Controllers Celebrate Demise of NRA
BY Herschel Smith12 months ago
But little do they know we do too in a different way. The quicker the NRA can move out of the way, the better off we’ll be with GOA, FPC and others leading the charge. The NRA scoring no longer means anything for pols, and probably never did. The NRA has negotiated rights away since they’ve been in existence.
No one who knows anything at GOA or FPC believes they will ever compromise on anything. If you think so, read their web sites, and read the FPC Twitter feed (which reads like a declaration of war).
I also listened to an interview with the head of the NAGR recently and he sounded essentially the same as the GOA and FPC.
On December 24, 2023 at 1:18 pm, Paul B said:
That’s what happens when you let lawyers run things.
On December 27, 2023 at 11:44 am, John Henry Jones said:
I dumped them when they supported Red Flag laws. I said that’s the straw that broke the camel’s back! Because anyone who supports Red Flag laws are dead against the Second Amendment!
On December 29, 2023 at 10:25 am, hh465 said:
It’s what happens when anything gets too big and too powerful. There’s a point when an organization starts thinking more about its position in the world and maintaining it’s power and income and perqs than it does about the purpose it was originally formed for. It’s happened to the Red Cross, the United Way, the RNC, most large professional groups,and on and on. I just read an article yesterday noting that the Linux Foundation only spends 4% of it’s budget on Linux. GOA and FPC et al. will get there eventually, if they are successful enough.