Violence in Chicago (and the rest of the bad inner cities)
BY Herschel Smith
I guess it doesn’t help when the police are too afraid to chase men who point rifles at other people.
But you see, rather than tackle the root cause of the crime (fatherless homes, welfare, payment for having children out of wedlock, etc.) and quit doing the very things causing the problem in the first place, they’d rather send SWAT teams to wrong addresses in the suburbs and pester you about gun ownership.
This is your tax dollars at work.
On November 29, 2023 at 9:56 am, PGF said:
Conflating war casualties with criminal activity? The wording is very telling of an agenda.
On November 29, 2023 at 10:02 am, PGF said:
And, what we really learn here is that the pentagon isn’t as serious about winning wars as inner city youths are about controlling their drug/gang territory. Don’t join the military, it doesn’t serve America’s interests. Seems to me the best option White Man, is to stay home and tribe up.
On November 29, 2023 at 2:40 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
It is very cynical and evil, the manner in which the so-called political elites and policy-makers use the violence and social pathologies in America’s inner-cities as a de facto weapon against lawful gun owners just trying to exercise their rights.
Note the huge bait-and-switch or red-herring fallacy going on: Violent crime is endemic in the inner-cities, in particular among gangs, yet those crimes and their root causes are not properly-addressed, if they are addressed at all. Instead, the political machine pivots to the vast number of law-abiding gun owners out in the rest of society, and blames them for those same problems, and then works to abridge their rights.
The people who ought to be absolutely “up in arms,” to use the figure of speech, are members of the inner-city communities whose problems are not being addressed. They are the ones really taking it on the chin thanks to these idiotic and unethical policies. Do they realize that they are being used? Because that is precisely what is happening to them.
On November 29, 2023 at 7:13 pm, Reality Free Zone Sign said:
But, but, but, muh gun free zone sign?
The Chicago station comes in on a clear night and host says it is the same shooters who get let out on own recognizance every time, mostly bangers.
Saw a Soros prosecutors map last night and CO had the most, all in the glorious peoples republic of Denverstan.
O/T-Just read about comrade Johnson of the Grand Old Politburo (R) Washington Generals branch of the Uniparty approving more tax money for the 51st state Ukraine.
These things happen with other people’s money.
On November 29, 2023 at 10:56 pm, X said:
Funny… the report doesn’t mention the racial demographics of the perpetrators of the violence in Chicago.
But listening to the media, I would have to assume it’s all caused by Klansmen and white supremacists…
On November 29, 2023 at 11:29 pm, 41mag said:
The website name is bad but it’s a crime and shooting stat tracker for Chiraq.
Not a garbage site, they update the stats multiple times a day.