Second Amendment Halted in Hawaii
BY Herschel Smith
Those poor folks just take in on the chin, yes? I’ve exchanged email with the president of the Hawaii rifle and pistol club. Nice guy. I’m sorry for this, but after all, it is a communist state superintended by a communist Ninth Circuit.
Note the horns of a dilemma they impale the supposedly free men on: You can’t have our permission without an approved instructor, and we don’t approve any instructors.
A friend responds, would be great if someone enforced the laws on the books, huh?
18 U.S.C. § 241 (conspiracy against rights)
18 U.S.C. § 242 (deprivation of rights under color of law)
On December 28, 2023 at 4:56 am, Joe Blow said:
Commies gonna commie….
Its the stuff like this that makes me feel like the system is lost, the legal system is broken, and there is only one response to prepare for.
Keep it coming commies!!!! My wife now thinks we don’t have enough bullets, and she only knows about half of them! WOOT! GREAT JOB!
On December 28, 2023 at 7:42 pm, scott s. said:
Yes, the big gun banner in the Senate got his bill passed and signed. Prior, you could take the free hunter’s ed course to transfer a pistol or revolver; now you need that for a long gun and must have taken it the past 4 years. For pistol/revolver, you now need approval from police-certified instructor. In Hawaii, LEO consists of 4 county police depts. We have a state sheriff, but their jurisdiction is the courts/serving court warrants. They do have “peace officer” powers, but I haven’t heard of it being used, except the state contracted them to provide security in the airports.