, States attorneys ADA’s etc etc have limited immunity clauses imbedded in state law. I’m unaware of any LEO’s having such immunities.
They are culpable and accountable. I seem to recall federal enforcement agents a victim MUST get a courts permission for a law suit. I could be wrong. It’s been along time.
On November 14, 2023 at 1:21 pm, Longbow said:
Why don’t everyone just submit and comply?
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=cavity+search+of+the+side+of+the+highway (pick one and watch)
If the nice officer tells you to get on your knees and fellate him, just go ahead and do it, you are obligated to believe he has a good reason for it. Besides, if you feel a little butt-hurt, or feel like you have been wronged, you can always go to Court for redress of your grievance.
To quote that scion of virtue, Sheriff Will Teasle, “People go fuckin’ around with The Law, and all hell breaks loose!”
Submit! SUBMIT! It’s what Free Men do!
Remember, boy and girls, these cops firmly believe they cannot be wrong.
On November 14, 2023 at 6:57 pm, Rick said:
I am for filing criminal and civil against the agencies and individual officers. I wonder how difficult, read expensive, to prove the allegation that the lead officer knew this was a fishing expedition intetionally to the wrong address?
Will the court allow that path to proceed? Will the court disallow the home camera? Both of these questions allude to the problem of courts having that power. You seek justice but end up with a cat and mouse chase arguing the law. Lawyers have made the law nigh unknowably in that the finer points take precedence. Of course, only the practiced eye of the lawyer can discern such. Then prior case law could take precedence and your case argued on the merits of a judge and jury from some other time in some other court.
On November 19, 2023 at 5:13 pm, Dirk Williams said:
Rick, we The People bear the responsibility for allowing “The System” to become so top heavy, it WAS us who took our eye off the ball, didn’t hold the courts the govt responsible.
Way I see it, we live with this SHIT SHOW or we physically recover our country from these communist pieces of dung!
Everybody pisses and whines, ain’t nobody lifting a fat finger to upset the apple cart.
We clearly will not vote our way out of this shit show, I’m not saying don’t vote, I’m saying DO vote but understand it’s not the solution.
While things are bad, wait until AI is up and running stuff. AI will end the world we know.
You thought the communist “ word smiths” were changing stuff, like a sentence here, a paragraph there. You’ve not seen anything. If you hold a specific document such as the Constitution or the Bill Of Rights, then you better collect copies for your personal collection.
I’m almost afraid to see the important written Documents after AI is in charge.
A world with zero accountability’s coming, what I mean is WE will never ever be able to hold accountable those whom created this shit sand which!
Sorry I just had lunch with a constitutional attorney, he educated me/us for a full two hours about what’s on the horizon.
All I know is I do not want what’s coming,,,,,, for my children and grandchildren. We are leaving our loved ones a very bleak future.
We can fix it, it’s gonna take guts, grit and a willingness to sacrifice ourselves for their future.
I’m not holding my breath, I’m not counting much on my fellow patriot to engage, seems we’ve all become fucking pussys!